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Everything posted by cillakat

  1. ACE inhibitors, some antiinflammatories will help dampen down a cytokine storm. So can optimal D levels. Read on. share as needed/interested. All information is mine and from evidence based sources. I didn't have time to cite......so do with it what you will. http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AV...ZGd3a2N3&hl=en Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu. Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*. It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home. What can you do to prevent or treat the flu? Consider: •Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free. Effective treatment: •Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging) •High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day FOR THREE DAYS, then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D. Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors: •Aspirin, Adults only; never children or adolescents (reduces cytokines). •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking daily and/or gargling with it. •High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage. Effective Prevention: •Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines) •50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'. •Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number. •Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine. •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Drink it or gargle. •Probiotics. Take daily. May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures: •Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor) •Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol) •Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water . •Black pepper (reduces cytokines) •Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey. •Coconut oil (reduces cytokines) •Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity) Assess carefully: •Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding. •Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding. •Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking. •Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts. •Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/newsl...itamin-d.shtml Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17352842
  2. Use of oral steroids puts one at risk for an especially severe viral or bacterial infection on any kind one it comes to that individual. However, using oral steroids during a severe respiratory infection where breathing is compromised improves outcomes b/c....well....breathing is good and it decreases inflammation enough to breathe. ACE inhibitors, some antiinflammatories will help dampen down a cytokine storm. So can optimal D levels. Read on. share as needed/interested. All information is mine and from evidence based sources. I didn't have time to cite......so do with it what you will. http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AV...ZGd3a2N3&hl=en Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu. Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*. It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home. What can you do to prevent or treat the flu? Consider: •Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free. Effective treatment: •Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging) •High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day FOR THREE DAYS, then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D. Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors: •Aspirin, Adults only; never children or adolescents (reduces cytokines). •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking daily and/or gargling with it. •High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage. Effective Prevention: •Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines) •50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'. •Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number. •Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine. •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Drink it or gargle. •Probiotics. Take daily. May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures: •Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor) •Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol) •Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water . •Black pepper (reduces cytokines) •Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey. •Coconut oil (reduces cytokines) •Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity) Assess carefully: •Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding. •Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding. •Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking. •Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts. •Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/newsl...itamin-d.shtml Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17352842 :) K
  3. on another note....here's some info I put together regarding prevention and tx of H1N1: ACE inhibitors, some antiinflammatories will help dampen down a cytokine storm. So can optimal D levels. Read on. share as needed/interested. All information is mine and from evidence based sources. I didn't have time to cite......so do with it what you will. http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AV...ZGd3a2N3&hl=en Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu. Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*. It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home. What can you do to prevent or treat the flu? Consider: •Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free. Effective treatment: •Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging) •High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day FOR THREE DAYS, then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D. Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors: •Aspirin, Adults only; never children or adolescents (reduces cytokines). •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking daily and/or gargling with it. •High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage. Effective Prevention: •Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines) •50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'. •Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number. •Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine. •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Drink it or gargle. •Probiotics. Take daily. May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures: •Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor) •Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol) •Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water . •Black pepper (reduces cytokines) •Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey. •Coconut oil (reduces cytokines) •Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity) Assess carefully: •Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding. •Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding. •Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking. •Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts. •Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/newsl...itamin-d.shtml Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17352842
