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Posts posted by yorkshire_parkin

  1. We are having a terrible month this month. My DH was in an accident last week, wrecking our car (thankfully he was fine). The police say it was his fault (it wasn't), so we see a long fight ahead :-(


    Yesterday my DH got laid off :-( His project at work was canceled and the entire team was immediately let go.


    thanks for listening to me whine, I am just feeling very down and vunerable right now:confused::crying:



  2. we wrote in third grade, but not in following grades.


    Dawn, rather than allowing my children to write in the R&S texts, I make copies of the pages (by chapter) and then staple them together...a makeshift "workbook" so to speak.





    Would it not just be cheaper to buy another textbook, the textbook is BIG!!




  3. thank you!


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