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Posts posted by kiwik

  1. The funny thing is I do agree that the main purpose of schools is to indoctrinate them with the norms of the society and that a large number of home schoolers would affect this.  In New Zealand I think that in the whole the schools are doing that well and so performing the major function of a public school.  I just think the secondary function of providing an education is lacking.  If I were in certain parts of the country or in the US I may be less confident about the indoctrination part as well.

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  2. On 11/7/2021 at 10:08 AM, Faith-manor said:

    Thank you. The sad thing about the winter coats, boots, and hats and gloves is that the girls have them at their fathers' homes. But, these man/boys being immature, won't allow the girls to take anything but the clothes on their backs to their mother's on visitation even though thry admit that she is good about returning things. The two year old wails over her blankie being left behind every time, and the three are thrown into their respective vehicles without winter clothes and taken to meet their mom at McD's for the exchange. She brings blankets - something I should consider replacing this year because my brother says that the glimpse he has had of those blankets is they have several holes in each one - to keep them warm. But then they can't go out to play. Every year the social worker tells her to buy her kids coats and boots or else. It is basically an empty threat. They never move to end her visitation. And they aren't wrong. On the other hand they are dealing with a person who has bipolar disorder that is in a psychosis stage because she won't stay on her meds, and whose psychiatrist says she is not employable. Can't they contact the Marines' Coats for Kids, and just make her an annual recipient? Oh well, we can afford to do it as needed. I just get frustrated!

    These things just break the heart so much.

    I don't understand how anyone would ever treat kids that way.

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  3. On 11/8/2021 at 9:38 AM, Elizabeth86 said:

    You say he is sensitive to the cold (totally get this, but can he do it in small doses? During the school day, I send my boys to the trampoline for 15 minute breaks. Do you have a trampoline? My boys hate being outside, but they love the trampoline. None of this may work, just thinking. Pokémon Go and family walks? Daily family workout video? 

    My ASD kid does 15 minute trampoline breaks.  He doesn't do anything fancy, he just jumps and bounces.  But it doesn't get that cold here. He also does tap and ballet but that probably won't interest your son.

  4. On 11/8/2021 at 6:49 AM, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

    So—we do have a basement. While it has a concrete floor, it’s not finished. We do plan to finish it; but first we have to put a new sump pump in and that probably won’t be affordable this fall. We do have an unheated garage as well.  We are working now on cleaning it out and heating it, and are going to hang an indoor swing for him.  

    He loves gamified things. We have a Nintendo Switch; I’ll check out the Ring.  He loves Pokémon Go and Pikmin Bloom, which both involve walking.  

    I don’t think he’ll use a treadmill.  Since running causes chest pain he gets all anxious about that now.  I don’t think he’ll use a stationary bike either; he likes to ride his bike and look at scenery and enjoy the silence. He actually loves being outside, but the cold really bothers him.

    I knew about the weight gain with Abilify but not the blood sugar component. As the majority(75%) of people on my mother’s side became diabetic as teenagers, and my paternal grandfather in his 20s(most of whom were not obese) it’s a huge concern for me.  I do question now whether the Abilify is worth it.  He was off for about 8 weeks over the summer due to prescription errors and a provider suddenly leaving, and he was actually very pleasant to be around and not moody at all.  He has an appointment in two weeks and I plan to bring it up.  I am wondering if a low dose anti anxiety med would be better, as now most of his behaviors seem to stem from anxiety.  I posted on here a while back about how negative he was constantly—his school did a functional behavior assessment and found every behavior, including the negativity, seemed to stem from anxiety.  

    I am a reasonable severe asthmatic and running has been impossible for me except one period where I trained myself to ruin using a treadmill.  I started walking slowly then over months sped it up.  I then added like 15 seconds jogging.  So if you could borrow a treadmill and convince him to walk slowly 5 minutes a day he may find it OK - especially with an audio book.

  5. On 11/10/2021 at 9:56 AM, Kassia said:

    Right, but if she wears slacks or a dress and finds that jeans aren't acceptable after that she won't have anything to wear for the rest of the week! 

    She can wear the same pair for a few days until she can another pair or a skirt.  I would never wear jeans on the first day but she may find on the first day they do wear jeans.  

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, cintinative said:

    Have you checked Memoria Press Online Academy? They have a 3-4:30 EST class for Henle Latin I  ETA: I guess this is about the same as 11:15 PST. Boo.

