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Everything posted by fosterisacoolcat

  1. I have been known to withhold information. I will delay answering a question to spare a nasty meltdown but, no, we try to be truthful.
  2. Oh, no. I am sorry you have been harassed like that. I dont have much to offer other than a :grouphug: but I did want to say that you ( a general 'you') cannot let people like that have too much of an impact on your life. those who are toxic are best kept at arms length and keep it so they have very little, if any, impact on how youfeel. Dont give them that much power over you. Surround yourself with people who support and love you. It is all about mind over matter - you dont mind because they dont matter. Oh, and I shop at goodwill and garage sales as well. There were times we could not afford otherwise but at times it is because clothes and 'things' are just irrelevent. Being thrifty and trying to be a responsible consumer are things to be proud of. Your children will learn the value of a dollar and hardwork. I hope you feel better soon.
  3. I suspect that when you get into the groove of home learning it becomes natural to look for an opportunity to learn everywhere.
  4. My oldest will be 5 this fall. In Texas, where we live, she would start pre-k this year because she misses the cut off of September. We are starting phonics and reinforcing math skills right now and doing lots and lots and lots or reading. I thrive on structure and I love to organize things, on the same note, I do experience burn out if I dont let myself deviate from the 'master plan'. I hope to start first grade next year and I have not settled on any specific cirriculum yet. I am taking alot of advice straight from the book but I ordered several different books (on the cheap!) to check them out for myself. I am leaning towards Math U See and Spell to Read and Write as well as the Usborne and Kingfisher History Books. I did order Dempsey Parr World History Encyclopedia so I could check that one out as well.
  5. It puts me on the edge of going postal. I HAVE to read it myself to really comprehend and my dh INSISTS on reading me things. My (least) favorite is when he spells things to me, he loses me on the second letter. :confused:
  6. or do you use the weekends to catch up or teach lessons? Do you have a specific start time? How many hours do you 'log' in each day or does it vary? If you are keeping track of school days do the 2 hour days count as much as the 4-5 hour days? What kind of goals do you set for the year? I am hoping that I can be flexible and just have goals set for the year. I hope that I can have some weeks where we 'do' school 2 hours a day 7 days a week and others where we accomplish 4-5 hours a day 3 days a week. Perhaps it is easier to be consistent, I am not sure. I would greatly appreciate any feedback!
  7. I think it could be argued that the level of brainwashing an abused women receives and the isolation she feels plays into how something like this happens. If a women is told, repeatedly, that she will be killed or that her children will be killed is she tries to leave, she would most likely believe the abuser. She has no reason to believe that he WONT hurt her, he has made that point perfectly clear. An abused woman does not feel she is able to leave. He will find her and kill her and she might feel pushed to an extreme to save herself and/or her family.
  8. http://www.frostfishcovesoaps.com/ OR, my new fav - http://www.bluehousesoaps.com/
  9. It is hard to say what anyone of us would be pushed to during times of extreme fear/isolation/abuse. I hope her kids are in therapy and the family has support.
  10. I wish I knew. My 2 year old is not allowed to have crayons cause he eats them. My almost 5 year old has to be reminded, still, to take stuff out of her mouth.
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