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Everything posted by ElizabethB

  1. It's really individual what will help and what won't. My issues are tied into food allergies as well, that makes it harder. If you have pollen or animal allergies, the Covid could have triggered food allergies. If so, an elimination diet may help. You feel worse in the short run but then better in the long run, your body reacts badly to the withdrawal of foods you are allergic to. For some people gluten free and dairy free really helps, that helped my brother, I went gluten free for 6 months, no difference for me. My brother can now eat gluten again after resetting his system for a few years. Nightshades also are bad for some people and eliminating them can help if you are sensitive to them. You could start with a 3 day veggie smoothie fast, that helped me 20 years ago when I was on a strong anti-biotic after being exposed to TB and have to take a crazy strong anti-biotic for 6 months. (That was prior to my food allergies.) I just used a regular blender at the time, there were not the fancy blenders available today. I limited the fruit, I think I had a bit of fruit in them but I don't remember. Wild game for meat or grass fed may help. Fermented foods may help. Digestive enzymes and probiotics helped until I became allergic to them. I am going to try a new probiotic but every 5 days, anything I eat daily I become allergic to, I'm on a 5 day rotation diet. Since I can't tolerate many vitamin or mineral formulations and get bad reactions to them, I occasionally get IV vitamins, they are helpful for me but may not be needed if you can take regular vitamins. They do act faster than normal vitamins so could help. A good functional medicine type doctor can help but there are also quacks out there.
  2. Hugs. I would get all your vitamin levels tested if you have not yet had them tested, including things they don't normally look for like D, B12, magnesium, etc. I have read several articles about how the microbiome (the gut health Jean was talking about) changes after Covid, especially for people with long covid. Here is one: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210113/peoples-microbiomes-might-influence-covid-19-severity-study#1 The things you need to eat for gut health are healthy anyway, Google improving gut health for a variety of ideas. I would take at least a week totally off, get true rest. Hire some help to do chores, let some things go, totally rest up while eating for gut health and taking the things Jean recommended. Eat gut healthy things, some typical flu choices like chicken noodle soup and a lot of liquids. Get the groceries delivered. Have the children do chores and cook. Teach a bit from the couch, have the children bring their books. Listen to a lot of audiobooks, watch some educational YouTube videos.
  3. The SAT/ACT both need to be taken earlier, and are both more skills based then when we all went to college, you can raise your score a lot more by studying the material on the tests. They are also more important for merit aid then they used to be. The ACT has less higher level math, but the SAT has a lot more good study resources. The new SAT orange math books teach all you need to know for SAT math, they are easy to use and are very comprehensive. You need both volumes. https://www.amazon.com/1600-io-SAT-Math-Orange-Book/dp/B08WJZCVD6/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=sat+orange+book+math&qid=1630440965&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExRTcyMTI0SjlPSzI0JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjU1NzQ1NjZIS0JJSFpLUzZYJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1MjgyMDI3RUExV05WU05YTVcmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl For either the ACT or SAT, you also want the ACT/SAT Black book. I would take a practice test of each now and see if you prefer or if one naturally scores higher than the other, then start figuring out a study course for that test, they are different enough that you should select one and study for it. My daughter raised her English score from a few hours of ACT Black Book study enough to get out of 2 semesters of English. My son took a whole semester of SAT grammar study and only gained a few points, but they were the reverse for math, my son gained a lot with a little study, my daughter a little with a lot of study. My daughter's study gained her merit aid of $2K or $3K per year, I'm don't remember the exact number. She would not have scored well enough for merit aid without study. We waited late for her to study, not realizing how skills based the test had become and how important it was for merit aid. We started the process sooner with our son. Erica Meltzer and College Panda have good books for Reading/grammar sections of the SAT and ACT.
