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Posts posted by Plucky

  1. Don't go in scared about this, though. I took a child (he was in ps at the time) with anxiety to be evaluated by a full time school counselor/ part time private therapist. After the first 30 minutes, she told me that I should try homeschooling, if I was willing. Homeschooling is not a novel thing, anymore. It's fine to ask the receptionist to ask the therapist if he/she is supportive of homeschooling, before you visit.


    I agree. Our new therapist is absolutely lovely and she is pro-homeschooling. She's seen enough bad school situations where kids needed something else. She was a ps teacher and ps school counselor. I'm very thankful to have found such a wonderful therapist for my dd.

  2. I like their books. Your library should have them. There are some good ideas in them and like anything take what you want and leave the rest. I use my teenage edition as a reference book by looking up the scenario we are facing at the time. It gives me another viewpoint I may have forgotten and saved us from reacting too harshly to a disappointment and to really think about what our goal was - not punishment but a change in the child's heart or behavior. It's really good to use if your dh was raised more authoritarian and reaches for the same tools his parents did when issues arise. Good luck.

  3. I would love it if my kids married and decided to take up residence with us. We could all work less, save more, and there would be less childcare worries.


    However, I lived with both my parents & in-laws when we were young marrieds and it wasn't fun. Now it was also a temporary things with all of us knowing that.


    I wouldn't want my kids and spouses living with us if they didn't want to. I would like to think living with us would be more pleasant than our experiences with our parents. But we also grew closer being in our own place. Is this just not a concept most Americans can grasp?

  4. That sounds about right for my neck of the woods.


    That is reminding me of a time I went to a meeting. Oh, it was SO hot and I bought a (gasp) diet Dr Pepper. That was a big treat for me. So, I get there and the other moms are drinking out of mason jars some murky beverage with things floating in it. I kid you not, they each brought their own murky beverage from home.


    I love it! If we can get past our differences we are such a cool group.

  5. Honestly, a realistic 'homeschooling' type show could look a whole lot like "Modern Family' only Claire happens to homeschool the three kids.


    Homeschooling families look like most families you know. We run the gamut. I bet you would be surprised at how average (and yet NOT :lol:) we can be.


    But you really must include a small mental breakdown over choosing math programs. 7th grade you say? Just in time for the pre-algebra insanity to hit.


    Exactly. Plus, a lot of hs families adopt in country and out. I dropped my kids off at a hs class and remembered how many adopt from all over as the diverse faces came out of the building. Oh, and we consistently have foreign exchange students or other kids with us. It is a lot of fun.

  6. Show all the different types of families. We are the laid back Christian eclectic ones, but in our immediate group I can name these: the hippie mom with dreads and birkenstocks, new age religious leader (mom btw) with deaf dh adhd son & lesbian daughter, all natural food mom who is constantly tearing up and rebuilding things in her home - unschooled and then didn't understand why her kids made choices different to hers (we all wonder that about our kids) and became the stricter parent, mixed black/white couple whose boys are very, very mechanically inclined - they have a mechanic business and build all sorts of things, definitely budding entrepreneurs and so interesting, the Chinese couple who immigrated and all 3 boys are high achieving homeschoolers who earned scholarships, the youngest is very much an Eddie Haskell type but successful.


    The families either have a lot of kids and animals or some/one kid and no animals it seems, but I know it is different for everyone. Really focus on the funny and fun aspects of it. Homeschoolers aren't perfect, in fact we can be very weird but we love our family, kids, education.

  7. I'm glad that you found such a good therapist. :001_smile:


    Thanks. I actually had her with another therapist, but used that one in an emergency for another child. That one was adequate, but I really feel God led me to this one. I went back to the list my dr. gave me and she was highly recommended with our issues. She's much farther away of course but if she helps us like I'm hoping she will it will be a small sacrifice.

  8. :grouphug:


    I really appreciate your post and honesty. I also have a son with autism and my eldest has a personality which frequently clashes with mine. I feel so exhausted sometimes and think "why bother?" but the best thing is to stay the course and be the parent, even though it is hard. Your post really encouraged me and boosted my resolve today.


    It is hard. Some days I understand why parents quit trying. :grouphug:

  9. :grouphug:


    I feel the same with my dd with autism. I struggle to find the balance between clear boundaries and acknowledging her sensitivities and that she just doesn't think like everyone else.


    I'm glad you've found someone who seems to "get it." :)




    Thank you. It's still the beginning, but I love her style and she's very supportive. She was asking me things about aspergers and bipolar. Ugh. I don't care any more what it's called I just want her to be happy and capable of meeting whatever goals she has as an adult. Oh, and a pleasant home life would be nice, too. :D

  10. :iagree::iagree::iagree: This is my guess.


    Most of our exchange students have friends who said that they gained quite a bit of weight in America. Many of our students have gained weight as well, partly because of dietary changes (mainly less rice and more bread, though in our home we eat more rice than many American families), partly because they are studying very hard and excercising less, and partly because they eat out often.


    Our Chinese student (who is back in the USA after summer break in China--we get to see her Sunday!!! :) ) calls herself "fat" even though she's what we'd consider a normal curvy size. She's about 5'4" and told me she was around 118. She was worried about her weight from day one even though she didn't really gain any weight while here in the U.S.


    We've met quite a few young women from China through our exchange programs, high school and university students. If your student looks healthy, then 5'6" and 110 is probably a fairly normal size for her. If she's not losing weight, I'd just model a healthy attitude and keep an eye on her. If she starts losing weight, then it might be time to contact someone in your exchange program to see how to help.




    Thanks. That is helpful. I will watch. :001_smile:

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