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Posts posted by ciyates

  1. Okay I have been lurking for a few days now...but finally decided to weigh in.


    As some of you know I have entered the workforce again. ( I love my new HR position :)) I took advantage of my work resources and network to ask this questions. I have yet to hear anyone say anything negative about BJU. I work for a globally known company and am on a committee with HR reps from several other large companies. I asked their opinions etc... No one admitted to having a bias against them. I asked our hiring manager and she did a quick search and we have 10 grads of BJU in our company (I am sure that is a small percentage). So far it hasn't hurt them. I don't know anything about BJU's politics but I think their negative reputation maybe exaggerated.



    FYI I am the assistant hiring manager for all of our executive level employees.

  2. Things have changed in our life and I am going back to work. I start March 26th. DS is 16 and a sophomore so he pretty much does his work on his own anyway. I am excited/scared to be going back into the work force after being out for 7 years. Please give me any suggestions and tips you may have. I will be working full time, 8-5 Tuesday through Saturday. My DH works Mon- Friday (nights). We are considering a more intense co-op (Mon-Wed) so DS won't be alone all that much or taking classes at the community college as duel credit.


    Please don't bash me for going back to work. It is something that can't be helped.

  3. Swim Outlet, and look at TYR. They run a bit bigger than Speedo, so go w/ the smaller Speedo size, and she should be ok.




    Keep in mind that Speedo runs small, competition suits are tight for a reason, and to rinse, rinse,rinse every day and let dry.


    Swim outlet has grab bag suits that are very reasonable. DS is in the pool 6 days a week most of the year (we do short course and long course:svengo:). I buy him 3 cheap suits from there at the beginning of the year and they pretty much last all year.

  4. My son is taking AP US government with Patrick Henry Prep. He had to do a 6 page book report. He was not allowed to have it edited by anyone. :svengo: Okay fine! He needs to really learn to edit on his own anyway. After he turned in the book report, I reviewed it. I was horrified! It was terrible. I would have not accepted it. If I had it would have been a failing grade. I explained my frustration to him and told him he would likely fail the paper and possibly fail the class. Well the grade is in and he got an 86. :confused::confused: This paper was terrible! It had grammatical mistakes left and right, was not formatted correctly and did not have the proper work cited page.

    I feel this teacher is giving him an easy grade. I also feel it is setting him up for failure because he truly thinks this was good enough. Should I contact her or let it be?

  5. My son is taking AP US government with Patrick Henry Prep. He had to do a 6 page book report. He was not allowed to have it edited by anyone. :svengo: Okay fine! He needs to really learn to edit on his own anyway. After he turned in the book report, I reviewed it. I was horrified! It was terrible. I would have not accepted it. If I had it would have been a failing grade. I explained my frustration to him and told him he would likely fail the paper and possibly fail the class. Well the grade is in and he got an 86. :confused::confused: This paper was terrible! It had grammatical mistakes left and right, was not formatted correctly and did not have the proper work cited page.

    I feel this teacher is giving him an easy grade. I also feel it is setting him up for failure because he truly thinks this was good enough. Should I contact her or let it be?

  6. I have been in you spot so many time since I took over as the director of our Co-op. :toetap05:


    To me a deadline was a deadline... It seems relatively simple to drop a check in the mail on time. Why couldn't people get it together? However God humbled me in a way that I did not expect. Life happened to me. In an 18 month period my son had a major, life changing injury to his hand. This lead to multiple surgeries, countless OT visit and more medical bills than I could imagine. My dad had a heart attack, slipped into diabetic coma and had an amputation. My MIL started declining rapidly and decision had to be made. Our church split and we were without any support. I dropped every ball I was juggling. I found out quickly that everyone around me had a similar story.


    I don't know if life is happening to this person or are they just being contrary.:D I do know I am thankful to everyone who cut me slack, especially the ones who did not know what was going on!

  7. I like your blog... that's not the kind I'm talking about. I mean the Ann Volkamp's of this world. (okay, now that might just get me into trouble.)


    I don't read anyones blog (even my friends who I am supposed to be reading :D), I don't blog because well I am pretty boring.


    FWIW I am googling Ann Volkamp :tongue_smilie:

  8. I didn't read the other post so here goes...NO!!!!! There is 5 years between me and my sister (I am the oldest). When I graduated my parents didn't have two dimes to rub together, I didn't get a car and they didn't help with my wedding. They couldn't! When my sister hit that age their situation was different. They didn't a lot more for her than me. So what????


