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Everything posted by dymphna57

  1. I can't find it. I had to get a new hard drive and it there are a few wholes in my database. Anyway, someone has a great link full of pictures of different kinds of book reports done by a elementary school teacher. We did a few and are trying to figure out the skeleton model for mysteries and we can't find it! help, please .
  2. I was a library reader myself until we moved somewhere they don't have it. I decided i would buy the new edition when we visitied this year but had unexpected bills and lost my budget! I replaced my Fanny Farmer cookbook only ( It was too hard to find all the loose pages and unstick the others!) Well, dh went back over for family reasons and he bought the new edition for me!!!! Can't wait. He never read it and is astonished at how much is in there. He says it is incredible. Six more days. To see him again of course!;)
  3. I use the Great Book Study Guides from Angelicum Academy, the catholic offshoot of GBA. There are two per year for for 4 years. They are loose pages in a notebook form and the cost is about fifty dollars each. I bought mine several yrs ago so that might have changed. I am looking at semester one ,third year, Middle Ages. It is 124 pages with pages 1 & 2 introducing the guide. The use Brittannica's GBOTWW as a spine and acknowledging the debt to Mortimer Adler and Robert Hutchins. There are sixteen selections, all prefaced by a poetry selection from Dr. James Taylor ,author of Poetic Knowledge. Each reading has a brief summary then a suggestion of suggestions of important ideas , themes or images that might be missed by first time readers. I am attempting to paraphrase Dr. Alexander here to make this brief. Following the suggestions are study questions and then reflection questions for deeper meaning of the whole work. I have found these questions very helpful in discussing the readings with my sons. Here is a sample. "recall Aristotle's definition of tragedy: that the plot was an imitation of an action, the action being some interior movement that the plot was making visible and that the action turned on a movement of recognition and turning. These two elements combined produced a catharthis,a purging of unhealthy emotions. Do these apply to Chaucer's stories? Are there moments of recognition that turn the action? Do purging regularly takevplace? How important are these for comedy?" They are worth considering. IMO
  4. I use the Great Book Study Guides from Angelicum Academy, the catholic offshoot of GBA. There are two per year for for years. They are loose pagesvin a notebook form and the cost is about fifty dollars each. I bought mine several yrs ago so that might have changed. I am looking at semester one ,third year, Middle Ages. It is 124 pages with pages 1 & 2 introducing the guide. The use Brittannica's GBOTWW as a spine and acknowledging the debt to Mortimer Adler and Robert Hutchins. There are sixteen selections, all prefaced by a poetry selection from Dr. James Taylor ,author of Poetic Knowledge. Each reading has a brief summary then a suggestion of suggestions of important ideas , themes or images that might be missed by first time readers. I am attempting to paraphrase Dr. Alexander here to make this brief. Following the suggestions are studyvquestions and then reflection questions for deeper meaning of the whole work. I have found these questions very helpful in discussing the readings with my sons. "recall Aristotle's definition of tragedy: that the plot was an imitation of an action, the action being some interior movement that the plot was making visible and that the action turned on a movement of recognition and turning. These two elements combined produced a catharthis,a purging of unhealthy emotions. Do these apply to Chaucer's stories? Are there moments of recognition that turn the action? Do purging regularly takevplace? How important are these for comedy?" They are worth considering. IMO
  5. This is a free downloadable program that you can really use to design almost anything. My architect/designer husband loves it and the boys use it to design space ships and rabbit hutches. Neither of which has been built yet! http://sketchup.google.com/
  6. :iagree: it needs to be said. sometimes . or we will think we are going crazy . or we will go crazy . or we will go. Three done and four to go! Yipee. If I last this week!!!!!:001_smile:
  7. I would have felt less guilty about all the books I bought if i could have looked ahead to their now dilapidated state! Hard to believe, but I guess i wish I had worried less about cost. I ended up with Sound Beginnings and WRTR which I love but am not sure that all those other phonics programs were bad, I wore them out too. I love SG which is easier than the mish mash I used earlier but perhaps all that mishing and mashing was neccesary for me! Since i hardly ever read aloud :o anymore, I guess i wish i had kept it up. I hire that out now on audio books but there is something i had then. Spelling. Mmmm My elder children are all good spellers and none of the latter ones are. I used to do more oral drills. I had cool stickers.
