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Everything posted by VeritasMama

  1. I know, but the article said he didn't have any symptoms so technically he wasn't releasing the virus? Is that correct? It seems like it would be expensive and impractical to transport every person in LAX who has been in Liberia to a hospital by ambulance, since there is no travel ban I'm assuming there will be more travelers in this situation. The article said they transported him simply because he had been to Liberia. Which is why it seems like there must be more to the story, like the man must have had some symptoms. It is just an odd story, it doesn't quite smell right. And if we are automatically quarantining everyone who comes in, why not place a travel ban? Hopes and prayers that the man is fine.
  2. I can't believe they alerted the media before the patient, I suppose an employee could have leaked the news to the press. This article also says that when she first started having symptoms, which I'm assuming was a fever, her doctor told her to take some aspririn and wait to see if things got worse. When she was finally admitted to the hospital she was not initially isolated and staff cared for her without protective gear. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/ebola-infected-nurse-exposes-huge-173707054.html;_ylt=A0LEVzLJyDVU7XsA4V5x.9w4
  3. I wouldn't waste time and energy worrying about hearsay, the world is stressful enough as it is :).
  4. I'm assuming if the story was deleted it was because it was found to be untrue.
  5. I'm confused about why they would transport him by ambulance if he doesn't have symptoms. There isn't a travel ban, I'm assuming their policy won't be to transport everyone who has been in Liberia by ambulance to a hospital. If it is I would think we should just institute a travel ban. It's an odd story.
  6. I read that the virus can survive for up to 6 days, hopefully someone can correct me if I'm wrong. The apartment was not properly decontaminated for days, so the deputies could have been exposed to the virus. Dogs are also known carriers for the disease, that is why the courts ordered for the dog that belonged to the sick nurse in Spain to be euthanized. This makes the situation with the vomit outside the apartment building worrisome. I think it is pretty plain to see that the lax standards are putting the public at risk. We can quibble about how big of a risk it is, but it is within the power of health officials and law enforcement to lower that risk with better protocols, and it is also their job. People new to make a stink to ensure they do.
  7. The apartment was contaminated by the first victim who was ill inside the apartment. The deputies couldn't have caught it from the family members as they were not showing symptoms, but the apartment had not been decontaminated yet when they were ordered to enter without protective gear. The deputies were put on leave, but I don't think they were quarantined. Hope and pray this man does not have Ebola.
  8. "In the end, according to Solomon, it was Lanza’s psychologist who recommended homeschooling. His parents accepted the idea as a last resort for a child whom local medical and education professionals couldn’t seem to help. So yes, Adam Lanza’s mother homeschooled him during his high school years. But Nancy Lanza wasn’t trying to prove some political point by homeschooling her son. She was trying to help him, to give him a future, to keep him alive, and to keep his peers safe. The Newtown Public School system was involved every step of the way. “Even after beginning homeschooling, Adam continued to attend Newtown High’s Tech Club meetings,†Solomon writes. Adam’s home curriculum was coordinated with Newtown High so that when he graduated, he received a diploma rather than a G.E.D. Adam Lanza’s homeschooling was a reaction to his illness, not the cause of it." Adam Lanza was an adult. He had recieved mental health services both private and through the school district continually from a very young age. He wasn't homeschooled until 10th grade. For this committee to say that homeschooling played a role in what happened means that every public school will have to be blamed for every student they have who has graduated and commits a horrific crime. That is the logic being used here, and it is faulty. That is why homeschoolers are up in arms, homeschooling did not play a role in this tragedy. There are plenty of mental health services available to children, Lanza recieved all of them and nothing helped. I think, sadly, he became an adult and his mother simply gave up.
  9. I like them both. The first photo is more contemporary, it looks trendier. The second photo is a classic look that will never go out of style. I think either one will look great.
  10. I would want at least 5 acres, but I grew up in a rural area.
  11. I think that the "frenzy" you are describing is exactly how average citizens prevent things like these proposals from becoming law. It is the way politics work, it is how lawmakers are shown the "will of the people." It's not always pretty, but that's democracy.
  12. Emotions run high on this topic. It's going to be hard to find a commentary that is not biased and many of them will be heated. The article I posted is from a homeschooler who is probably on the right, but he does link to the documents if you want to read them for yourself.
