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Everything posted by misty.warden

  1. I was like that as a kid and went to PS the whole time. Sometimes I feel like I still have to check in with my friends and colleagues with something like "are you still interested in this discussion? I feel like I waylayed you a bit and am dominating the conversation." Some people are just not as intuitive with things like gauging the other person's interest or socially appropriate times for conversation. The assumption seems to be that PS will give kids like that the opportunity to learn those things, even if it's implied rather than directly taught. Anecdotal evidence of mine: Not even remotely true.
  2. What I got out of the article: French doctors don't diagnose ADHD the same way American doctors do; they literally have different diagnostic criteria and culturally different views on what constitutes "normal" childhood behavior and as a side note "OMG France is different than America in what is seen as the most appropriate parenting method (early use of CIO, corporal punishment, set mealtimes)." I would assume that means that French children must be much further outside what Americans would view as "normal" behavior-wise to get an ADHD diagnosis, and even then medications are not the first treatment their doctor would suggest. The inclusion of differences in parenting style seemed totally shoehorned in, IMO and didn't add anything to the scope of the article.
  3. OMG for me, yes they are worth every penny. The fat preschool pencils they make are not, unless I'm using the included sharpener WAY wrong. I use sewing thread for this, dental floss is expensive.
  4. That sounds terrible. Do you have any reason to suspect that someone abandoned it and is expecting (specifically) you to adopt it? Just because you get it out of the woods doesn't mean you have to keep it forever. Bringing it to a shelter would at least keep it from starving or being killed by a predator and give it a chance to find a forever home.
  5. I don't see any reason why you should feel bad about quitting Facebook if you're not getting any benefit from it and dislike feeling obligated to "like" things you don't care about.
  6. I have an unpopular opinion in this situation. Respect for my authority as the parent is a hill to die on for me, I know not everyone agrees. Any adult in charge of my child who deliberately goes against something I specifically told them was a family rule, whether it's TV viewing, restricted foods, or any other issue, would not be spending any time alone with my child for a good long time. Many grandparents will be indulgent to try to foster a close relationship with their grandchildren, but I do not believe the intention excuses the undermining of your role as the parent. Your house, your rules? We won't be coming to your house.
  7. I think a lot if the 90% are women who think a bra is supposed to feel that way, when it actually doesn't fit as designed but they don't know any better. For example, I have never ever in 15 years of bra wearing had a bra where the gore sat flat on my chest, even after professional fittings from multiple stores and online guides, I thought that's just how it was if you had big boobs so bully for me, right?
  8. There does seem to be some division on the subject, mostly because a lot of what is "preschool and kindergarten curriculum" (colors, numbers, manners, exploratory play learning) is considered by many to be parenting, not schoolwork. I homeschool PreK because I want DS to get used to a little of formalized school and gradually ramp up the bookwork, rather than waiting until he's 6 and dropping a stack of books and saying we're getting down to business, KWIM? (Classical and books is my style, so going from 6 years of unschool type exploration with no bookwork to suddenly change would be a huge shift that I think would be difficult, obviously this depends on how rigid your schedule for elementary is.) "Meeting your kid where they are" when they turn 6 has a lot to do with what you do with them before they get there. Every child is different, ditto every parent and teaching method.
  9. Usually the same reason incoming freshman football players have summer training and incoming musicians have band camp: the season starts immediately when school does and they need to be in shape and know the plays/songs/routines. It takes weeks to build up strength and to learn those complicated steps and stunts safely.
  10. I've planned to HS since before DS was born, and sometimes I still think about changing to PS even though I have curriculum planned (and in some cases, bought) already told everyone my plans, etc just because a break five days a week sounds heavenly after having been a single parent since birth. Totally know where you're coming from, OP. And then I remember even if he's in PS I might have to afterschool, deal with extra activities with way less time since most of the day he's at PS, dealing with buses, and all the other issues that made me want to HS to begin with :willy_nilly: .
  11. Yeah... I can see that being a horrible realization for someone on their first gas oven :ohmy: My electric I use the bottom drawer for pots and pans because that's what I've always seen others do, I don't know if it would have occurred to me if I hadn't seen family and people on TV doing it. Slightly related, ordering a new oven can be frustrating if you use the bottom drawer for storage because they're not all the same size. Grandmother was not happy.