  8. I just wanted to add my vote for te First Folio Shakespeare. The research into the Bard's use of punctuation for guiding the reading is fascinating. It really helps you hear what he wanted. Remember that a whole printing was scrapped in a time when paper was not cheap because the puntuation was wrong. It isn't hard at all to read.
  9. I usually only used part of their guides as we just couldn't do all that work in a two week window. I remember I extended that because we really got into it! HTH
  10. There is a pdf on the Institute for Excellence sight that compares Teaching the Classics and Windows to the World. My understanding is that WTTW is primarily student oriented and TTC is teacher training oriented.
  11. This is John Senior's list of Good Books, the list before the Great Books. We use this with Angelicum Academy but I have taken the list from the Great Books Academy. http://www.greatbooksacademy.org/html/the_good_books_list.html'>http://www.greatbooksacademy.org/html/the_good_books_list.html'>http://www.greatbooksacademy.org/html/the_good_books_list.html'>http://www.greatbooksacademy.org/html/the_good_books_list.html http://www.greatbooksacademy.org/html/the_good_books_list.html I know that there are many lists. I think that what i have tried to include are books full or great writing and vocabulary , lots of great charactors and imaginative settings, classic themes,:)that we can read again and discuss. I want these book to be enjoyed before high school as we will be concentrating on Great Books then. I have other books that are more for high schoolers who ask for something good to read. An entirely different questions!:tongue_smilie:
  12. I have a wannabe film director here and we have are doing CTT Animation and then film. He really knows his stuff. Often people underestimate the time required but although the lessons are hefty, he tells you how many hours you will be spending. My only quip is he seems too thourough. I am more than tempted to skip.
  13. If you want a good overview but don't want to invest in the DVDs, you could just buy the Structure and Sense book that it is based on. Some of us are past where we need someone to 'show' us how . Okay, not neccesarily me but i did get a bit frustrated with having to watch DVDs. I think it is a great program and i appreciate the focus on teaching the teachers.
  14. I guess I should say that after starting with Shurley 3, we decided to start with FLL for grade 1 and 2 but i am a great believer in using what you have! If you already have Shurley 1 don't feel that you will need much more for your first year. I think that Shurley tends to be something that works better after the first year as everyone knows what to expect. My kids know they will have cool sentences on the white board to mark up with different colors, we will all have cool new vocabulary. My little ones thought having a test every week made them real students. I just started to add IEW for writing this year and I have one in Shurley 3, 5 and 8. The eldest seemed to need more help with writing so we decided to try a new twist. I think that just making the notebook with all the rules and vocabulary, drafts and final copies is a huge step. I know we could have skipped a few years but it was easier to just keep the structure. hope this helps
  15. We have used their Life Science, Earth Science, for the last few years and it is a great science program. We have used 5th and 6th in the past but switched to Apologia series, Botany, Astronomy etc. We havent found any difficulty in doing the jr high courses without doing the BJU 5th and 6th. I do try to have materials ready and like the historical use of making ancient science instruments .Sadly:crying:,this will be our last year with BJU as I have been perusaded finally to stop supporting an organization so negative and abusive to my church. PS O/T Great , Great book report site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. It is hard to have to make choices. I know that I would love to be able to say, "Money is no object!" but it won't happen. It doesn't happen when I go to the supermarket or when we bought a house. It is disappointing to not get into a college but worse , not to be able to afford the great school you get into. Check again with financial aid. They use the Fafsa but they can be surprisingly flexible. If not, I guess you both deserve a cry. Get your favorite chick flick, banish the guys and cry all over the popcorn. :grouphug:
  17. Except homeschooling! Seriously, I fail at keeping a checkbook register. I do everything last minute and must drive family and friends crazy. Homeschooling gets more complicated as they grow and there will be some point you need to either plan or keep great records. I find it easier to keep records if I have planned first. I like HST+ as my brain doesn't run in straight lines. Planning keeps us all honest.