  4. I would do phonics in short sessions at least 3 or 4 times a day until she is reading well. I would lesson your other workload except math and streamline what you can, shorten all other subjects except math. I have free phonics lessons that teach to the 12th grade level, I would work through them in addition to what you are doing. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html I would add in a bit of spelling with AAS or Spelling Plus. Spelling Plus is K - 6 spelling organized by rule and pattern, cheap. https://www.amazon.com/Spelling-Plus-Words-toward-Success/dp/187947820X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=spelling+plus&qid=1630263514&sr=8-1 I would drill my chart at least 2 times a day, here is a video about how, the chart is linked on my syllables page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5tU0HviZAE&t=100s Then, use it when she is reading other things, looking up the sounds on the chart on their own (after guided help at first) shortens the time to learn the sounds. After you complete my syllables program, should take 2 to 3 weeks if you do a lesson daily, I would make one of the things you do the Old Open Court, it is long vowel first. You start with the Blue workbook then the Gold workbook. If the Webster's Speller lessons in my syllables program worked well, I would also do a bit of the 2+ syllable words in the full Webster's Speller daily. Both Webster's Speller and open vowels will help accelerate reading grade level progress. (My lessons do as well but aren't a full program.) You could also work through the full Blend Phonics if that went well. http://wigowsky.com/school/opencourt/opencourt.htm The Logic of English game books has a bunch of ideas about how to make phonics more fun: https://store.logicofenglish.com/collections/product-type-supplements/products/game-book I have a free game that is fun and helps to get in a few more minutes of phonics practice after being tired of regular work: http://thephonicspage.org/On Phonics/concentrationgam.html I also have a video about how to make phonics practice more fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b2HyvcWaZA&t=15s I have been a volunteer literacy tutor for 27 years and have worked with hundreds of students and have tested and advised thousands. I started homeschooling because of my tutoring!! The syllables program is the end result of my work with these students over the years, especially designed to quickly teach an older student. They get really excited in the last 4 lessons when they are able to read above grade level multi-syllable words, it is very confidence boosting. Give ample help and make sure she succeeds with the 8th to 12th grade level words, I've had K and 1st grade students successfully tackle them after learning the basic syllables.
  5. I would assess their math and reading levels and see if there are any gaps. For reading, first do my quick screen grade level test to see if they're on grade level: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40L Test.pdf Then, do the MWIA 3 short to see if there is any slowdown or misses. They should not miss any words and they should read both lists at the same rate. http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/The MWIA Version 3 new.pdf Finally, a quick 25 word nonsense word assessment: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/NonsenseWordTest.pdf If they are below grade level or miss any words or have a slowdown on the MWIA or are not reading nonsense words well for their age, work them all through my syllables program. They can watch the videos on their own then come to you to do the work for that video, that will cut your time down a lot. They will get a lot more done if they are reading accurately at grade level. Syllables program: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html
  6. People notice it more with Covid since everyone is paying more attention to less common symptoms, but that has been a well known less common symptom of flu for a while. A biography of Noah Webster showed one of his diary entries noting that he was sure he had a flu, not a cold, because he lost his sense of smell.
  7. March has a QAS, you get to see what questions you missed and the full questions for the whole test for an extra $18. The QAS tests are October, March, and May, they are very helpful for the future if you might need to take it again. It's online and you can order after the fact and get them if you won't know if you need them until after you see the score. I'm just curious either way even if it's the last time.
  8. Well, if it leads to her staying in high school long term, that could be good, right? Band is good for making friends, though.
  9. They really should have a good, easy to use calculator by now. The one I had in high school was superior to the ones out there now. (Late 80's model, I forget the brand.) We have, against our will really, a TI-84, it required getting the for dummies book and a lot of practice. I outsourced calculator practice to my husband, even with the for dummies book. And then, he took over homeschooling Algebra 2, too!! My son also has 2 different Casios, both under $20, that he likes for different things. Finally, he has a $5 or $10 generic simple "backup calculator." He is dual homeschool/public schooled and the schools use the TI-84 but will check one out to you if you can't afford to buy one or don't want to buy one. His algebra 2 teacher was terrible, so we homeschooled that but kept the calculator (we purchased our own.) His pre-calc teacher seems better, we'll see how this year goes. He brought the TI-84 and his favorite Casio to his SAT test, the Casio is easier to use for most things. The Casios are scientific but not graphing. Most of the schools and big SAT companies swear by the TI-84 but it's a pain. There are many students who did well on the SAT who use Casios instead, or both like my son. The Casios are more user friendly and quicker for most operations, but they have a few quirks, too. Both my calculator from high school and my husband's from college (he still has it and it still works!) are easier to use than anything but our son's generic back-up calculator.
  10. In addition to as @MerryAtHopesays, there are free online dictionaries that have etymonological information. The link she cited is best for overall information, but may be overwhelming for a young student. The webster 1895 Academic dictionary has good info and is free at Google books or internet archive. https://archive.org/details/webstersacademi00websgoog/page/n10/mode/2up I also like the book "King Alfred's English" by Laurie J. White. She has additional exercises and links here: https://www.theshorterword.com/king-alfreds-english/student
  11. No, I mean you have to register in the first 5 minutes to get a test anywhere within 200 miles of CA.
  12. You have to register in the first 5 minutes, everyone in CA is signing up for anything within a 200 mile radius of CA. You might be better off driving to Idaho or flying to visit friends in a state like Utah, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, etc.
