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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. You can also request a free catalog from them.
  2. I was thinking SL too, with perhaps pulling the readers out of the package.
  3. 2 words for your preschooler --- "Letter Factory". Mine is watching it even as we speak. (I just jumped on here to look something up while my k and 3rd are finishing math -- saw your post) We have the Prima Latina DVD's, but we will not start them until next month. So, no help with the Latin!
  4. What do you mean the core will be a separate option next year? Explain please! Thanks bunches!
  5. We were doing MUS when we were at this stage. I completely stopped for a couple of months and only worked on the facts. I've never regretted it for a teeny tiny minute. She knows them so much better than I do! I still have her do some of the math drill sheets from Donna Young (not timed) a couple of times a week, just to keep them fresh (even though she uses them everyday in math).
  6. Interesting ..... so what do you guys do for "math"? Follow a program? Book? Do your own? Interested b/c I just threw my "MASTER" plan book that I spent the whole summer writing --- out the window. Well, I'm using it more as a "guide" book these days. But, I'm really happy with math -- Horizons -regular speed, MUS - half speed. It's working like a dream here.
  7. Lady .... that's no small victory. That's a snowball that will start the avalanche. Way to GO!
  8. I'm interested in possibly getting some anatomical models for our anatomy lessons. Does anyone out there own any? If so, What? and where did you get it? Are you happy with your purchase? thanks!
  9. Ok, so I just figured out what MCT means. I've seen it mentioned here or there, but never stopped to figure it out. So, now I want in on the action. Since I'm behind, could someone kindly point me towards the best threads/ reading on the materials? Is everyone still happy with their choices? Does anyone want to give a short dish on how the program works? thanks
  10. We use Hooked on Phonics readers, Bob, Starfall (the ones from the starfall site - great resource), and Nora Gaydos readers. hth
  11. We will begin Prima Latina in a few weeks. For you guys out there who have already been down this road, were the flashcards useful? thanks
  12. I'll have to look into the chapter books, b/c my little as no interest in the "regular books". She says, "I've already seen that one!" - We love the show. thanks!
  13. We are not Catholic, but hands down our favorite resource is the book Leading Little Ones to God. http://www.amazon.com/Leading-Little-Ones-God-Teachings/dp/0802851207/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1288619873&sr=1-1 hth
  14. We're looking to do some cool, fun science stuff. What are some of your coolest finds? Any subject area. thanks!
  15. I got ours from Amazon b/c I really wanted a laminated one. I know that Dollar Tree did have some that were the same size as a standard piece of poster board. hth
  16. We are loving history this year for the first time. I took the list of history topics listed in WTM and then bought books (our library isn't reliable) for us to read together. I made a master list of books in chronological order ... and that's that. I also printed off tons of free coloring sheets for the topics. Dd9 does a narration for each book and everyone does a coloring sheet. Last week we finished up Sutcliff's Wanderings of Odysseus as part of our study on Greece. I get most of my books from either Goodwill, Amazon or the sale board here. I really pay attention to this board, Amazon reviews, Sonlight and VP for book recommendations. hth
  17. Is there a good resource to use for this ... that is not part of a science "curriculum/program"(ie apologia, etc)? We have tons of science books (Let's read and Find Out, etc, etc, etc), but am looking for a good resource to use with them. kwim? I'm afraid of this falling through the cracks. I don't really remember learning this until - gulp - college. thanks so much
  18. Does anyone have an inside scoop as to when the next levels of R.E.A.L. Science from Pandia will be released? I'd like to use this program, but we need a more advanced level. thanks
  19. Thank you all for answering! This goes to the "prereaders" -- When you preread, esp. science or history, do you take notes (esp. if you are reading it quite a bit in advanced)? If so, how? Any particular method that works great for you? thanks again!
  20. Do you guys have your kids read biographies, history or science books? How do you handle the review of those? thanks again
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