  18. There are new curriculum guides from MODG that I bought and replaced my old guides. They include more details on practice, include blank charts to fill in as part of practice, more quizzes and more teaching details. They have really upgraded this to something a non latin scholar can teach. I also bought the answer key to all those excercises missing from the Henle Answer key because they are sooo simple you don't need a translation . Huh!
  19. With some kids yes and some kids no. Some kids more and some kids less. Some kids earlier and some kids later. My third grader has read or listened ( audio books are great for this age as she went through a phase of listening to Winnie the Pooh every day, and personally I would have gone crazy), Complete Winnie the Pooh Doctor Doolite Wind and the Willows Complete Beatrix Potter Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Looking-glas Heidi Little House books ( I am saving Happy Golden years for later) Little Women Little Men ( a real favorite!) Robin Hood by Howard Pyle Pirates by Howard Pyle Little Princess Secret Garden Princess and the Goblin Princess and the Curdie Elsie Dinsmore Pollyanna Anne of Green Gables ( and a few more of these) Wizard of Oz Land of Oz Narnia Books I actually skipped the Lang Fairy books as we didn't have them but I downloaded a few free on my iPhone. She keeps begging for another story from them Who can tell? I know that she has plenty of head start on her brothers and sisters who read these more about fourth or fifth grade. She has a great imagination and vocabulary. I was just trying to get all the good books in before the end of eighth grade because there is so much more to read then. I also think a lot of these books were more enjoyed by her than her elder siblings so manybe the earlier is better We are planning of Treasure Island and Black Beauty next.
  20. When did not getting along with another homeschooling family mean isolation? I think one of the problems is that we expect to have so much more in common with a homeschooling family and then we don't because perhaps kids don't have interests in common and or we can't really share our difficulties as it all becomes who is right. We socialize regularly with a lot of different families with many different approaches to child rearing and education. We get along with people who respect each others differences. One of my families closest friend families are unschoolers and we find our biggest problem is the distance. We find new things to share especially because they are coming from a different angle than we are. I just wanted to empathize with someone's experience of not getting along when you expected to.
  21. "For what it's worth, I don't think things would change if you brought him home at this point in the year. My homeschooled-all-the-way-through kids have friends who went through the same stuff. If a kid is going to fall prey to this," :iagree: All a great mom, and you are a great mom, can do is monitor there very movement, keep their money and know in their heart who this young man is. My dd , a teacher, says that so many parents just don't want to know. :grouphug::grouphug:
  22. We left an area full of "anal Classical" :lol: Homeschoolers to an area with mostly unschoolers. I admit to avoiding other homeschoolers here. Truthfully I don't have the time and we have plenty of socialization with ps near us, read no driving or appointments. Recently an unschooler wants her eight yr old to socialize with my eight yr old. I agreed to one visit and now she is clamoring for more. Sigh. I think I am going to try it slowly and be ready to pull back. What is so hard? People who are so sure you are wrong that they try to convince your kids. I really need that, not.
  23. I think it is a great retelling of the Arthur legend for children but I read it as an adult and loved it. Can't say I had a problem with anything in it but I have the type of memory that gently lays aside the bad. I can also recommend the Mary Stewart Merlin trilogy for you to read but again I read this as an adult. It is a different take. My ds and I had lots of great discussions after he read both. He was probably 10th-11th grade.
  24. HST basic isn't really designed for lesson plans more for the weekly repeat plans. I use HST + which allows me to write my plans in the summer but more importantantly I can tweak easily. If a certain section takes more or less time I only put about two weeks of the LP on the weekly assignments so it is easy to change. I find I add things for some children that others don't need or can't do so I just skip those items and schedule the next thing. I agree, my year goes better if the weekly assignment pages look better.
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