  13. I know they are not, but you won't find any conservatives who support making homeschooling illegal, the right to homeschool is an important principle to them. You will find some on the left who do, I'm related to some on them. I realize it's not everyone on the left.
  14. The second suspected case is a Deputy who was ordered to go inside the apartment last week to communicate with the family. He had no direct contact with the first victim, just with the family inside the apartment. This article from last week shows that the deputies were upset that they were ordered to go into the apartment without any protective gear: http://www.wfaa.com/story/news/health/2014/10/03/lisa-monnig-michael-dallas-cdc-ebola-sheriff-dyer/16672385/ Hopefully his man has an illness other than Ebola.
  15. Here is a slightly less vitriolic article from someone in CT: http://city-journal.org/mobile/story.php?s=10760#.VDWHK-29Kc0 My "leftist" relatives do not support homeschooling. I have yet to meet someone one the right who doesn't. I think that this gets painted as a "left vs. right" issue because there are people out there who don't think homeschooling should be legal, and they almost always self identify as being on the left.
  16. Bottles are much easier to suck with a tongue tie than nursing is. Nursing requires a very specific set of muscle movements that can be very difficult with a tongue tie. Bottles are very easy to suckle compared to a mother's nipple.
  17. Could you upload it to scribd and then post a link?
  18. My sons school does a silent auction and a large cash prize raffle every year. They also sell calendar raffles for $20. I've actually won at least $25 every year with the calendar raffle.
  19. Here is an interesting article from NPR that shows how leadership is needed to deal with a situation like this and what that leadership looks like: Firestone Did What Governments Have Not: Stopped Ebola In Its Tracks http://www.npr.org/blogs/goatsandsoda/2014/10/06/354054915/firestone-did-what-governments-have-not-stopped-ebola-in-its-tracks
  20. I think it is better to provide no information at all then to lie, the powers that be need to maintain some credibility for exactly these type of situation, and right now the majority of people don't trust them. It is also condescending and elitist to think that we rubes can't handle the truth and are too stupid to do anything but panic. My family deserves to know the truth and prepare for it regardless of whether or not others might overreact and panic. But again, I'd rather be told nothing than lied to.
  21. I had problems with supply with my last baby, number 7, and I am only 34. I had some health issues that I think played into it, my thyroid stopped working and I was dealing with anemia after the birth. Both of these issues can cause problems with supply, a bad latch can also affect things. Stress and exhaustion take their toll as well, and who isn't exhausted with a new baby? It also may not be te formula, but the bottle that is satisfying him as it is faster and less work. A poor or improper latch could be causing the soreness, and if he isn't emptying the breast effectively eventually the supply dwindles. Also, sometimes babies get a good latch but they are slightly tongue tied which means they can't effectively suckle. My sister had a situation very similiar to what yours sounds like, her son ha a very mild case of ankyloglossia, or "tongue tie." It was so mild the doctor didn't recommend any treatment, but he just couldn't suckle properly. He did fine with a bottle but couldn't nurse well. She had his tongue tie snipped, and the problems were solved.
  22. The nurse in Spain who became ill was caring for an Ebola patient, a Spanish priest who became ill and was brought back to Spain with all precautions and protocol followed. I found this article while investigating her situation: "We believe there is scientific and epidemiologic evidence that Ebola virus has the potential to be transmitted via infectious aerosol particles both near and at a distance from infected patients, which means that healthcare workers should be wearing respirators, not facemasks.1" In other words, direct contact may not needed for transmission. There is much more information in the article, the title is "COMMENTARY: Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola" and it is from the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2014/09/commentary-health-workers-need-optimal-respiratory-protection-ebola
  23. Wow Hunter, very impressive. I can't wait to "unwrap" this.
  24. Complaining is not inherently sinful. If you have a legitimate complaint, it should be expressed to the people involved, and the authorities if necessary. (ETA: if a crime has been committed, this would be necessary) Certain types of complaining can be indicitive of other sinful attitudes or behaviors. If the complaining is caused by pride or envy, those are serious sins. If the complaining is of a petty nature then it shows a lack of patience, and patience is a virtue we should all be trying to cultivate. Gossip is a sin, but not all gossip is complaining and not all complaining is gossip. I hope that makes sense.
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