  12. I have gone both ways, there are people spreading intolerance and fear on both sides and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't made me question if being Catholic is "worth" being associated with people who say horrible things, but those people are somewhere in every group I've ever belonged to. Religion doesn't have a monopoly on hate speech, sometimes they are the loudest and most visible though. Not trying to change your mind, just wanted to let you know you're not alone in being put off by that kind of thing.
  13. I think that also answers this next quote, except to point out that the US is NOT a democracy, it is a representative republic. I think people confuse being a democratic nation with being a democracy, they do not have the same meaning. So democratic but not a true democracy since we elect representatives rather than having to do all of our own interpretation of precedent individually and vote on every issue. How does that negate my question of how people, even elected reps, should vote without their religious or non-religious views?
  14. I reference civilians voting personally (sometimes to elect legislators) and legislators voting professionally, exactly as you say "How [can they] separate religious convictions from making just laws for everyone…?" I don't know that one can since there doesn't seem to be a neutral stance when the choices are yea and nay.
  15. Emphasis mine in all the examples. There was one that alluded to "what if a Muslim belief becomes the law in the United states and Christianity is the minority? You wouldn't like that" that I haven't been able to find. My point is no one has to justify "why" they vote a certain way to anyone, we don't have literacy, civics, or do-your-morals-align-with-popular-opinion tests before we get to vote. I absolutely think we can disagree as to the perceived correctness of our conclusions, mostly because both sides seem to be operating with very different and sometimes opposed premises but that's logically sound, but telling someone they shouldn't vote with their conscience seems weird to me. I don't take off my "Catholic hat" when I vote, it's not a hat, it's part of who I am.
  16. They've been told they should not vote based on their religious point of view because it doesn't apply to everyone or may go out of favor if their belief becomes the minority and how would they like it if another religion was the majority and had influence on the laws, in essence that they should either vote in a moral vacuum or abstain when it's an issue that they do not deal with personally.
  17. I'm confused as to why anyone in what is at least called a democracy is being told they have "no right" to vote for legislation (or to put people in office who have a stance for what the citizen would like to see happen) because their stance is not what yours is. By all means, think my vote is wrong, but seriously I have no right to vote as I please because you don't like the reason I'm doing it? Maybe my civics class was worse than I thought because I was pretty sure that's not how democracy works.
  18. I wish I could be this optimistic, but I've seen the conversations about this case on other internet sites, an entire tumblr devoted to tweets saying abhorrent things, and this is a diverse community so I don't assume everyone agrees and sees things my way (that there isn't anything controversial about the decision). I hope we all are able to talk about things civily, however the evidence I've seen so far doesn't support it being more likely than a thread turning ugly due to disagreement and misunderstanding, sad as that is.
  19. I had a really short stomach bug last week, three vomits in about 6 hours then bad stools, then weakness and all food/drinks tasting disgusting for about 20 hours. It cleared super fast and seems to be going around the way you describe.
  20. Why court disaster though? We can't even talk about crockpots without things turning ugly :blushing: Dandelion, can you use vodka as a substitute liquid in cupcakes? or frosting?
  21. I can see this thread going so bad so many ways not even a cupcake in a kilt made of vodka could save it.
  22. I see a lot of this in the States, usually in the form of redundant allergy warnings. Peanut butter: Warning may contain nuts. "May"???
  23. Was going to say what Tibbie said and she did it better than I ever could. Businesses doing "it" for the money (whatever the "it" is, in this case changing the product to match the market) isn't a bad thing, and in many cases can be good. Yes, the Christian thing to do, if by Christian you mean kind, altruistic, and in the spirit of love and sharing, would be for SL to make quality education available to everyone. As a Christian company (one that's ultimate goal I would think would be spreading the word and love of God) would want everyone educated so that they could make faith decisions with full knowledge and reasoning, however since SL is a business first *I* don't expect that of them. Some people did, hence the being upset that SL is not living up to that expectation. KKinVA and others make a good point though: it's not really news where SL is concerned (and the stereotype of Xtians being hypocrites is getting some mileage here, whatever. It has happened and it's worse when someone who claims moral authority behaves badly because we hold them to a higher standard, KWIM?)
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