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  1. Funny you should ask - it's going great now, but wow was the last month an adventure. We had a scare with my dog (she's my little pal) that she had cancer, she was bleeding and it was just plain terrible because she has heart issues which make anesthesia/surgery dangerous for her. Amazingly, we just found out that the doctor was wrong and she does not have cancer and she's great! What a relief.


    Our school year is going very well. I'm planning two weeks at a time, and while that hasn't allowed any leeway for time off, it is going great and we're getting lots of fun things done. Although we're only doing K, I've added in sort of an experimental curriculum that has lots of fun activities and I'm very excited that it is going even better than I'd dared to hope.


    We've discovered that KUAppearances is on twice during the weekends!!! Last week she sang at Emmett. Boy that show just never gets old. I hope all is well with you.

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