  13. Books are better than online, especially for last bit of a high score. The SAT has never been online, it is paper, has always been paper, even during COVID. Erica Meltzer for reading, Meltzer and College Panda for writing, Black Book overall. The new 1600io orange book for math, 2 volume series. Take a paper timed/untimed math test, take with her. Time each problem, do 1 problem at a time. Any that you are faster than her or take her longer than 60 seconds (or longer than 45 seconds for the first really easy ones), do more of that type of problem. Also, if she misses, do more of plus read explanation for that section. The appendix in the orange book has practice problems and also sends you to other tests and QAS for extra problems of the same type. I would use the 10 practice tests to monitor progress and the QAS for extra problems. The free portion of 1600io website also has really good explanations of how to think like the test takers for reading and writing for the first 4 practice tests, between that and the Black Book explanations, trains you how they think. In Black book, read all answers to all questions even if you got them right, trains you why the wrong answers are wrong and why the correct answers are right. Tests: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/comments/llxpn0/official_reddit_sat_qas_megathread_pdfs_of_all/
  14. I would use the I See Sam readers and Blend Phonics cards (use for decoding with games like @Gil explains.) They are free online with the wayback machine (Developed for US Government, not under copyright) http://web.archive.org/web/20190329161707/http://www.marriottmd.com/sam/ Don Potter's Blend Phonics cards: http://www.donpotter.net/pdf/blend_phonics_decoding_card.pdf More Blend Phonics things: http://www.donpotter.net/education_pages/blend_phonics.html How to make phonics fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b2HyvcWaZA&t=15s Game book from LOE, a ton of fun phonics games, can use with any program. https://store.logicofenglish.com/collections/product-type-supplements/products/game-book How to teach blending, includes link to little letter sound cards you can use to make it more fun. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/blendingwords.html You can do the basics while jumping and running around, a lot of oral spelling, some whiteboard work, run little cars over letters, jump from letter to letter--print them out big, one letter each, on paper, or an alphabet foam mat. Use talking letter factory DVD for basic sounds if he doesn't know them already, also my chart, color in page 6, drill across and down daily. http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40LChartsCombined.pdf If the short vowels start to be a slog when you hit blends, you can switch over to long vowels first, the old Open Court, Blue then Gold workbooks, free to print. http://wigowsky.com/school/opencourt/opencourt.htm
  15. They are easier to hear in initial sounds. My chart teaches with initial sounds: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40LChartsCombined.pdf I would switch to the old Open Court while working on learning short sounds. It starts with long vowels and has very explicit teaching of sounds. There are videos showing sounds, then Blue workbook, then gold workbook. http://wigowsky.com/school/opencourt/opencourt.htm I would use videos like this to help hear and see vowel sounds, it shows a side view of mouth and tongue and lips while you hear the sound, there are a ton more like it on YouTube, search phonetics and vowels for more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7jQ8FELbIo&t=37s
  16. Phonics Pathways and OPG go to a 4th grade level. Word Mastery, free from Don Potter, goes to a 3rd grade level. http://donpotter.net/pdf/word_mastery_typed.pdf My syllables lessons are free and go to a 12th grade level and include some spelling. Not a complete program, but teaches you how to use Webster's Speller, if you use all the 2+ syllable words in the complete Webster's Speller after you could be good. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html You could also try the old Open Court, it goes to a pretty high level, I'm not sure what exactly, and starts with long vowels, you start with the blue and orange workbooks. It's a good follow on because it starts with long vowels instead of short vowels. It was also meant to be started in 1st grade, not K, and has 2 syllable words early on. http://wigowsky.com/school/opencourt/opencourt.htm
  17. This CAP series incrementally teaches reading comprehension, it is especially valuable for those that are more literal and have to be taught how to infer. Look at samples, level 2 might be fine, but you might also need to start at level 1. https://classicalacademicpress.com/collections/reasoning-reading
  18. Logic of English has online free spelling, similar to SWR, foundations online lite. I would work through that as part of what you're doing, after a few he could perhaps do them while you fold laundry or something. https://elearning.logicofenglish.com I would work through in short sessions, Phonics Pathways and the old Open Court, which is long vowel first, free online, start with blue workbook then gold workbook. It's too bad they no longer sell School Phonics workbooks, they are long vowel first with a lot more repetition than old Open Court, it was the perfect amount of repetition for my son who needed a lot of phonics repetition. Old Open Court: http://wigowsky.com/school/opencourt/opencourt.htm I would also get the Phonics Pathways book Reading Pathways, it's designed to improve fluency, and work that in, do 20 to 25 minutes of each thing spaced out through the day. Maybe alternate Phonics Pathways and Reading Pathways. I would also work though my syllables lessons: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html and then all of the 2+ syllable words in Webster's Speller if the speller works out for you. The Logic of English game book has a ton of phonics game ideas: https://store.logicofenglish.com/collections/product-type-supplements/products/game-book My free concentration game: http://thephonicspage.org/On Phonics/concentrationgam.html
  19. Real Science 4 Kids. Find the correct Building Blocks book and you'll have all the sciences, not just chemistry. Great pictures, she is a Chemist so she uses real language of science in short approachable sentences.
