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Everything posted by Hen

  1. Mrs. Mungo, thank you for the advice and the links. I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. she's being really sweet about it, said she only mentioned it to me because I told her I had insurance on it. She says the binder is ruined, but the IG is usuable, the first few pages are ruined but I guess she can still read the week schedule and beyond. I'll try to file on my end and see what they say.
  3. okay, I'm leaning towards refunding the buyer, it sounds like just the IG was damaged. It's the edition before the current one, so I can replace some of the pages, I'd have to get her the new edition and then there is the problem of some of the books being different. This is such a bummer, I so wish I had shipped UPS, next time I will. I packed very well, sturdy boxes, lots of packing tape and address taped to some of the items inside, just in case box was inspected and not taped back together well...I was hoping the items would still make it. does anyone think I will have trouble with the post office with the insurance since the sonlight IG is in a binder, not traditionally bound?
  4. so, I sold a Sonlight Core and went to mail it, planning on sending it first class, since I've heard so many horror stories lately about media mail. Well, I had the core separated into two boxes and was told they were too heavy for 1st , but they could send them parcel post for 40 something dollars. I asked about media mail, even though I wanted to avoid it and it was 22$ for both boxes. I purchased tracking and insurance on each box. I've never had a problem myself, using media mail. so, my buyer received the boxes today and both had been opened and both boxes damaged. The smaller box with the IG and 4 books was the most damaged with a hole in it, the binder for the IG was pulled open and some of the pages pulled out/destroyed/missing. I've read before that there seems to be differing opinions at post offices about books in binders, any suggestions on how to approach this with the P.O.? I insured each box for $100 so in theory, if I get the insurance money it is enough to buy a new IG or refund her. I really, really regret doing media mail now, in hindsight the $20 extra I would have spent was probably worth the hassle this is going to be. It was a beautiful set, the IG looked new, makes me really sad. advice? I do have my original receipt showing how much I paid for the IG, and the seller is going to send me photos.
  5. I give a second vote for "Remember when" it's just beautiful.
  6. (((hugs))) OP, praying for you dh. yeah, we had to change insurance last year because everything in our plan went up, and the services we got in return were getting smaller...the last straw was when the medication benefits changed and I had to pay over 100$ for an asthma inhaler...which I didn't. I found an old one and had my kids share it and then borrowed my MIL's really old nebulizer until we could get a new one. We finally switched to kaiser because of this, we loved our local hospital and our dr.s so we kept paying more to keep that option, but finally gave up. Yeah, the whole spiel about how we'd be able to "keep your Dr." maybe if you parse the sentence, true -but we were forced out by rising costs. :( I am very unhappy with what is happenning, but it's not political for me, I wouldn't care who was in charge if this was happening, for me, it's the result of a large population that doesn't understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  7. sorry, it doesn't look familiar to me, but I saw that it said from lulu.com - lulu is a publishing co. -kind of like self-publishing. You might want to go to their website and see if you can do a search there. good luck, hope you find it. :)
  8. thanks Lexi, for putting the links all on the first post, very handy! :)
  9. oops, I was just going to suggest the tamron 18-270 -I have it and really, really like it. Tamron has a 70-300mm that is half the price of the other. I don't know anything about it though.
  10. I'm listed there, too! I'm way down the list, here is a link http://www.circleofm...blogroll_id=100 {Home} is Where You Start From (I just went over and voted for you both)
  11. Question, if you don't mind, - I assume that as a spouse, that if my husband was incapacitated in the hospital, that I would automatically be asked to make medical decisions and asked to authorize tests/treatment, etc. Is this true, or do we need a POA done? Same for my husband, if I were incapacitated, I assume he would make the decisions.
  12. so the IEW poetry program is a different one from The Grammar of Poetry? can someone give me a link? -I went through their catalog last weekend and found it confusing.
  13. I say my name weird, too...I go by "Jenny" (or at least I did, now I have a complex and go by Jen or Jennifer)..anyways, I would meet people and introduce myself as Jenny and they would say back "Janey" and it was happening a lot. So now I catch myself and don't introduce myself as Jenny...after a short span of panic as I search in my head for what to say. it's my own, special accent, I guess :lol:
  14. here are some good posts on this http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-promotions-and-the-law-what-you-need-to-know/ http://80acresandabook.blogspot.com/2012/02/is-your-blog-giveaway-legal.html http://crafterminds.com/2011/10/blog-giveaways-staying-legal/ hope that helped!
  15. yeah, I ran into that with Abeka too, my oldest is granduating now...a long, long time ago. I read the short e sound for "egg" and realized that I say "aag" I have a California accent just kidding, there isn't one. I just have unique speaking skills. At first, with the OP, I realized that the way I say dog and hog don't match..but I can't explain it, it's not dawg....
  16. if you complain to your ES about just getting the material and wanting to keep working with it through the Summer, He/She might be able to let you keep it, I've always found my ES easy to work with and helpful.
  17. Hank the cowdog (we love Hank, though he does call his side-kick mean names-not at all allowed in our house, but with Hank it's just fun) Boston Jane The Tale of Desperaux
  18. I like "kerfuffle" which is also an Anne of Green Gables word, but it wasn't on the tip of my tongue from that, like it is now, seeing it on the hive so much. And then, of course, there is TeA....
  19. I loved the series and have watched a few with my kids, I agree the latter episodes got weird and drama-ish...I plan to skip those, my memory about the time they had Mary go blind, it kind of all got high drama/strange. .....I agree, Michael Landon was too nice looking for a beard :)
  20. " elegantlion, on 06 April 2013 - 09:36 AM, said: For instance, I am not an actual lion." nooooooo!
  21. not small town, I live in a really big city...but we go to our local B&N at least twice a week (whisper-sometimes 3 times..and lately dh has been meeting a friend there to talk stocks & such) we are hard to miss, 4 kids...so all the cafe workers know us and know our phone number (for our membership discount) we had one of the cafe workers come to our kids recital this weekend, we are going to invite 2 or 3 to my oldest's graduation party and we've become friends with several of the "regulars" at the cafe. Dh got into stock stuff with one of the guys, we offer rides to another older gentleman now and are going to invite him to the party too, and a few times walking around my neighborhood with the dog, neighbors have come out to talk to me and say they recognize us from the bookstore..so then we exchange names and are more neighborly. Not a small town, but the bookstore is making a small town feel for us :)
  22. nice! I live in a big city, we get that kind of help from the immediate neighbors on our street, but no where else. My husband was once visiting a small town, Pullman Wa - it's a small college town, and he lost his cell phone out on a hike. Someone found it, used the phone to call me and let me know they found it and that it would be at the police dept. -we were so pleasantly shocked, around here, leave a phone unattended for 5 minutes or less and it is usually gone forever. funny end to story, I didn't have the phone number of the friends my dh was staying with -to call and let him know, so I decided to call their college age son who's number I did have...so I called him and had a confused/disoriented talk with him, had to keep telling him to go tell my dh where his phone was...he seemed really confused. Found out later, the son was on a trip and was in London and I had called him at 2 a.m. to tell him to tell my husband where his phone was...which he did figure out to do, after he woke up... we still laugh about that.
  23. not sure where I am in the OE /YE area...I actually don't care too much...but, my husband is in the Gap theory camp, which Rene' brought up. It's an interesting idea and leaves room for the fossils and old rock layers. Scofield - (Scofield bible) also held to this view - so it's been around for a while and some influential Bible scholars have embraced it. The way Ken Ham is behaving embarrasses me - I hate the whole dividing into camps thing and the legalism / judgement he is fanning. I'd love to see Ken Ham call out Scofield as a heretic.
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