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Everything posted by justme824

  1. After reading through the comments on my last post I did some more searching and I think I love this color even more than the first. What do you think? http://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-color/rendezvousbay
  2. Me too! I started sending the samples over and having them in their own collection called 'My Samples'. Then I only purchase when I am ready to sit down and actually start reading the book. Of course, just the other day I hit 'Buy Now' instead because I really wanted it ;) But, at least I've curbed my Kindle spending.
  3. I'm in :) I'll be going for a low spend, sticking within our budgeted amounts, month. I tightened our budget this month so I need the accountability. So far I've bought much needed ornament storage boxes, much needed Rubbermaid, and essentials. We are stocked with food for the month, only needing fresh produce, milk, and bread weekly. I've done my monthly essential shopping at Target. We have a painting/photo project this month, but already had it in the budget. Really, I need to stay off Amazon (though I do need to buy a couple school books ths month, but already in the budget). It's only logging in to buy only what I need, and not browsing the 'if you liked this, you'll love this.' Oh, and not eating out - that's a big one we need to work on. I'll track extras not in the budget, and make a note if we survived the day without eating out! 1/1 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out 1/2 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out 1/3 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out 1/4 $0 unbudgeted spent, no eating out
  4. Just logged in to work on this week's budget and discovered the lovely tax changes for 2013. 2% less each paycheck is a LOT of money for us. Ugh! I keep reminding myself to be very thankful my husband has an awesome, stable job. Looks like I need to rework my budget this weekend and decide what to cutback even further.
  5. It is a muted teal, at least on the wall I saw it on. It was a bright, sunny room like I have (we have TONS of windows downstairs so there is lots of sunlight). I think I am going to head to the paint store this morning for some other paint chips. I really want something bright and cheerful. Thanks for this tip on the frames. My husband really wants me to leave them black, just change the photos, which I really need to do since they are over 3-years old and my toddler doesn't even make an appearance ;) I think I will give the black frames a try, and in some frameless photos as well so I don't feel like I am overrun with black frames. My MIL is really good with paint colors, but she has been no help here because she wouldn't change a thing so why even look.
  6. True! But the taupe colored walls have got to go, but at the same time I just don't think I could splash a bunch of color on the walls and be satisfied. My thought is to still be in a neutral zone, but something new. Then I'll add color with accents, furniture (we are getting a new table with six different colored chairs - I love it and it will add a big bunch of colors right there!), and of course bright colored photos and wall art.
  7. Thanks everyone! You pointed me in great directions :)
  8. I am tired of living in a brown house. Everything is brown, brown, brown. The couch, the walls, the cabinets. I need some color! Right now I am getting ready to paint my photo wall a color called 'It's Raining, It's Pouring' - I've seen it on a wall and it is a bit brighter than it looks here, but I love it and think it will make things pop a bit. if you scroll down you will find it here: http://www.mythicpaint.com/landOfNodDetail.aspx?ID=47 I am thinking of spray painting all my current black frames white and using more color photos than my usual b&w that I have always framed for years. I'd also like to add a few fun, colorful prints to the photo wall. I toyed with the idea of completely changing it up and tossing the photo ledges that line the wall, but I am not sure I am up for hanging a bazillions frames and trying to make them perfect (the wall is LONG - maybe 20 feet. It is the most commented on wall in our home, but it needs a major facelift. I am hoping changing wall color, frame color, and adding lots of bright colored photos will do just that and make me happy. Now...I'd like to change the wall color everywhere else downstairs too. But I am not sure what. Any ideas??? Part of me, honestly, is seriously considering going with just white, but then I think I'd have to paint the stairwell & hallway upstairs too (which I can do, but not sure?). Would you paint all the rooms the same - family room, living room, dining room, kitchen - the same color? The floor plan is pretty open where one room runs into the next. I really don't like making these kind of decisions. But I need to make some happy changes around here. I've been living with this color scheme that I don't really love at all for almost 10-years and it is just really bugging me. Now that I have some budget room to make the changes I'd like to. Upcoming later this year will be new wood floors downstairs, so I can toss in some fun color with a new rug. And I am seriously considering refacing our kitchen cabinets white just to brighten the house up. But I am not sure how much that will run me and whether I can make it work or not. I'd love ideas!!!
  9. This is on my list. I keep seeing the title tossed around that I think I need to just give it a try.
  10. My "Me" time is reading at night after all is quiet. It used to be running, but now I run pushing a jogger. Hopefully I can sneak in a solo run on the weekends. The ultimate 'Me' time would be a weekend all to myself at HOME so I am going to plan a weekend trip for my hubby and the kids this year. I say I am going to every year, but never do. This year I am going to make it happen :)
  11. My older will be Nick Bottom in an upcoming productions of Midsummer. We need to figure out a costume for him and I am drawing a complete blank and my search results aren't coming up good either. Anybody have any ideas to share? On the cheap? I also need to deal with the donkey part of his costume as well. TIA
  12. And to think I made a point of adding that star to my other title ;)
  13. This will be my first year joining :) Here is my current lineup. Life is still winding down this week so I am keeping the reads simple. I've got some good titles lined up next. *Confessions of a Praire B*tch *Merry Christmas Alex Cross *The Sea of Monsters as a family read aloud *Little Britches a read aloud with my older *39 Clues series per my older's request (trying to read some of his suggestions this year)
  14. I'm trying, but not getting too far. I am not feeling 100% so that isn't helping. And my hubby is home this week which tends to slow me down.
