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Urban Girl

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Posts posted by Urban Girl

  1. I think keeping track of what people gives is distasteful. If you are someone who gives so much to want to declare it on your taxes you can write a check. The check is proof enough you gave to the church.




    I can understand why it would be distasteful if the process is abused, but I have not had that issue. My husband and I give generously to our church and we DO want to know that proper records are kept. We have not had problems with folks "keeping track" of what we give. Additionally, if you contributed $250 or more to your organization, you must receive written acknowledgment from the organization stating the amount of cash you donated, as well as a statement as to whether or not you received anything from the organization, such as goods or services, in return. I like everything above board - no misunderstandings - done decently and in order.

  2. OK, I read the book--thanks to the OP for posting the link! I am frankly surprised at how critical this discussion has been. After reading, I am very impressed by the Swann family and their dedication to making their educational vision a reality. The book doesn't come across to me as a "how to" guide for radically accelerating your children; I see instead one family's account of homeschooling as pioneers and achieving success in their own goals through persistent hard work and dedication. I find it very encouraging, not because I want to imitate them but because I also have a unique vision for my family and am working to make it a reality.



    It's easy to Monday morning quarterback the path this family chose. I read "No Regrets" a few years ago and always desired to hear more from the mother. No matter what the goals are for your family, there are some things to learn from Joyce Swann, as someone mentioned earlier, dedication of time, developing a plan, and being consistent.


    Big thanks to Joyce Swann for sharing the principles that made their homeschooling experience a success.

  3. The mayor of Boston is vowing to block the restaurant from opening in "his" city, claiming that the restaurant "discriminates" against gay people. Never mind that any gay couple (or any person at all) can walk right in to a Chik-Fil-A, order a meal without any questions being asked, and then carry on with the rest of his day, no challenges, no nothing.


    Um, isn't Mayor Menino being a bit . . . "discriminating"?


    Head of company doesn't agree with mayor's personal stance on controversial issue = business is then not allowed to open in that city? REALLY?!


    Does our Constitution still HAVE a first amendment????


    That one really screams hypocrisy. I would think Mr. Menino would be more concerned about bringing jobs to the Commonwealth instead of practicing the very discrimination he claims to oppose.


    Mr. Cathy was being interviewed by the Baptist Press. I would really be shocked if he gave any other answer. They have been in business for 56 years with the reputation of supporting Christian values.


    For those who are "boycotting," I supposed you don't have a problem with the "million moms" group boycotting JC Penneys.

  4. Me too. :D


    I'm still trying to understand exactly why we thought it was a good idea to buy a time share. The only thing we can do is pay it off, and then return it to Marriott to maintain our credit and be rid of the outrageous "yearly maintenance fees." This has been a painful and expensive lesson. :angry:

  5. Our ds has been playing classical guitar for years. We and his teachers love these Strunal guitars. I buy them from http://www.meantone.com/StudentGuitars.html


    as this guitar instructor sells them less expensively than most shops. He's also easy to work with via the phone/internet.


    I second this company. When I ordered my son's guitar I was surprised at how soon we received it. Something like within 23 hours. David was very helpful answering all my questions and a pleasure to do business with.

  6. Yellow Dock is a great source to increase iron levels. I have taken it with iron and dramatically brought my iron levels up in 2 months in preparation for surgery. When i got to the hospital the intake nurse kept asking if I had a transfusion because my iron levels had changed so much in such a short period of time.


    Do a search for "yellow dock anemia" and you'll find plenty information. Here is one site to get you started: http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/15/58.cfm


    Hope this helps.




    eta: I used Yellow Dock capsules. (The blood building iron teas are a bit vile for me)

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