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    2 daughters 6 and 3
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    Full-time Mommy :)
  1. Good sportsmanship needs taught. I still think the best bet would be just to take whatever away. LONG before you want to pull your hair out. Makes everyone better in the long run and the kids realize that if they start arguing the end result is neither of them gets it. Kids learn better with fast results than letting it go one every time. Kind of like the cat scratches you if you hurt it. The kid learns right away not to pull its tail! hahaha
  2. I have been able to change from the itunes to just regular mp3 with my stuff. From a site that I found. If you google or search with whatever engine "Convert Itunes to mp3" you should find a way to do it. I don't know what format the books need to be for the Sansa (haven't heard of it). But if you look that up (search "what format does Sansa use") then you can find a converter that will help you out. And that way you can still use stuff that you had previously and not have to buy it again :)
  3. It has something to do with his parents I think. Its been a while since I did this!
  4. I would suggest just using letter tiles. Writing is too important till later on like others were saying. Letter tiles will show that he recognizes. Don't push it because it may turn him off of learning. :) Boys are made to be active more than girls. So they tend to like active learning. So instead of sitting, maybe he will "booty write". Its where you write the letter with your bottom. My kids loved it when I taught Kindergarten in the ps. So there is another idea to try but I wouldn't worry about actually writing and stuff at this point. :)
  5. I also started praying with my child that God would help me teach correctly and in the way that she can understand it. I also pray for patience and understanding. Then we pray for the child that she listens carefully, learns her material and that we both would have a great attitude about the whole experience. One day I was so frustrated I asked her if she wanted to get up every morning and go back to ps. She got this funny expression on her face and she said '"No way." Things are much better now. I still lose cool, but I tell ya God has helped me work through most of our problems. With a little help from God things have worked out great since. She actually will tell me "Mom, we haven't prayed this morning..." haha
  6. You can find that type of stuff on the internet. Just search for convert ____ to mp3. Depending on what the other formatting is put where the blank is. There are tons of ways :)
  7. I agree. Of course my children are smaller but I just take it away. If they want that certain area, just say "ok no one can have it now that you fought about it." That way no one "wins" in the end. They all lose it. I have found it to work with older kids too since I used to watch some older kids. Seemed to work well with them. Learned to not fight and take turns. I think that reminding them about putting others before yourself is an excellent thing too. I will be working on that more. Thanks for the reminder!
  8. I agree with StartingOver. Just ask comprehension questions more often. Make it more personal. Such as stories or things that they have experienced to go along with whatever you are reading about. If they make connections with their own life sometimes that helps too. :)
  9. Thank you for this! I love how you are signifying God in your life as important. Many just think that by believing and not doing is okay. I really appreciate this post. I still have to work on it, so it is uplifting that those "things" don't have to be done. Jesus should be our focus on Christmas, but in most cases it isn't. Sometimes we fall back into old routines of watching too much tv, or like you said going out that our family does not have the time to do chores or things that need to be done. (me included!) So I continually work on this. Thank you again! Very good advise!!!
  10. A good teacher will use manipulatives no matter what level you are working with. I have used a few different math programs. I do like the R&S but I use SM as my core and R&S to back it up. When you have a child that has a hard time with math, it doesn't matter if it shows it clearly or not. It is also about being able to change the program to how your child needs to be taught. I am a homeschooling mom, and I think it is so much better for kids than a public school. Teaching is much more different and much more rewarding! I was wanting to explain why I said the things I did by being a cert. teacher not that I know more than anyone. I just didn't know if she would understand my wording. I'm sorry it came across that I thought I would know more about being a cert. teacher. My apologies.
  11. I'm sorry I was talking more about the upper grade levels. Not the younger. I should have made that more clear. The older grade levels deal more with the abstract. Not as much hands on. Sorry I wasn't so clear on that.
  12. That would be pictorial. Manipulatives are things that you can manipulate. Such as blocks, counters that type of thing. I use beads a lot of times for a manipulative. I do like the R&S for their review. Every lesson builds on the previous which is great. If you do the R&S which is very cost effective, just incorporate counters and things like that. If he learns through doing, this will help out a lot. One thing that helped my daughter also is get out a deck of cards. Take out the JQK's and jokers and remind them that the A is one or even write a one on it. Do memory games such as two numbers that make 5 can be kept. I also have my daughter tell me the answer between two numbers no matter what and she is learning through that also. You can have manipulatives to count out so if you pick up 3 and 4 have counters to count out those and see if it makes 5. Little games like that work great. Go fish is another one you could do that way. Number bonds (SM) help show the correlation between the numbers. I will have to tell you that there is no "right" program out there. You have to incorporate different ones to really get a balanced understanding. Someone said before that there aren't worksheets that you can write in for the R&S but there is a student workbook that you can buy.
  13. The reason that I say it is abstract is because you are not using manipulatives to learn. When you work just with numbers that is an abstract way of learning. If you use pictures or things to count with, it is hands on. Sorry I'm a certified teacher so if there is something you don't understand let me know. SM is hard to teach because it does not spell everything out for you. I have taken a couple of classes on it so I have an easier time with it probably. I do have some things I could email you if you would like. My brother had a hard time with math because it didn't make sense to him either. Memorization is probably your best bet. R&S does a lot of that. If you started SM at the level 5 it probably won't make sense because you have to have the previous understanding from the years before. I would suggest a lot of games working with numbers and teach counting on. Use a number line or use a place value mat. That is from SM but you can incorporate a lot of things from SM into any math curriculum. Let me know and I can send you the mat and stuff.
  14. R&S will be abstract because it is a lot of memorization. I'm surprised SM didn't work. It starts out very hands on. You can also adapt the strategies to be hands on. Take all the time you need with each strategy. Use manipulatives every time you do a problem. What grade?
  15. I am using Rod and Staff and really like the program. I wanted something that was bible based and my daughter loves it. She learns a lot but it isn't overwhelming. Although it was made in the 80's it really gets kids to read and want to learn. Plus as a bonus it is really easy to use. I am a certified teacher and am happy with it!
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