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Everything posted by Caraway

  1. Is this the book? Gluten-Free Baking At Home: 102 Foolproof Recipes for Delicious Breads, Cakes, Cookies, and More https://www.amazon.com/dp/0399582797/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_u3V2DbE63SP14
  2. So would I finger feather with shortening? I get that the shortening could sub directly for butter, but it seems like I’d need to start with a recipe that didn’t have sour cream.
  3. Thanks for walking me thru this. Is there a recipe with these ratios (and shortening) that I could follow?
  4. I I used this recipe: https://glutenfreeonashoestring.com/extra-flaky-gluten-free-sour-cream-pie-crust/ I made it by hand, and rested/chilled as directed in the recipe. I can’t use lard because of the guest list. I have a general stance that fake lard/Crisco is to be avoided, but I guess I could give up my soapbox for a day. The crust looked beautiful but came out hard - like dog biscuit hard.
  5. Normally I make the pumpkin pie and GF crust from America's Test kitchen. I cook it in a glass pie pan and consistently have issues with a crust that is too brown despite using foil on edge. This year I read a post on Gluten Free on a Shoestring that suggested a metal pan. So I bough metal pans. Last night I cooked the Extra Flaky GF crust from Shoestring in a metal pan with a silicone edge guard. The color of the crust is beautiful. It is however hard as a rock. I guess I'm going to try the ATK recipe in the metal pan? But now my kids like the Shoestring filling better, which doesn't seem like it will work with the ATK crust recipe based on their notes in the book. Suggestions? Ideas about where I went wrong?
  6. I do. It’s the worst. I can mostly control it with diet (no grains or gluten, no sugar, no dairy, no eggs, no nightshades). When I get I find my best bet is to leave it alone. No scratching. No q-tips.
  7. All black pants and blouse/sweater. Fancy silky scarf. Flats. Earrings. Done.
  8. Anyone doing specific teaching around the impeachment? I’m thinking about using Black’s Impeachment Handbook but wondering if the hive has ideas. Seems “too historic” to miss, but wondering if I can pull it together quickly enough.
  9. Meat thermometer. Total game changer for me.
  10. In public parking situations where I have done this an attendant tells you which row to park in and on the way out you drop off your keys. When I lived in a city and paid $$$ to have a parking space we were triple parked. I had to coordinate with the other people to get my car out.
  11. (Hopefully this isn't too large a hijack.) Which pies can be made in advance, and do they need to be refrigerated? Does a pumpkin pie need to go in the fridge? Gluten free if it matters.
  12. Would something like this work: https://fatworksfoods.com/ If so, would I measure and then freeze?
  13. Ooooh, I’m going to try this. So you bake the crumb crust for like 10 min, fill, and then bake according to Libby’s directions?
  14. How does the workload compare between AP Macro with Richman and AP Micro with Burns?
  15. Thanks for all of the comments. It has actually helped a lot to just think about why I’m mad. I think at the root of all of it I feel a lot of obligation (reinforced by guilt). My childhood was a long lesson in the need to be high achieving, preferably without ever asking for help or inconveniencing anyone else. Over the years when I have asked for help or asked someone else to do something I am always let down, which reinforces my belief that I have to do it all myself. I want approval and love and to feel like I matter. And apparently the only way I can get that is by killing myself to provide everyone’s holiday fantasy. When my brother managed to increase the workload while simultaneously devaluing the work – 38 years of resentment slammed to the forefront. I love him, and genuinely want him around. I am also profoundly jealous of him and his life and his ability to be so self absorbed. I don’t necessarily want to BE him, but I never get to make a decision that doesn’t involve other people. My life is very much lived in the margins of what is left over and his is not. I guess my bratty inner child is also really angry that I was told that I had to be “good” and “play by the rules” in order to be rewarded with a good life. It is hard to see a sibling ignore all the rules and be living a life of freedom. And that his teflon-like ability to avoid responsibility means that all family issues fall in my lap. For years we have operated under the farce that if only he were local he would help with our parents. Now it is clear that he doesn’t help because he doesn’t want to, which leaves me and my highly developed sense of obligation to navigate aging parents by myself. Plus when I do push back on his behavior with them they tell me that I need to try harder. Because apparently everyone involved is clear on the fact that he can't be changed but I can be guilted. I start thinking of how all of the other people involved are retired, childless, obligation free, and how I’m doing all the things for all the people and I get really angry. And then a child sidles up and says “I’m really glad you’re doing Thanksgiving because you make all the foods I like!” and I feel like I don’t want to disappoint my kids, but I’m also not teaching great lessons about self worth, and I don’t know where the boundary is. Clearly when my parents are dead I am going to wish that I hosted all of the Thanksgivings for everyone always – but right now I just want someone else to deal with it all. Thank you all for the ideas, suggestions, and sympathy.
