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About mmeblue

  • Birthday 01/14/1981

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  1. For the first grade curriculum, at least, the "Phonics, Reading, and Spelling" curriculum is a separate book from the "Writing and Seatwork" curriculum. The former is the scripted lesson plans, while the latter has in the seatwork section more of the "do page 16" type instructions. I wonder if maybe she only got the seatwork one?
  2. Since this is still unresolved, I was wondering if I could have permission to simply start a new account. I can use a different email address to sign up, and I can include something like "formerly mmeblue" in my signature for a while, if those things are helpful.
  3. I was going to wait until we started our new year, but I've been waiting eagerly. So now after seeing this thread, I went ahead and updated. :D
  4. Before DD#2 was born, we went to Waffle House before church every Sunday morning. They would start making our order when they saw us pull into the parking lot!
  5. Yes, I've read the first edition, which a friend gave me when I made the decision that led to homeschooling for our family (quitting my teaching job). I've checked out the third edition from the library in the past to read specific sections, and it's on my Amazon wish list. My friend gave me a number of books from different styles/perspectives on homeschooling. I was reading through them and thinking, "This isn't me. This doesn't work for me." When I got to TWTM, I thought, "THIS. This is the kind of education I want to give my children." I don't follow every recommendation, but I do use a good bit of it and feel comfortable with its general approach.
  6. I'm planning to focus my self-education in three areas: * Latin: Using Wheelock's. * Mathematics: Reviewing calculus first, then continuing to other courses using MIT's OpenCourseWare. * Research: I have ideas for some research I'd like to conduct, so I plan to work on reviewing the literature on the subject. I need to establish some concrete goals, but right now, I don't know how much time I'll be able to spend, or whether I'll end up working on all three areas at the same time or doing one at a time.
  7. YouVersion's Bible app is great and has a ton of versions and reading plans. You can get daily reminders for your plan if you'd like them. You can use the app on different kinds of devices, or you can use the website. If you get behind, you can click a "catch me up" button that adjusts your schedule so that the next unread reading is scheduled for the current day.
  8. DD#1 just recently got my old Kindle Fire. Reason: so she can play DragonBox and coloring apps without stealing my tablet from me. ;) Also, I received a new tablet. She reads on it some, but not that often. Though she can read chapter books, picture books are more on her interest level, and the ones I've seen for Kindle often have formatting issues.
  9. My oldest lost her first tooth yesterday, so I very quickly made this special pillow with a pocket for her to put the tooth in. Joann's didn't have any tooth fabric or fairy fabric, so I just went with things I knew DD would love. I was going to say I've been otherwise lax on the hobby front, but then I remembered that a couple of weeks ago I made this name plate for DS's room, which has a whale theme.
  10. My first thought had been some wall decor for my kitchen, but then I learned that DH is not totally sold on the idea I have for that, so I have to work on convincing him. :glare: So then I picked out a new sugar canister, since the lid on the current one is broken and we've got it covered in unattractive plastic wrap at the moment. I sent DH a link to the amazon page for the canister I want with the subject line, "Happy Mother's Day to me." ;)
  11. DD#1: clear/bright DD#2: blind DS: new town Yes, poor DD#2, lol. :) But her name is very pretty, and it has some nice historical and literary connections. Obviously, we liked it enough to use it in spite of the meaning. The girls' middle names are both in honor of family members (meanings are pure for DD#1, pearl for DD#2). DS's first and middle names honor family (middle means ruler).
  12. I'm another who has found TCOYF an invaluable resource. I've loaned my copy to more than one friend who has then bought her own! I will say that my cycles are pretty textbook, and that makes it much easier to chart them and use FAM. But TCOYF will help you understand your cycles, even if they are less predictable. And I think someone else mentioned it upthread, but fertilityfriend.com is a great place to keep your charts, for free (they have a paid version too, but I've never needed it). I also remember (from when I first started charting and was on another board) seeing recommendations for a book called Fertility, Cycles, and Nutrition. I never read it, but a number of people said it was helpful to them. I think it's written from a Catholic perspective and therefore tends more toward the NFP side, but I could be wrong on that.
  13. I would advise contacting them in some way - individual personal emails, phone calls, texts, whatever. Someone did a baby shower for me a couple months ago and sent out evites, and I know several people didn't open it because they thought it was spam, or else it got filtered into their spam folder so they didn't see it.
  14. I don't have any advice, but I couldn't read without posting how sorry I am that you are in a position where you even have to ask these questions. My prayers are with your family. :grouphug:
  15. I used to teach math, and I got the same sorts of things. Depending on how quickly I wanted to get out of the conversation, my responses ranged from "mmm" to waxing poetic about how beautiful I find mathematics. ;) When we're out with DD#2, we get asked how old she is (with incredulous looks), almost invariably followed by, "Wow. She talks REALLY well." Yep. And she never, ever stops. She even talks about her plans for what she's about to talk about, lol. Actually, DH had her somewhere the other day, and after that exchange, the person told him that she homeschools and really thinks Reading Eggs would be great for DD!
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