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Everything posted by Aludlam

  1. Don't know if this will help or not, b/c we are just now doing this ... I wrote to, too and two on 3 index cards. I put them on the table in front of dd9. Then I made up all sorts of sentences, when she heard "to","too" or "two" she had to touch the index card with the right "to" on it. We are doing this as a drill, b/c I haven't found any other way of doing it. hth
  2. To the ones who recommend getting binoculars instead of a telescope for sky watching .... would you please check out this pair of binoculars. I'm trying to find a pair on Amazon b/c I have gift cards. thanks so much http://www.amazon.com/Celestron-SkyMaster-Binoculars-Tripod-Adapter/dp/B00008Y0VN/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1288732054&sr=8-6
  3. The Whole Hearted Child, Charlotte Mason Companion and of course WTM. You might want to recommend that they get some free catalogs like Sonlight, VP, HOD, etc. They were a lot of help to me --- still are! hth
  4. I was a science major in college. So, I only took the basic English classes required for graduation ..... but they were 5 paragraphs only! I guess everybody is different.
  5. I don't know if this will help any but.... for your own peace of mind (I say that b/c it helps me with mine!) - you might want to give him the placement test for 3 and 4 and see were he places.
  6. We are starting PL next week. I'll be learning along with the kids. We have the cd's and dvd's. Just wondering if there might be some "fun" things (other dvds, fun activity books, etc, etc) out there that might enrich our experience? thanks everybody!
  7. We've never done any testing. One the CAT it has entering 2nd, 3rd, etc. grade. What if you are already into the grade? We started 3rd in August.
  8. I've read several of your post on other subjects, and respect your opinion as a "seasoned" homeschooler. I'm just guessing that R&S is what you used when you had littles, b/c GWG is relatively new. Would you take some time and possibly give your thoughts on GWG? possibly comparing to R&S..... thanks so much
  9. Hey, I think I might have been sitting by you. :001_huh: Just kidding ... sort of.
  10. Looking at those packages makes my head ache! Ever had this problem with curriculum ... you can see it, but just can't seem to figure it out. Calgon take me away!!! or, at least someone tell me what I should really get. That's a lot of money!
  11. So, I think we would start with Grammar Island. What all should I order?-- and --Where should I order it from? thank you so much for your help
  12. For you guys out there who hatched birds --- what did you do with them after they hatched? I saw incubators and eggs on Home Science Tools. Looks cool. thanks
  13. How much grammar did your kids already know by the time they had started? Had they already used another program? thanks!
  14. I'm interested in learning more about MCT. We have taken our time going through GWG (very leisurely). We are almost finished with book 1 (third grade). At what point could we add MCT -- and do people use this as their only grammar program or as a suppliment? Any advice/ info would be greatly appreciated! thanks
  15. Which binoculars do you recommend? And -- what can you see with them from a sky prospective? (all I know about astrology I learned while teaching it to dd when she was in 2nd grade!) thanks
  16. I've been once in my life (when I was teen), so I only really know what I've see on tv. I want to take the kids. I looked on the website of our local bowling alley. It said that it was $3.00 for shoe rentals (I get that you have to rent shoes) and $1.00 per game during the day (3.95 in the evening). So, how long is a game? What is a game? ..... see what I mean? Anybody want to take a minute and give me some details? please
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