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Everything posted by Hen

  1. {lurking} I am addicted to bagels and the like, but I feel so much better when I am low carb or almost no carb...but, I run out of snack ideas, I do okay with lunch and dinner ideas but snacks, I got nothing, except natural pb on celery...I like that. I am also scattered and kind of lazy (busy, too) so if it's not easy to whip up, I won't. so, a bunch of you mentioned almond butter, pb...what do you eat it on? What about tuna salad, what do you eat it on? :bigear:
  2. MFW would probably do this. We started off the year with the high school World History program, and right off- an assignment for Literature was reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. I had decided to skip their literature assignments since I had my dd in a course for homeschool highschoolers that I pay for and is very rigorous. I decided to keep the Julius Caesar assignments, since it was a melding of Literature and History, in my opinion. So, you might want to look at My Father's World History. We didn't stay with the curriculum very long, I moved over to Oak Meadow History because I just needed to keep her moving through History faster than I was managing- my problem, I'm sure, I think I'm A.D.D. -anyways, you might want to check out Oak Meadow also- it is a textbook driven course, but they ask pretty deep essay questions and give several project suggestions for each chapter that will often blend Literature/History/politics/Science.
  3. we were introduced to a crowd today at Medieval Times as "Cliffs of Insanity Day Academy" -epic day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. freeindeed
    3. RootAnn


      I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    4. Hen
  4. thanks KWG! I didn't know there were videos! :) and thank you for linking the sequel book and wb, they weren't listed over at amazon, I wouldn't have found them. looks like a fun study.
  5. Rosie, that is brilliant! I think you should, at some point.
  6. Praying for you Mergath! my bonus student had an IEP before I started homeschooling him, the meetings were so bad that his mother had to hire a special education advocate to go to the meetings with her. Funny, after the advocate started attending, they more than tripled the services they were willing to offer before. Somehow, magically they were able to offer more resources and hours. All in all though, what they actually accomplished still stunk and she pulled him out. I second the advice to be business like- stand up to signal the meeting is over as far as you are concerned, and pointedly ask for their names and how to spell them and write down in your notes how rude, unprofessional and attacking they were.
  7. OP, I am not at all jumping on you for having a "know it all" attitude, your brother could very well be an idiot, reading between the lines, I'm guessing he probably is- my other post wasn't suggesting that you owe him an apology, you probably did nothing wrong, but because of the dynamics, and because of a personality -I'm guessing -of poor planning, grand schemes that do not work out, hopes of get-rich-quick...that he is going to be defensive and then blame you for raining on his parade or trying to warn him- rightfully so, since your husband has experience in this field...so, even though you might not be in the wrong, sometimes you just have to apologize anyways, for the sake of family relations. It does stink, I know, I've watched family do stupid things but had to stand back because they do not appreciate wise counsel.
  8. KWG - curious about how you use word snoop - did you read it together or assign it a chapter at a time?
  9. what about, if dh really wants to keep them there, then maybe he should handle the afterschooling and summer schooling of the twins, since they are going to need it and you sound like you have your hands full? This is what I would propose, strongly to my dh in this position.
  10. I would just drop it, or apologize and say you didn't realize you came off as negative and that you sincerely wish him luck. Sometimes, people have to fail on their own, there is a type of person that will not seek wisdom and you can only stand back and let them do it, or you get transferred to as "the problem" not their lack of planning.
  11. AngelBee, yes I agree- "so much to think about" Hunter- I am a frustrated artist who does not paint...I have been using photography and blogging as a quick outlet but I want to paint again, I am hoping The Artists way will get me actually "doing" something, I guess the added bonus of recovering will be good and maybe what I need. My NPD mother just died this Summer, I know I have lots of "stuff" affecting what I do and how I think. Thanks for the recommend :)
  12. we used MFW exploration to 1850 with both my 5th and 7th grader, but we didn't make it very far- it's more me than the curriculum, which is very nice. I switched to Oak Meadow 5 History/Science/English which seems to work better for me, the teacher. I am also using A History of Us vol 2 with it. Horizons for math, Spelling workout, Shurley English (OM has some English too, but it is kind of light/gentle) and then test prep workbooks
  13. Hunter, I just bought "The Artist's Way" tonight after you mentioned it on this thread. I looked at it before, and liked it, but decided as a major A.D.D. -procrastinator I shouldn't buy one more book to add to my "let's get organized" book pile...but I couldn't resist this time after thumbing through it. I keep telling myself, "this time, this will be different" ha! I like the planner idea, too- it's simple enough that I might be able to do it :D * this is a hazard of these boards, random book recommends!
  14. yeah, we have an account with Skype, you refill it every once in a while, like every year with $10 and it lasts forever. Yes, we skype to just cell phones/phones all the time, it cost money, but not much. My husband sets it all up, I'm not very tech...but I can manage to call a number :D My best friend moved to Singapore, so I will sometimes call her on her cell while she is out and about.
  15. we got rid of the land line, we use our cells and we use Skype for international calls.
  16. younger two just offered to treat my eldest to a burger if she drives them, I always drive and never get treated-I've been doing this wrong!

  17. never heard that one before, but it's now my fav!! -my mom was N...ha!
  18. if she doesn't settle after the cleaning, maybe you can just dog-proof your room and let her sleep on a dog bed in her "spot"? -like maybe put up a baby gate so the cat can still come in and sleep if he dares. our labradoodle slept in her crate until one day she just decided she wasn't going to anymore. This was during a week when we had a houseful of company, so I didn't feel like I could let her stay in and bark and whine. She has a beanbag for a bed now and it's in her "spot" in our room and she pretty much stays there all night. My dh won't let her sleep on the bed, either :p
  19. wetting the top did wet the plaster. I can't remember what paints we used, sorry, this was like 3 years ago. The paints ran together if the kids painted on a very wet surface, some of them let them dry a bit and painted on them then.
  20. here is mine, the subject is Evil Kitty, who is very photogenic. I love my dog more, but she is so dark she's hard to photograph :p Wordless Wednesday - Cat Squared happy WW!
  21. we did the plaster project. We pre-poured the plaster into thin-round molds (bowl lids maybe?) and dried them and put holes at the top with a straw so they could hang them later. Then, when they were ready to paint, we just wet the tops real good. Maybe not totally authentic, but it was doable with a group of kids.
  22. good for you for walking her though it. My high schoolers take a few classes with a homeschool program run by a Christian University, they have always had a no-plagiarize rule you have to sign and it was common knowledge that the teachers will run essays through google if they question it. Well, this week we had to upload my junior's research paper through the university's plagiarize-checker...which was a new thing for us. it's good they are learning this now, before they get to university.
  23. to dd 11 - "hey dd11, do you want to be dd17's guinea pig?" (guinea pig violin student) to dd17 - "don't put your flies in the freezer, you might kill them, stick to the refrigerator." -she's doing a science experiment with blue bottle flies. And she didn't listen to me and killed a batch, maybe...not sure if it was the freezer or the horse-fly-repellent.
  24. I always just used regular people nail clippers, small ones. regular scissors would work fine, too.
  25. trimming the nails is pretty easy, wrap it in a hand towel/ dish towel and hold out a foot. Just like with dogs, don't go too far down where the "quick" is. I used to trim all the time when I was a kid, not hard at all. Beaks- I wouldn't do that. It just takes a moment, the bird will get over it.
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