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About Nooby

  • Birthday 10/24/1969
  1. Hope puppy is feeling better. Please research the hooks worms a quiz the vet about long term worm preventitave . Im posting from phone or i could provide links. I would suggest not lwtting kids run barefoot in yard, and imediate cleanup of feces. Best of luck
  2. Put boiling water in thermos (night before) heat food put in hot thermos .
  3. Glad to hear of his improvement. hope he continues to feel better . Bless his heart.
  4. If it will be an indoor dog I would recommend a Vizsla. They are certainly not calm though. @ least not the first year. My "V" is just shy of 9yo and he has brought so much joy and love to our lives. No odor, minimal sheding and out right gorgous to look at. I drove 500 miles round trip to get him and would do it again in an instant. Best of luck with whatever your choice. http://animal.discovery.com/tv-shows/dogs-101/videos/vizsla.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vizsla
  5. I read somewhere about dipping your razor in alcohol between swipes after rinsing of course. take it slow and easy
  6. Sorry for your Families loss. Take care of yourself.
  7. Hope you can try and get some rest tonight. So sorry for all your troubles.
  8. If you have texting you could put your Email address into contacts and E mail yourself . I would try plugging it into computer first with some tweeking you should be able to upload pic to PC. Good luck !!!
  9. Are you using plastic food/water dishes ? Could be infection. Hope u get the answers u need
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