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Status Updates posted by Carrie12345

  1. YEARS of trying everything I could think of to drag anything even resembling decent writing out of my dds, and they both decide to knock my socks off with excellent writing on the same day. If I didn't have all their electronics, I'd be suspicious.

  2. Now my status is not 2 years old.

  3. Portfolio review finished. Alcohol opened.

  4. It's that time of year I miss NJ most. PA annual paperwork *almost* done!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jayne J

      Jayne J

      Just finished everything yesterday--I need to get my affadavit notarized, and then I can submit everything all at once. I really really dislike PA hoop jumping. Sigh.

    3. Rebel Yell

      Rebel Yell

      don't make it harder than it has to be... it;s annoying, but really not massively time-consuming or difficult. PM me if you'd like to discuss!

    4. Carrie12345


      :-) We've got it covered. It's just the procrastination holding me back now, lol.

  5. My previous status was written in February. I always forget about this feature!

  6. I hate February.

    1. Carrie12345


      Thank goodness for brownies!

  7. 12 school days, 2 field trips, and 2 conference days to go!

  8. 2yos - why I don't have a dozen kids

  9. Took a day off from school to clean. So why's the house a mess?!?

  10. Replacement SOTW book just arrived. This means the missing copy will turn up now, I'm sure!

  11. Finally got to update my name! :-)

  12. Left the house by myself TWICE today. So what if once was for groceries!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jenL


      Every little minute alone counts!

    3. TraciWA


      I spent 40 minutes alone in the car today. It was heavenly!

    4. SunnyDays


      Sometimes, it's the little things!! :)

  13. has $2 and a dream.

    1. ILiveInFlipFlops


      Forget it, Carrie, it's all OURS! At least, that's what DH tells me. He'd better be right!

  14. Who moved my cheese?

    1. Pink Fairy

      Pink Fairy

      Lol, that's hilarious!

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