  16. I appreciate the sentiment, and I promise that in the moment I will be lovely. However I think that this behavior is causing my problem. Because if I always do it, and do it well, then nobody else ever has to contribute. They know that I will rise to the occasion, play nice, and have everything done at a high standard. If I were the unreliable one nobody would expect anything from me.
  17. I didn't hope he would decline when I invited him. It was a sincere invitation and I was excited about the possibility of all being together for a holiday where we normally aren't. I did not get resentful until his "I don't want to come but I am" acceptance. I don't need anyone to grovel around acknowledging a burden - but I do think its rude to accept an invitation while making it clear that you don't want to come.
  18. If he had come at me with “I’m so excited we get to join you -thanks!” It would have been fine. Instead it’s been “I guess I have to do this since I can’t do what I want”.
  19. I’m not furious about plates and restrictions. I guess I mentioned that to mean that the changing dynamic wasn’t just going from a 12 lb turkey to a 20. I’m furious that he is acting like he is doing me a favor by gracing is with his presence while totally not acknowledging that it’s more work for me. I’m also irritated that he’s bring others who have started by stating that they are coming because “they don’t care”.
  20. Potluck won't work because they will bring foods we can't eat and can't have in the kitchen. I'm not going to set my kids up to feel disappointed in their own home.
  21. They are "unable" to do this successfully with a gluten free restriction. The result is that they often arrive with super desirable items that my kids cannot eat or something that will cross contaminate my kitchen. The only good part of the holiday is my kids being excited about all the holiday food. I don't want to spend the day saying "nope you can't eat that, no not that either..."
  22. This has backfired previously. 😒
  23. I have always hosted holidays. Partly this is because I have kids, but I think a lot of it is that I am the eldest female child and so when my mom stopped it was just assumed that I would rise to the occasion. Often the holidays include everyone staying with us, and Christmas in particular is a week long event that requires a TON of work. Until recently my brother has lived out of state. He has never been married, has no kids, has a lot of disposable income and very few responsibilities. Everyone is thrilled with whatever time he chooses to spend with the group because he is "the fun one". He has recently moved back into the state and moved in with his GF. So now he is "here" but that hasn't changed the dynamic with our parents where I am the one who does everything and he is the one that should be catered to at all times. I invited him, his GF, and her family to Thanksgiving, which he has not previously attended. I was trying to be inclusive and nice. I am already hosting my parents, my in laws, my local relatives. He said no and that he would be traveling with GF. Fine. Now he says that travel plans have fallen through and all of them will be attending Thanksgiving at my house. He has told me this as though he is doing me a giant favor. Also that Christmas time will be limited since GF doesn't want to spend that much time with us. I'm furious. This addition doubles (triples?) my workload and that's before I get to the fact that they have different dietary restrictions than us and I don't own enough plates and forks. My people pleasing self is trying to rise to the occasion, but I cannot get over how much my feelings are hurt. An acknowledgement of the amount of work, or an offer to help, or any display of appreciation at being included, would have gone a long way. Now I'm just stuck doing a ton of work for a bunch of people who don't want to be there??? He said that her family was willing to come because they didn't really care about the holiday in the first place. And the reduction at Christmas means that he is reducing HIS obligation to our parents but not mine. I feel like I can't confront him in a productive way. Any time I stand up for myself everyone acts like I am a giant b**** and can't understand why I can't just be flexible. This occurs as they are eating food I've cooked, drinking wine I've bought, and are staying in my house. I'm considering complaining to my mother but I don't know that I can handle whatever her response is. The last "situation" occurred for a smaller holiday when my brother announced at *9 pm the night before* that he and GF would be attending and that she couldn't eat the thing we were serving. I am too much of a perfectionist to handle this dynamic. I told my mother that if she wanted to see him she could host, which she did, but not until she had lectured me on how we all need to rise to the occasion to accommodate him. I would be happy to leave the country for the holidays but my husband and kids don't want to give up traditions. How would you handle this???
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