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  • Biography
    Christian, M.Ag. Auburn U., homeschooling 2 children, work with Haitian pastor, great husband
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    scrapbooking, card making, gardening
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    MOM & Teacher

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  1. I think some extracurricular (especially for younger ages) has evolved as almost "planned play".... kids do not get up soccer games or baseball games on empty lots anymore (like in Little Rascals). So many can't even ride bikes in their neighborhoods. If you have a bunch of kids.... live near other homeschoolers.... or many acres where adventure can be abundant, you have options to not pursue activities.... and enjoy these gifts and blessings. However, I see many moms using these events as "organized play" almost. they dont' really care if the kids are even learning anything.... they just bring them to play. I imagine some is "keeping up with the Joneses" too. Some are compelled to be in it all because they think the neighbors might be doing the same. (that is sad too). I think you find the balance for your family. My kids can't mingle in our neighborhood. So, we reach out for homeschool recreation events. I mentioned in previous post that I also use it to plant seeds of future entrepreneurship or scholarship. But it requires a balance or you will go nuts and hate every minute. What fits your family is best! (I do encourage music lessons though & not as extracurricular, but core)
  2. We cut the cable for about 13 years.... then got it on a "good package deal" for one year.... then price doubled and we dropped it again. Haven't missed anything but news... .and I can search online for it. I have also noticed the smart mouth that my daughter was developing is curbing itself (thanks to Nick & Disney, it was getting ridiculous). I haven't been able to fight the wanting to dress like you are 25 that was instilled in her that short 12 months... but some of it may be her age and not just the overly fashioned teens, preteens on the shows. Cut the cable.... you will find it is LIBERATING! Plus, you can get so much more reading done!!! And save $$$$$.
  3. The Eagle Sherlock Holmes (recent) Jane Eyre Pride & Prejudice Sense & Sensibility Man.. Snowy River Master and Commander Alice in Wonderland Charlie and Chocolate Factory Willie Wonka (old version) Narnia (I think there have been 3 released lately)
  4. I see music as a part of home education - so we have piano and violin... and next year will add choir. I see scouts as exploration into areas of interest that might spark a career one day (4-H helped me find areas that I studied in college for my degrees). So, it is an extension of home educating also. Dance, gymnastics, and sports are what I consider extracurricular and physical activity. That said, I don't take all the kids to all the activities. They one NOT involved can stay home to study quietly (for a change...haha). Sometimes we all go b/c I try very hard to book things on the same day. we still get our work done... but it may get done at different times of day. It is tougher on me than them. Hubby is out of town all the time. I am the cab driver to everything.
  5. Another encouragement.... don't count BIBLE as school time. It is a life skill and part of good living habits or daily habit. Not really school in regards to high school. That might help with planning the school day.
  6. I recomment Bauer's History of the Ancient World for a supplement to any curriculum you chose.... just simply because it is thorough and can challenge them on many levels. No test, worksheets, etc.... but excellent reading! I love Mystery of History (as mentioned) Another one to consider is curriculum by Diana Waring (Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries is one of her works). Much like Mystery of History... but a little less "sunday school" feeling.
  7. I encourage my DD to follow her passions & interest, use her strong will to drive herself, and nurture her entrepreneur spirit. However, I strongly advise her to seek paths that will lead her to being SELF EMPLOYED or have more control over her work hours, etc. I show her women in our community who earn good incomes but only work in the afternoons (dance studio or piano lessons, for example). Women who teach a few classes at a small college (less demanding than big schools and often part time), editing books/writing & even doing alterations-creative sewing (work as you can or in self-determined hours). With all my degrees, I have NO special skill that I learned that can help contribute to my families income. I would have to work in industry or government. My regret. If she wants to not just "stay at home" and thrives on earning some income.... I hope she can find something that SHE can manage her time & NOT punch a clock & leave her kids with a "stranger" most of the day. Little off the path of the artile.... but I don't think we "can have it all"... it is a myth... something always get put to the side.... but for women with an entrepreneur spirit.... I think they can enjoy some level of business & home... but they have to be in charge of the schedule!
  8. Something else to consider..... someone ELSE is bringing up their children. Someone else is instilling values, seeing to aches/pains, watching over them. No matter how fabulous the Nanny is... she is not their parent & will not have their same way of thinking. These parents may spend "quality time".... but the quantity is lacking. I wouldn't want that life either.... their children will be strangers to them later. Sad story.
  9. Our troop usually has 1-2 boys how are the "welcome wagon" of sorts. They try to introduce the new boy and show his around, etc. Even with the help, it can still be a tough transition. You may want to contact the Scout Master before you move or soon after.... talk to him about the transition. Also, seek several troops. We have about 5 in our county and atleast 2 others within a reasonable distance. The personality of the troop can make a difference also. Biggest advice: JUMP RIGHT IN! Encourage him to go on the first hike, first canoe trip, first service project, etc.... get busy fast. By rolling up his sleeves, he will make friend more quickly! KEY: Find an active troop. (many are not). I hope it works well. We have loved scouting!
  10. Considering most people could care less about kids these days and find them a nuissance in public places, I am surprised that a sign would be needed. I have often thought it sad that we are such a hostile society and reject people. We have seriously over-killed on the stranger danger speeches and hand sanitizer. Now, we can't even be polite.... whether we allow a person to pat a child on the head or not. I was always complimented by someone who gave a hoot about a small child. And it taught my children to be friendly, compassionate, and polite. (of course within reason... I was always standing right there.... and an approach by a drunken slob or by a grandma means a huge difference in how I would react). Yes, the sign assumes much. It is rather arrogant and rude. A simple please don't touch would be much less hateful. Also, for those who do like kids, they are usually the elderly or other Moms. But I grew up in a small town where people used to be nice to each other .... considerate and patient.... I see less and less today.
  11. :lol: Anything is called art today..... it no longer takes a gift & years of practice/struggles... just splash, smash, splatter and give it cool name. As for "selling the Olympics"..... :iagree:..... Where was anything to make me think OLYMPICS... in LONDON.... WOW!.... GOT TO GO! :confused: It didn't! How hilarious! and Sad! Maybe they will go back to the "drawing board".;)
  12. Don't like them. Never go down that aisle. The are manipulations of emotion and encourage drama. It makes me think of a "people zoo". Emotion is not to be trusted. We should listen and consider it... but it is not for major decisions. Alter calls hinge completely on emotion - highs and lows. Somewhere, a person must think and discuss their troubles or confessions or celebrations... but those situations require conversations and support... not drama and exhibitionism.
  13. Perhaps someone might want to poll "when do you take it down"... haha
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