  20. It is better to do short separated work. For example, 15 minutes of phonics in the morning and 15 in the evening is better than 40 minutes all at once. These are good phonics videos to watch on her own if you have a time when she is supervised by someone who could play a video. They are long for the age, take breaks after every 15 to 20 minutes. Lesson 0 and maybe a bit of 1 are to the parent more than the child, zero for sure, I can't remember about 1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHnIVm9OG9zIdtOtUHAtoUw
  21. BJU phonics has a lot of sight words. Are there any private schools that use A Beka or Victory Drill Book or another good phonics program instead? I've remediated a lot of children with too many problems from learning sight words. Why and how to teach them with phonics: http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/sightwords.html Bookmark form: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40LSightWordsBookmarks.pdf If there are still sounds she's having trouble learning, use my chart, have her color it in with colored pencil and look them up while reading (after a week or so of drilling it and you guiding her on how to look up things when needed.) Looking them up themselves makes the children learn the sounds much faster. Page 6: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40LChartsCombined.pdf 100EZ lessons is a good phonics program. Keep going with that, you can use the chart with any program.
  22. A good follow on to what you're doing for review of everything is Lial's Basic college math, they have a geometry section now in the 9th edition. As a bonus, it says "college" in the title so they feel smart while doing the basics!! A used paperback copy is fine, there are several for cheap right now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321825535/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1&asin=B00AEFU3RQ&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
  23. A good follow on to what you're doing for review of everything is Lial's Basic college math, they have a geometry section now in the 9th edition. As a bonus, it says "college" in the title so they feel smart while doing the basics!! A used paperback copy is fine, there are several for cheap right now. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321825535/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1&asin=B00AEFU3RQ&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
  24. The 1879 McGuffey readers build to SAT level by the 6th reader, they gradually increase in difficulty and have difficult vocabulary defined. My son is not great at Language Arts overall, but did well on reading because I made him read high level things and read thorough the McGuffey readers. Grammar is another story. After 3 months of study, he went from getting only 20 of the grammar questions right to getting around 30 correct. He is good at math, his math improved very quickly with the 1600io orange books. He didn't study for reading, just years of high level reading to draw from. McGuffeys: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/5671 There are also the Parker Readers, Parker 4th and 5th readers, you can skip elocution. https://books.google.com/books?id=30wSAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=parker+reader+inauthor:parker&lr=&as_brr=1&ei=11CnR5LlBZXaygTL_v3hBw%20#v=onepage&q=parker%20reader%20inauthor%3Aparker&f=false https://books.google.com/books?id=ByBKAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=parker+reader+inauthor:parker&lr=&as_brr=1&ei=aFGnR9rrO4mWzAT9r_XPAw#v=onepage&q=parker%20reader%20inauthor%3Aparker&f=false Then, the free portion of 1600io website has more of each book or passage the SAT reading passages come from, read more of those that you struggled with, looking up any vocabulary you don't know. Each genre has its own most common vocabulary. Also, older readings have different sentence structure and longer average sentence length. The average reading grade level of SAT passages is 12.5. Reading grade level test: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On Reading/Resources/40L Test.pdf My free lessons teaching phonics to the 12th grade level, follow on with all of the 2+ syllable words in Webster's Speller. http://thephonicspage.org/On Reading/syllablesspellsu.html You can also improve your reading speed by over learning sounds and syllables. I have a video about how to do that, then do daily sound and syllable drills. If there is a slowdown on the MWIA (linked on the end of my syllables page) you also need to do daily nonsense words drills. Here is a video about the science behind sounds, syllables, and reading speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtKN6j1apDs&t=267s
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