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Posts posted by MamaBear

  1. Exploring Creation Science Series:

    Exploring the World of Biology

    Exploring the World of Chemistry

    Exploring the World of Physics

    Exploring the History of Medicine

    Exploring Planet Earth

    Exploring the World Around You


    Obviously, these are Christian, but, since you are currently using Apologia, I figured that Christian materials would be fine.


    Mandy, are these by John Hudson Tiner?

  2. This is our 1st year with Apologia and we are not getting it done consistantly, nor do we enjoy it. We started last October and we are just starting Module 4. I have the teacher and student books, companion cd and lessons plans from MFW. My dd is not a science kid nor am I a sciency mom. I don't like how a science experiment is placed in the middle of the assigned reading so that you have to stop, do the experiment and then pick up the book again to finish reading the section. I have to keep up with the reading myself so I can discuss it with her after she has read it - for us it is not an "independent" science program. DD doesn't understand the lesson or recall much of it unless we go over it together and discuss and then do the On Your Own questions. This is a time consuming thing for us and I am wondering if there is something else I should look into. We dread doing science these days. Any comments please:)


  3. You might find it helpful for fourth grade and up. Some of the activities are tricky!


    We have used R&S Spelling since 2nd grade with my dd and I have always used the teachers book. Saves time and as others have mentioned, its inexpensive. Worth it in my world:)


  4. It's simple and gets the job done. Its VERY thorough. The explanations are complete without being overly wordy. There is plenty of review. It's nearly the perfect program, imho.



    We have used R&S 3,4,5 & 6. I like that dd can do most of it independently. We go over the oral review daily together and if the lesson is complicated, we will read it together. Otherwise she reads it herself and then completes the lesson.

  5. Oh gosh, please take a break. If you are able and want, just read with them for now until things get better for you physically. I always have to remind myself when things get tough and we need a break it's okay to do so. We homeschool - we don't follow the schools schedule. We can take off when we need to or slow down.


  6. Getting along with each other, being kind and respectful is IMO the most important thing to teach in the early years. If we don't teach this to our children it will make homeschooling life very difficult. There are days when I just toss our curriculum to the side and pray and focus on our family. It is hard to do sometimes because I want to finish and move on to the next lesson. But I really think "peace" in the home is more important:)


  7. We will be using Rod & Staff Preschool, Before Five in a Row and MFW Preschool. I don't think I will schedule all of this each day, but just kind of alternate them so DS doesn't get bored with them. We also do other things like calendar, day of the week, weather, shapes, numbers on a daily basis - I bought posters at the teacher supply and work with him for about 10 minutes each morning.

  8. If you covered the skills in WS 4 before start of 9th grade, you have minimum skills for MFW's AHL for that first week.


    In order to "be ready" for AHL (my opinion here...) in the writing is to have a student who can write a coherent paragraph from his own thoughts. This can be done with notebooking summaries as well as skills in WS. From that ability to develop quality paragraph made of quality sentences, the student will then do 5 paragraph for essays.


    Trying to figure out how to reply...


    My dd writes summaries in history - each chapter of SOTW, writes alot on her own for fun - makes up stories, and writes letters to friends or relatives weekly. So I feel she has a good start in writing and doesn't have a tough time with it (yet):) So, I am still not sure if she should start with WS3 or 4 - what do you suggest? Is 3 best to start with if you have never done this program or can she start WS4 and then do 5 before high school?



  9. Thank you both for replying:) I guess the easiest thing to do would be to stick with R&S for 7th & 8th grade and add Progeny Press for literature. But after 4 years we are feeling rather frustrated and tired of going over the same stuff each year. It does get more challenging but reviews and builds upon itself. Anyway, we have yet to finish the 6th grade book so that will carry over into her 7th grade year. If I decided to stop using R&S and go with Applications of Grammar and Writing Strands, would it make sense to use only WS 3 & WS4 for 7th & 8th grade?

  10. We will be using MFW Exp-1850 in the fall for my dd12 and I have been struggling with what to do with Grammar and Writing. We have used Rod & Staff for 4 years and I don't know if I want to continue with it or use what MFW recommends which is All in One English and Writing Strands. She does well with grammar and I have thought she could probably just go into Applications of Grammar, which is actually used for 8th graders (she will be in 7th). But then what to do for 8th grade? Also, since we have used R&S for so long I am nervous to change. I guess going from the traditional method to the non-traditional method is making me nuts. If we stop using R&S and change now will there be gaps? If I stick with R&S will she be prepared enough to handle MFW high school curriculum? I hope this makes sense. I have been thinking about this for many months and just can't seem to get anywhere with a decision.

  11. I will be using MFW Preschool, Before Five in a Row and Rod & Staff Preschool workbooks. I don't have a planned out schedule and I am not sure I will make one. I think we are just going to use these and see how it goes. (Kind of a go with the flow and see how it goes:) DS is more interested in playtime than schooltime. For him I think things will be much different than when my dd was his age:)


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