    It would really surprise me if this young adult wanted her parents to go into a debt so that things were fair financial between her and her siblings. Regardless of the promises made this is a family not a business deal.

  9. No but I think there is a lot of missing information. Once when I was 16 I became very mouthy and disrespectful to my dad. I was completely out of line. My dad very, very gently slapped my mouth. I collapsed on the floor and cried for hours. He didn't hurt me, however, I learned never to do that again. I am not sure talking to me at that age would have made any difference :D.

    My 16 year old DS who is a foot taller than me decided to argue with me and be disrespectful. His dad got in his face (very angry) and let him know that wasn't okay. While he didn't hit him he would have if the boy had kept pushing it. Sometimes it maybe what is called far.

  10. Once he gets his license he has to pay for the gas he uses for his personal enjoyement and half his insurance. Right now he has to pay for his eating out with friends and movies. The cell phone is for my benefit so I pay for it. I pay for summer camp and swim practice. If he wants clothes and I approve of them then I pay otherwise the boy is on his own. His car (that he bought with his own money) is 100% his responsibility. I pay for the upkeep on the bike because it saves me a ton of gas money (he rides to practice). Of course he is only 16 so this could all change very soon.

  11. I think I have DS convinced of how dangerous this situation is (the potential for the girl to lie about him on something serious). The young lady has told lies about young men in the community that if anyone took serious would destroy their lives.


    I can understand teenagers getting themselves in situations like this but it is the mom who really makes me crazy. I showed her the text messages. I was livid at my DS for his behavior, and she wasnt concerned.

  12. My son has a female friend who is way more into him than he is in to her. For the last few years she has listed him as her boyfirend on FB or her number one friend etc. I am ashamed to say his behavior with her is not that of a gentleman. I put a stop to them talking, facebooking etc. I told her mother they were not to have any contact. For about a year they did not then she set up a fake FB account contacted him and started calling and texting. Her mother brought her to my see my son when she knew I would not be around. I found out about it when I was checking my son's text and was livid. The language they used was terrible. It was pornographic. I contacted the mother and told her, forwarded her the text and said under no circumstances could they see contact each other. This was about 4 months ago. Over the last few weeks the mother has been contacting me asking me to let them talk. She says her daughter has grown up and desperately needs my DS in her life. My response is NO! I can't understand her response. She is a conservative homeschooler. I can tell you if anyone ever talked to my DD the way my DS spoke to her I would not want them within a country mile of one another. They are young 16 and 14. Am I over reacting or what?


    P.S. The young lady involved has a history of making up lies and telling them to my son or telling them about my son.

  13. I agree with changing the schedule around! Have oldest do school in the am while DH spends time with the youngest.


    1. If you like to shop go to Goodwill. It is a great place to waste the day looking for this and that and the inventory changes all the time.

    2. Take a class at the community center (usually really cheap)

    3. Take a class at the local CC (you may qualify for financial aid!)

    4. What do you like to learn about or do? When I wanted to play the piano I checked out a book from the local library and knocked on the door to an older church to ask if I could use theirs. They said yes and after a month I was so over the piano.:D


    My DH works long long hours, he goes in at 8 pm and gets home around 9 am the next day. I often feel like a single parent because I am the one solely doing everything.


  14. Okay so as I am coming up with all of these goals for fitness that I know I won't keep :D, I realized that I have a fairly easy solution I can do. DS is a swimmer so that means I have to run him to practices 6 days a week for 2-3 a shot. I usually don't come home because of the drive/gas/laziness :D so I bemoan all of my wasted time. Well lo and behold there is a Bally's gym just a few miles from swim and they have a free 7 day membership.


    So my questions is does anyone have any experience with them?

  15. Jen,


    I am the advancement coordinator for our troop and sit on the Eagle Board of reviews for our district. I love the Scout program and think it is great so here is my advice.


    Let him stop going for a few months...:svengo: He is only 14 so he has plenty of time to make Eagle, do OA stuff and do have the high adventures camps. As long as he is a current member he should be able to go on his trip. Tell the SM that due to personal issues he needs a few months off. Let him finish with his sports obligations and then go back. Maybe the new SPL can change things up a little. Let him mature/miss the program/get somethings off his plate. He can still earn MBs and not attend the meetings. Also before I would let him go back I would make him look at another troop.


    Seriously I have seen this so many times before with the young men and the ones who are Eagle material come back and finish it. We did two BOR for Eagle before Christmas and both young men said they rushed through as younger scouts and it wasn't until they were older that the started to take it seriously.


    Good luck! :grouphug:

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