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Everything posted by MeanestMomInMidwest

  1. Wonderful! Your song illustrates perfectly why I need 2 bathrooms. One for the girls and one for the boys (I have two who have yet to hit teenage years. I could add a verse to your song about pee around the base of the toilet and toads in the sink. Once I came home to find a bass swimming in my bathtub - 'cuz they wanted me to see it)
  2. I know this may sound odd and I don't want to offend, but has this girl been the victim of sexual abuse? Please don't take offense, but sometimes lack of hygene can point to a larger issue, and sometimes it can be sexual molestation/abuse. If that's not the case here, please just forget I said anything. :grouphug:
  3. I bought my Nook a while ago and love it. Over the Independence Day holiday Barns & Noble offered many classics free. Most others are 99 cents to $1.99. You can also get books from Project Guttenberg online. Don't forget to download all your updates, they really improve the Nook's functioning. Also, be sure to get the Daily every Friday because they always offer a free book. Usually it is not something I want, but sometimes it is a good book. I'm actually thinking of getting the less expensive Nook for my son, who is constantly stealing mine. The only difference (besides price) is that the less expensive one only has WiFi access, not the 3G anywhere access. Happy reading! ETA: I almost forgot my favorite feature: The dictionary! You can look up any word in the text you are reading and receive a definition. It is a bit cumbersome to navigate to the word if it is in the middle of the page, but worth it for the kids to know definitions in context.
  4. While waiting for adoption options to become clear, perhaps you could fill your desire for for an infant by volunteering in some capacity. I know some hospitals still recruit volunteers to rock babies, perhaps a young mother near you would appreciate a break from her infant, or you could find some outlet through your church.
  5. I hate to see coffee go to waste. It is one of the few leftovers I actually eat. Most mornings start out with me reheating yesterday's coffee in the microwave whilst today's pot brews. I have also been known to throw a scoop of coffee on top of the already-used coffee grounds, and pour more water into the machine so I can fool my dh into thinking I actually made a whole pot of fresh coffee, when in reality is is a combination of yesterday's coffee and some (somewhat) fresh-made brew. He refuses to drink day-old coffee, which confounds me because he eats food out of the refrigerator that I can't even remember cooking its so old. ETA: Our coffee machine makes the coffee into an insulated thermos-type pot without a burner. Although for me, I'm not sure it would make a difference. I've reheated coffee at my parents' house from the day before and they have a traditional glass pot on a burner machine.
  6. I actually had thoughts along the same lines, but was afraid I'd be accused of reading too many Stephanie Plum novels. :D
  7. something expensive like a cell phone, I would take to the police station. I may try a few calls, but would not have kept it more than a couple of hours. That way, if the owner is never found, it may be yours free and clear and then you can take it to the provider's shop and get a new sim card.
  8. you may be frazzled and upset, but your post is still making me chuckle... I hope your night gets better and Jake's diapers get more absorbent. :grouphug:
  9. well, now I'll be thinking of this bizarro behavior every time I see one of his movies. Thankfully I can't think of any movie of his I watch regularly or think is good enough to rewatch. Although, wasn't he in some movie where he played some mentally unbalanced conspiracy theorist? I might want to rewatch that one.
  10. Without the package there is nothing for them to take a report on. If it happens again, call the police before you take the package to FedEx. Hopefully if this was something sinister, the perpetrator won't try again, as it defeats his/her purpose to have the package actually accepted and returned to FedEx.
  11. I do everything online. My debit card purchase shows up within the hour as pending and is subtracted against the total. I check my bank balance obsessively. I don't budget per category. I prefer to look at my balance and say, "Oh crap! I overspent on coffee. No more groceries until payday!"
  12. you took my answer! :D Last time I was in the airport, the vending machines also took debit/credit cards. I was almost tempted to buy a $2 pop just for the convenience of using my card!
  13. My dh thinks my 6 year old daughter is old enough to make up her own mind. She asked to go to VBS with a little friend & he thinks she should go (he mainly thinks of it as a fun time for her and free childcare for us). I don't think she's old enough to make any life long decision (she still thinks being a princess is a viable career field), but am comfortable letting her go to church with relatives who I know will not give her the hard sell in order to give her some exposure to religion. we have many open discussions in her presence, mainly because we don't censor any type of discussion for our children's sake. The reason I don't want her going to this evangelical VBS is because it is not about "choice" for the youngsters, it is about convincing them and brainwashing. My opinion only, based on a long experience with evangelical VBS from the inside. Flame away. As to the original question, I don't think I could assign a specific age. As with many parenting questions, it really depends on the child's maturity, ability to understand, and emotional maturity.
  14. field work. Back-breaking, mindless, hot, never-ending, under-appreciated, underpaid, no respect, only one day off, had to squat down between the rows to pee.
  15. At least you won't have to worry about mold in your eye. just kidding All they would do at the ER is rinse your eye with lots and lots and lots of water. It will probably be red for a while as the bleach irritated your eye. Make sure you've rinsed all the bleach off your hands and face and continue to rinse the eye. It may help to buy an OTC eyewash or visine type eye drop. ETA: it may feel irritated for a while.
  16. Pop-tarts. Don't forget the pop-tarts! Conveniently packaged, tasty, and "enriched!" :D
  17. baby wipes. Even though I no longer have any babies, the wipes come in handy for quick clean ups. If space is tight, I pack them in a gallon zip-lock bag.
  18. No, silly - atheists eat pineapple, which is obviously the devil's fruit since it is so tasty on the inside yet so prickly on the outside, too big to fit in the hand, not the right size to fit perfectly in a human's mouth, and no convenient pull tab.
  19. My family has some quotes that are fitting here (we have lots of quotes, these are just some that fit this situation) Children cannot expect to start where their parents left off. Just because you have a job, doesn't mean you have to stop looking. The first job you get does not have to be the last job you get.
  20. Hey - is the wifey in Raising Arizona the same actress that does the voice of the mom in The Incredibles? Something about her face in this photo makes me think it is. (see how much attention I pay? :tongue_smilie:)
  21. I guess I'm kinda outta the loop. I'm not isolated, but I don't really know what actors hold what opinions or what they're doing in their personal lives. Other than the major things that hit the news or somebody tells me about, but then it fades quickly from my memory. I don't think I've ever watched TMZ, The last time I watched Oprah (or any daytime television) was when I was nursing an infant (my youngest is 6). I don't read magazines (other than my nursing journals), I glance at the covers of the magazines at the checkout, but usually don't have my glasses on (poor vision saves me a lot of trouble noticing dirt of all kinds). To be fair, I also don't know my dry cleaner's political leanings or pet projects, nor do I care. I didn't notice any "idiots" coming out in droves during the last political election any more than the normal number of idiots who are usually around in droves. I have enough trouble keeping my relatives sorted out, much less keeping track of celebrities' opinions/views/pet projects. With the one exception of Ed Begley Jr. who I know is very into his electric car, right? When I watch a movie I just feel lucky that I (a) have time to watch a movie and (b) have energy to stay awake for the entire movie.
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