    The only thing I can think is that you could try The Potter's School closer to when you need the class.  They have a lot of overseas folks so they generally do offer the more popular classes in early morning and evening for them.  However, when I last checked they didn't have a Latin class in the time frame you need.

    Thanks.  I will just wait and see.  We can't spend 12 hours on Latin but things may change.  It may be that he will be up to an early start when he is older or there may be different times.  I just kind of hoped someone would say it was more like 5 to 7 hours.

    • Sad 1
  7. 2 hours ago, RootAnn said:

    @kiwikI assume you checked CLRC classtimes?

    Clrconline.com Their classtimes are listed as Pacific so they tend to be later for us. Not sure if that helps or hurts you.

    There are a couple that might work but we really need after noon Pacific time or late afternoon ET.  11.15 PT works out at 6.30 or 7.30 AM depending on time of year.  Right now we are doing the Funda Funda middle school Latin but I would like him to try a live class in a few years.  Maybe they will have later classes by them.  

    • Like 1
  8. First remember your child's temperament.  Mine is like ooblek.  You have to judge very carefully how and when to push or he will go hard and everything will stop.  At 9 he would still run away and throw things and you would probably not get him back in course.  At 12 he now goes to his room.  Mostly he comes back after a while.  Any more than 4 subjects will overwhelm him though I am working towards 5 for high school.  Gil's methods would not work and not would most other peoples.  If he gets exercise and does maths, writing and reading the rest is jam.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 14 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    Do you do any standardized testing? My ds is tested once every 3 years for his IEP, and it's a helpful thing to get really honest about where everything is. He might not be *as bad* as you thing in some areas and might have some areas of strength. Might help with your worrying. 

    If you want to do that, look for a test that does not have a ceiling and that kicks out actual grade levels, not stanines or whatever. 

    There isn't really standardised testing in NZ except some stuff schools sometimes use.  Not really any educational stores either.  As a home schooler in NZ you are pretty much ignored as you have chosen to opt out.

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 11/4/2021 at 4:36 PM, Shelydon said:

    I hadn't read The Martian, I'll pick that up!


    My Family and Other Animals was fun, I had forgotten about that one!  I have Pride and Prejudice on our list, I move it up.  My sweet 9th graders hated Lord of the Flies.  I need to give them a break before we hit Poe and Romeo and Juliet. 🙂

    Thank you so much

    I hated it when we read it at school too.  I didn't think the way things went was that surprising so it didn't teach me much.  Plus I am asthmatic.

    I found Romeo an unlikable character but at 12 or 13 I read and enjoyed a lot of Shakespeare's historical plays plus I like the merchant of Venice.

  11. 4 minutes ago, KSera said:

    I hate the idea of calling my dc “it” 🙁. I’d rather deal with the sometimes confusion of “they” over that. I anticipate if “it” had always been a singular pronoun in English, it wouldn’t seem degrading to a person, but it hasn’t, and so it does.

    You have a point but if we are changing anyway we can change that just as easily.  I am not particularly invested in such things but I have a female name and am manifestly female, most people are male or female and it is pretty obvious.  While if you request it I will try my best to use gender neutral pronouns as I have no wish to offend, I can see no reason why I should be referred to as they and not be offended so a small group of people won't be accidentally offended.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, hjffkj said:

    So you are saying the parents shared 2 homes? Every situation I've ever seen this played out was the parents stayed at the shared kid's home but on their off week each parent had a separate home of their own.


    Yes the parents alternate living with the kid.  The child stays n the same house with their own stuff and attends the same daycare/school/activities all the time.  They therefore don't feel like they are the ball in a ball game. It is also way more affordable.  If people got married then they should be able to share a house.  Though if affordable of course a separate bedroom and bed for each parent in each house would be much easier.  But I am not a great supported of 50/50 care.

  13. 16 minutes ago, DawnM said:

    I call people what they want to be called, but they have to tell me if it is other than their assigned gender.  Otherwise, if you tell me your name is Sarah, I will assume I can use the "she" pronoun.   

    Yes if you say your name is Sarah then you have to expect to be called she especially if you are pregnant.

    • Like 1
  14. 25 minutes ago, KSera said:

    I would love to see a new singular, non-gendered pronoun introduced that would be embraced by everyone. I really do think that would help a lot. Yes, it would take effort to get used to a new word in the language, but I think people would adapt to it eventually and it would be nice to have one where singular verbs could then be used with the singular pronoun, because I think the fact that singular they still takes plural verbs contributes to the lack of clarity at times.

    How about it for singular and they for plural. After all it is he/she/it in most languages.

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