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Everything posted by kiwik

  1. You are not being unreasonable but the shop is probably as frustrated as you.
  2. You have to make it really clear to your husband that he does not agree with anything unless he runs it past you first. Though maybe agree on a couple of things in advance to make it less obvious.
  3. My thoughts are that if you want people to attend you have it close to where most of the people live (or at least where you live). If you are having it at a destination type place you obviously don't want me there so I won't come.
  4. They are 2 and 3. Any decent childcare worker should be able to have them wanting to help clean up.
  5. Yes. You haven't been able to use corporal punishment in schools here since 1987 and parents haven't been allowed for about 15 years. We don't resort to putting on masks and scaring them to death.
  6. I would just shrug and ignore it.
  7. I would assume some sort of assessment would be part of what they do. It is a good idea to rule out anything that may be causing them to feel alienated. An undiagnosed issue could make that worse as could depression, thyroid problems and another of other things. But even if there were something it is not goingto cause the issues to disappear.
  8. Yes. If possible a several month road trip would be a good thing. Maybe the parents could take turns. But it may be impossible. Here 2 parents would have 10 weeks paid annual leave between them but the boys parents might not.
  9. As in "you are such a nice young man- I wish you were my son in law"? If so thar seems harmless. Or "I wish my daughters had chosen you for a husband rather than the guys they married (who I obviously dislike)? That seems a bit rude.
  10. I am probably repeating. One martial arts class is enough at that age. If they want to do 2 drop basketball and riding. Drop the park day. If they like the study days keep them and work more with the other child that day. Do school in the mornings. This shows that it is the priority not am afterthought. Send the 4 year old to preschool one or two mornings a week if that is a thing there. The same day as study group so you don't have to drag all the kids out a 3rd day.
  11. Hi. Thanks. I think we will just have to aim to do the ones you outlined and take it as it comes. I have to admit the making thing sense made me laugh - the first time I could do well in organic chemistry was year 2 university level because they finally stopped insisting we learnt things by rote.
  12. Unless it is an official course all that is really happening is the kids are cheating themselves out of an education and wasting their parents money. I would tell the parent but not offer to solve what it their problem. Your job is to teach.
  13. It probably is. NZ likes people to be good at sports at school but academic competitions are not a thing. At least they never used to be. We did tests and we knew who was best at spelling and maths facts but there was no real recognition of it. We did have speech competitions but I was not good at that either.
  14. The their, his wife, and a kayak wouldn't sound right though. I quite liked it.
  15. We used to just trade belts with someone who had graded above us or from the uniform cupboard. Wasn't TKD though so probably different.
  16. My kid with ASD got expelled for less than that. But I think I would try keeping the child beside me and gainfully occupied at all times.
  17. I don't think they stop being step relations just because you mother got divorced. I would include them.
  18. Hi. Finn turns 16 at the very end of March. I would be surprised (based on his dual enrolment experience and other people's experience) if his enrolment got sorted before the end of term 2. So he would have 2 terms to do internal enrolment in but could do the first pass over content for externals in the first few terms. So if he was to drop a couple of internal things in year 12 what would be best? And how did they respond to you saying you wanted your child enrolled in 2 levels at once?
  19. Even if you completely make up the answer for the first part of a question you should get full marks for all correct work using that incorrect input. For example you have a complete mind blank how to find x in part A but you need it for parts B,C and D. You should be able to say "let X = 3.5" and carry on and drill get full marks for parts B, C and D
  20. Or someone who is the single income and the single parent.
  21. But i am glad I can do it. If circumstances had been different I would have done it from the start. But there is no denying my life would be simpler if the kids went to school happily.
  22. We have a 4 term year. A general science course would probably be roughly a a third each of biology, Chem and physics or it may include other science areas. It is usually the first 3 years of high school (equivalent to your grades 8,9 and 10) although there are options in the last year to specialise in one of the sciences none of the 3 high schools locally offer this. For the last 2 years of high school it is split into strands. My kids will probably take Physics and Chemistry only but if the were aiming for a biology based career they would take all 3 or drop physics. Maths is the same but doesn't split until the very last year when it becomes calculus and Statistics.
  23. Hi. My son is doing a couple of courses with CLRC. They seem good but my problem is payment. I chose the pay 25% and 5 installments in about April. Since then I have sent multiple emails requesting payment instructions. The exchange rate has gone insane and I am worried if I don't pay at lest some soon I will be paying a lit more than I budgeted for. Is this normal for them?
  24. Me too. Looking back I am pretty sure I had dyspraxia - well still do but years of martial arts as a young adult helped a bit. I was good at academics but no-one would have dreamed of having an academic competition in the first place, let alone publicly picking the teams.
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