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Everything posted by momto10blessings

  1. Thanks, will try. Unfortunately the whole pants are dirty, not just the knees and seat.
  2. How much dishwasher soap? I'm desperately trying to get stains out for allstar team pictures tomorrow
  3. I tried scotch guard on white baseball pants and failed. Back to scrubbing, I guess
  4. What do you all do for Internet in the middle of nowhere? We don't have Fios or cable or anything. It seems like the only options are Mifi from AT&T or satellite. We have Mifi now and it works great (tower right across the road), only problem is that they only have a 5 gb plan and we use 8 or so a month. We'd like to stream more, but it costs a fortune when it all adds up. If you have and like satellite, which one do you use and does it stream ok? We don't play online games. Satellite seems to get mixed reviews
  5. My friend moved here from Ukraine and she always says they could spot Americans because they "dressed boring" and smiled a lot/
  6. I don't know if all Catholic priests are like this, but the ones we know will not accept cash. They accept gifts (food!) but will not (can not?) accept money. They tell us we are welcome to donate some money to the parish, but it is not necessary.
  7. I may try to wear it when I have a headache after reading these replies. Worth a try
  8. I received one as a gift for one of my babies and she wore it around her ankle for a few months during teething. It didn't help at all. She was my worst teether, the only one to have a fever each time a new tooth was popping through. Mine was medium color and I have heard that the darker ones work best (I think darker, maybe lighter...sorry) but I'm skeptical. There are a ton of people who live by them though
  9. Unfortunately MotB was the one who told my husband to wear khakis and a polo when everyone else wore a suit!!!
  10. After showing up at a casual wedding on a beach in a polo shirt and khakis when every other man was wearing a suit, my husband always errs on the safe side and wears a suit to a wedding. He can always take the jacket and tie off
  11. http://www.amazon.com/Battat-Take-A-Part-Airplane-Roadster-Exclusive/dp/B00B29K89Q/ref=pd_sim_t_24 Fun toy to take apart My boys that age also like: Design and drill Legos Imaginext Dinos and airplanes Stomp rockets Spot it
  12. I can't tell you how many times this has happened in our house!
  13. Boys are so curious, I have 6 and that sounds like a normal 3 yr old to me
  14. Same here. I hate when someone's kids point a toy gun in my face and pretend to shoot me and pretend my brains are being blown out. So, no pointing guns at people unless they are playing.
  15. This is my 9th baby and I'm still shocked at how some friends think its perfectly ok to STICK THEIR FINGER IN BABY'S MOUTH when she starts to cry!! Please don't stick your dirty finger in my baby's mouth. Ever. Not ok. Hand her back to me. While we're at it, no dogs licking my baby's face. I try to be nice, really I do. But if you bring your puppy over to my 2 month old baby and let her lick all over my baby's face, watch out! My cousin learned this last week. What are your pet peeves concerning people and babies?
  16. Some say that TT is a year behind, but recently I've heard that its closer to 2 yrs behind. But I only have 4th grade and it seemed to work out fine for 4th
  17. Muslin swaddling blankets are the newest rage nowadays. Bambino land usually has a 40% off coupon. You could print out a bible verse about babies or family and frame it. A baby blanket or onesie with bible verse? You could get the kids traveling bags and fill them with goodies. Coloring and activity books, colored pencils, stickers, notebooks, snacks, etc. I would not like traveling with big board games, but you could include travel games, card games, etc.
  18. We pay our $20 copay at the doctor visit. Then the doctor will send a bill for the visit. If the doctor charges $150, but the insurance companies allowable amount is $80, we send the $80 in then keep going until we reach the deductible. After we meet the deductible we are still responsible for 20%. For routine visits/well checks we pay the copay but the rest is covered.
  19. It looks like they do not use the same chemicals they once did, so I'm not sure what impact you are speaking of?
  20. My kids would not take piano lessons if we did not have a teacher that came to our house. It has been a lifesaver! We pay $5 extra in gas since he lives a few miles away, but it is totally worth it. I'd be paying more than that in gas anyway to take them to his house. The piano is in the main part of the house, so while he is here the littles are either napping, watching a movie, playing outside or playing something quietly
  21. I will have to try this. Our coach chose white pants for allstars. There should be a law saying that coaches who choose white pants have to wash them. Where do you find scotchguard at? What section of the store? Do you need to spray them after every washing?Thanks for passing on the tip!
  22. My teacher friends say they appreciate gift cards the most. Even a $5 gift card helps out the family budget. They all seem to appreciate Target, restaurant, grocery store and gas station gift cards the most. They also like gift cards to ice cream joints so they can take the whole family and treat their kids. They have told me that they have received so many coffee mugs and knick knacks over the years and have had to give most of them to Goodwill because they just don't have the room or use for them.
  23. One of my babies was born just shy of 35 weeks and was 7 lbs. Ultrasound said he was 5.5 lbs the day before he was born. It can be way off and I hate to think that a Dr would plan a c-section knowing that ultrasounds can be off. I would talk to another Dr. They should let you try to birth your baby.
  24. What is "the exchange"? We do not have a healthcare option through my dh's employer so we have our own insurance.
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