  15. I decided to do one big shop and just got back. Our cupboards & fridge & freezer are stocked. There a few more things I need to pick up tomorrow at a different store, but that will be easy as tomorrow is also my Target run. Then my weekly trips will be just milk & produce ( if only I had the fridge space for a month of milk). I can already tell I saved a bundle :)
  16. For me, menu planning! It is my hardest thing to follow through on. But I know when I do actually plan and shop we save money and eat healthier. For fun, read a book a week. Then the usual suspects - exercise, lose weight, save money, etc.
  17. Thank you. I needed to read this tonight. I am in the lonely camp at the moment, but not seeking out a new friend either. I am in a really guarded place right now. But I am learning, slowly, to have faith. And hopefully one day I will be lucky enough to be blessed again with friendship.
  18. Meal planning is my number one goal for 2013. I have worked very hard this year to trim in other areas, but trimming food is a constant struggle of mine. And really, it is all laziness. Here are some things I did this past year to help cut back across the board. I saved a LOT of money, and we were able to do a lot of fun family things too. *All month long I only by needs that are immediate, as in something I have to get right now in order to live. *I keep a list of non-immediate needs and shop for them every other month. To do this, I had to make sure I had 2-months of things on hand and to keep up with adding things to the list. This keeps me out of places like Target. I try hard to shop from a list during these trips. *I keep a running list of wants. At the end of the month I see what is leftover in the budget and decide if I want to put any of it towards a want, or if I'd rather just save it. Usually I bought a few books, then put the rest in savings. Or if there is something we want to do as a family (museum, zoo, etc.) I will put it aside for that. *Trimmed in other areas too - cable, phone, library fees (ugh!), packed lunches, etc. *My biggest fail was menu planning, so now that I have a system in place for everything else that I like I will tackle this.
  19. We have routine, but it isn't too structured. We only school 3-days per week and on those days we are done with what I consider 'must dos' by 9:30 (in this order: breakfast, read aloud, Latin, dressed, chores for my olders, math, and copywork) - one day of the week we are out of the house for a class by 8:00am - and Friday is a catchup day if needed. Then we move into the rest of our morning, which is always different. Routine picks up with lunch/read aloud/nap (for the toddler), then routine again at the dinner hour through bedtime. I am not a stickler on the routine, but they do tend to be the same each day. I allow plenty of down/free time to explore their own interests, but I also use those pockets of time for projects, experiments, detailed math lessons, field trips, classes, etc.
  20. We tend to hang around the house in jammies. I try and make sure I am presentable from the waste up, but for comfort around the house I do admit to wearing jammie pants :D My kids are pretty much the same way. It makes getting out just as easy since all we really need to do is change our pants.
  21. I've had fun reading everyone's wrap ups for the year. I am excited to get started on next year's challenge :) I miss reading.
  22. Okay, I actually made a dinner list. Now I just need to follow through. I think I will try and do one big shop Monday, then fill in the gaps with fresh produce, milk, and bread weekly. I still need to figure out the pizza nights (the person who selects our family movie for the night also selects the pizza). I'm quite certain that I won't be going in this order, but selecting what I can cook that night based on my mood & time. I add salad & veggies to every single meal regardless so they aren't listed since I use what's on hand. Lunches here are typically leftovers, and with a nice meal plan like this I see plenty of leftovers that will be up for grabs! Breakfast during the week is simple - oatmeal, yogurt, scrambled eggs/toast, etc. I get a little fancier on the weekends - pancakes, potatoes, etc. 1 Chili & Cornbread 2 Spaghetti & Meatballs 3 Chicken Tacos & Rice 4 Pizza Friday 5 Roast Chicken & Potatoes 6 Pulled Pork Sammies 7 Pasta e Fagioli Soup 8 Potato Soup 9 Beef Stew 10 Pork Chops & Potatoes 11 Pizza Friday 12 Dried Beef Gravy 13 Chicken Enchiladas 14 Chicken Noodle Soup 15 Chicken Tenders with Mac & Cheese 16 Lemon Chicken & Confetti Rice 17 Sausage & Potatoes 18 Pizza Friday 19 Grilled Cheese 20 Cowboy Spaghetti 21 Sloppy Joes 22 Meatloaf 23 Turkey Nachos 24 Pesto Pasta 25 Pizza Friday 26 Fettuccini Alfredo 27 Chicken Pot Pie 28 French Toast & Sausage 29 Pot Roast 30 Beef Tacos 31 Baked Ziti
  23. I am pretty much open to anything - I like variety. I think Sci-Fi is probably the only thing that I would look the other way on...
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