  4. ACE inhibitors, some antiinflammatories will help dampen down a cytokine storm. So can optimal D levels. Read on. share as needed/interested. All information is mine and from evidence based sources. I didn't have time to cite......so do with it what you will. http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AV...ZGd3a2N3&hl=en Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu. Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*. It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home. What can you do to prevent or treat the flu? Consider: •Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free. Effective treatment: •Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging) •High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day FOR THREE DAYS, then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D. Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors: •Aspirin, Adults only; never children or adolescents (reduces cytokines). •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking daily and/or gargling with it. •High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage. Effective Prevention: •Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines) •50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'. •Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number. •Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine. •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Drink it or gargle. •Probiotics. Take daily. May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures: •Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor) •Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol) •Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water . •Black pepper (reduces cytokines) •Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey. •Coconut oil (reduces cytokines) •Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity) Assess carefully: •Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding. •Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding. •Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking. •Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts. •Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/newsl...itamin-d.shtml Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17352842
  5. share as needed/interested. All information is mine and from evidence based sources. I didn't have time to cite......so do with it what you will. http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AV...ZGd3a2N3&hl=en Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu. Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*. It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home. What can you do to prevent or treat the flu? Consider: •Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free. Effective treatment: •Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging) •High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day FOR THREE DAYS, then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D. Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors: •Aspirin, Adults only; never children or adolescents (reduces cytokines). •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking daily and/or gargling with it. •High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage. Effective Prevention: •Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines) •50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'. •Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number. •Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine. •Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Drink it or gargle. •Probiotics. Take daily. May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures: •Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines) •Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor) •Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol) •Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water . •Black pepper (reduces cytokines) •Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey. •Coconut oil (reduces cytokines) •Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity) Assess carefully: •Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding. •Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding. •Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking. •Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts. •Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1: http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/newsl...itamin-d.shtml Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17352842
  6. google Type I diabetes vitamin d http://www.google.com/search?q=type+I+diabetes+vitamin+d&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  7. Dont' be concerned:) I posted a great document on what you can do to dampen down excessive cytokine activity (natural ACE inhibitors and cytokine reducers).....just search for it....maybe search H1N1. Also, the people really at risk are ones with underlying lung issues and weight issues. I have both. I did get H1N1. I did get on tamiflu w/in 2 days. My symptoms are seriously seriously mild - no fever.....normal activities at home. I self quarantined for a while (3-4 days) but am out and about now. I'm not coughing any more than I normally do (allergies, maybe GERD etc) and I feel fine. A teeeeeensy bit achey. A teeeeensy bit 'off'. But it's so minimal that I'm sure no one else would notice. On the 'never' sick front: I wouldn't classify 18 mos since the last illness as 'never' sick. That's at least once every 18 mos (if that's a pattern for you). Never sick to me means once every five to 10 years. DH has been sick One Time in the 13 years that we've been together. One time. It's amazing. I consider my immune system to be moderate.....I get something mild about 2x per year but it's so mild that my normal activity continues.. I treat it with high dose A, D, zinc, zicam etc and it's all good. However, what comes after the ubermild viral thing is for me, very serious. It almost always turns into pneumonia. That's not about immune function but probably about anatomical inflammatory changes that occured over time in my lungs b/c my dad was a 3.5 pack per day smoker until I was 8 years old. In the house. In the car (windows closed) etc etc Having said that.....getting my D levels up to optimal seems to be helpful.....extremely helpful. :) K
