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Everything posted by *Inna*

  1. That is so scary. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  2. :iagree: and :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  3. That's why I answer with "I's best for our family right now" when somebody asks my why we homeschool. If you share the good stuff - you are bragging, if you share the struggles- you're whining. You just can't win. :glare:
  4. Today at the local curriculum show and tell I saw the Story of the World books virtually on every table. :D Go PHP and SWB!
  5. This is terrible. My heart is breaking for this little girl. :(
  6. I remember Smrtmama. She posted in one of her first threads about a certain "field trip" that she and her friend took. It was a local used homeschooling book store. They went in, taking pictures, mocking everything in sight and then getting offended when the owner asked them to leave. She's always seemed ready to be offended. ;)
  7. Thank you for posting this recipe! The one I had was telling me to leave the big pot of kimchi to ferment on the kitchen counter and the stink was unbelievable. My husband begged me not to make it again (poor thing). But it jars, in the fridge- now we're talking! :D
  8. I've made THIS RECIPE twice already. It's good and very quick. :001_smile:
  9. Well, my husband has 3 brothers and 2 sisters and most of the communications with them and their families are on me. I keep in touch, call and visit and he gets the report. ;) The only times the brothers call each other are when they need something. We all live in the same town, by the way.
  10. Um. Something is wrong with me. I read the thread title as "Share your DUI stories". :leaving:
  11. Beautiful! My daughters would absolutely love something like this in their room. :001_wub: :lol: Yep, mine too. Oh, the day that my 2 year old got into a box of permanent markers...
  12. Thanks for posting this! I know my oldest will go nuts over something like this.
  13. I splurged on a bagel sandwich - toasted everything bagel, a bit of cream cheese, sprinkled with chopped green onion, cucumber, ham, tomato, pepperoncini (sp?), cheese. :D
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