  8. Digestive enzymes GlutenEase (great for casein issues as well....for accidental or purposeful ingestion of gluten or casein) http://www.google.com/products?q=glutenease&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=f2yiSvOMCMaStgfdnqz9Dw&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4 (of those, I like luckyvitamin the best) Garden of Life Ω-zyme (for all meals incl gluten/casein) http://www.luckyvitamin.com/item/itemKey/62744?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=fpl&utm_term=GardenofLifeOmegaZyme90Caplets&utm_content=62744&utm_campaign=googlebase&site=google_base and significant amounts of magnesium - magnesium is nature's calcium channel blocker.....if you're getting muscle cramps then increasing magnesium and potassium will be helpful. think of calcium and sodium as the contractors - Mg and K as the relaxors. magnesium glycinate (best form of magnesium except for the $$ proprietary time release form available in my beloved Jigsaw Magnesium) http://www.luckyvitamin.com/item/itemKey/52268 Baby aspirin for the inflammation......I take one or two per day as needed if I get "glutened". It helps tremendously. :) K
  9. It's not normal.....I have one too. He needs help.....even if it's just some cognitive behavioral therapy to work on *not feeling so angry* so easily......and not freaking out if the anger is there. Two AMAZING books: _The Explosive Child_ _Transforming the Difficult Child_ Both should be available from the library. Katherine
  10. they aren't notified or anything......if they have a lot of friends, they'd have to be looking for you specifically to see if you were there or not. I would never know if someone unfriended me. and I wouldn't care either. K
  11. I really wouldn't recommend SJW. Consider it a strong drug. One that interacts with many other drugs, creates problems if surgery is needed, increases photosensitiity. Holy Basil is perhaps a better choice....... best choice: get 1000 IU vitamin d per 25 lbs body weight. Every day. I can help with the baby steps. If it weren't for some very helpful friends of mine six years ago....I'd probably not be alive to post you this note. As it stands, I'm doing pretty darn good - great in fact lots of the time. _Depression Free Naturally_ is also a good place to start. :) K
  12. yes, if you have h1n1 now, which is likely.....you will have immunity to it while in it's present form. a huge number (at least half probably more) are presenting fever free according to a well cited NYTimes artile. :) K
  13. I have it right now. I'm very high risk and have had pneumonia 9 times. Yesterday when I first felt symptoms, I went in to the doc and got an rx for tamiflu and prophy abx ( bc it always turns into bacterial pneumonia when I start w a simple viral uri) This illness is vv mild for most folks (me incl) and the tamiflu kicked in before it could get bad for me. 36h later, I am at 100%. I'm also taking v high doses of d, just got my d blood test results back and have ideal d blood levels, have been doing the green tea, pomegranate, aspirin, zinc etc to help in other ways. So far so good....... But also recognizing it can change quickly. K
  14. Yes. But would it matter if it wasn't? You'd still separate yourselves from others anyway....get some masks so if you have to go out while sick, you can put them on the sick ones.... :) K
  15. Well, it is complicated. It does slightly, but its also very VERY anti-inflammatory which is beneficial. I guess I see it this way: Elderberry fights cold/flu by increasing cytokines. Fish oil does what it does by many pathways, one of which is a *slight* increase in cytokines. I could take 3 tbsp of fish oil per day and it wouldn't treat my cold/flu like elderberry would;P........it's action via that pathway is exceptionally small. I will continue to take fish oil......and eat some occasional chocolate. Occasional (small quantities) might mean daily:) Katherine
  16. Pretty much. What symptoms would you normally go out and about with? Stay home with? K
  17. So far you're wrong. Far more than 100 people have died of H1N1 - 1,100 is a lowball estimate- and there is no public pressure that I'm feeling for the vaccine. In fact, most are incredibly suprised when I tell people I'm signing up for the next trial round at Emory. Even my very provaccine friends and family members have concerns about the safety of the H1N1 and are not rushing to line up for the vaccine nor are they pressuring others. Katherine
  18. That happened in GA last year too....the we're going to be tough on non-vaccinating parents. But in the end it was nothing. They only wanted proof of vaccines OR a vaccine waiver. There was no forced vaccinating. They just wanted boxes checked. It's amazing to me what people will believe. Katherine
  19. Huh? Nothing in that opener made sense. Not testing is the norm now the world over except where sampling studies are being done. There is no mandatory vaccine and the EU and we aren't part of the EU. Katherine
  20. Seriously;p And the frightening thing is that it DIDNT disappear during the summer like a good flu virus should;) K
  21. Unfortunately, it is. It is more contagious and more risky to several subset populations (which have been discussed ad nauseum;p) For the person who doesn't have complications or a more significant go around with H1N1, it's not a difficult virus: for many, it's 1.5-2 days of minor to moderate illness. The problems arise when someone does have complications that come on with suprising rapidity - often after a seeming improvement in initial symptoms. I just had to head over to a friends house with prednisone, various nebulizer meds, inhalers and to see if we 1) needed to go into the ER right away OR 2) could get her serious flu symptoms under control to avoid the ER For most people. For some though, it is already something worse. The fact that it's more contagious than initially thought is also of concern. The numbers that are showing up in the northern hemisphere is Very Concerning for this time of year. It's unheard of. Katherine
  22. Masks are helpful if they fit properly. While there are likely spaces around the edges that allow the virus to pass through, most media reports miss the point entirely: it's less about a tight seal and much much more about the fact that when wearing a mask, one is less likely to put hands to nose and mouth. this alone significantly reduces transmission; fit issues aside. katherine
  23. 7-10 days after onset of symptoms (regardless of fever since new info is showing massive numbers are presenting w/o fever). in some cases, kids may be contagious for 14 days. K
  24. I hope you did as well! Also worth keeping in mind is that Pertussis outbreaks are in full swing all over the place.....but a high fever is not typical at all of Pertussis - serious flu/cold symptoms illness aren't associated with pertussis, just serious fall out from serious coughing. crossing fingers for you:) K
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