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Diana B

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Everything posted by Diana B

  1. I chose other because my DS was a hospital birth but any additional children we have will be had at home.
  2. I've never seen SB - at least not a full episode. The few clips I've seen make me cringe. Can't stand it. Made me think the people writing it were on drugs or something. We also don't allow most of the cartoons geared for the elementary age. The bad attitudes and stupid parents run wild. I don't like to promote that it's OK to disobey your parents (even if they have the brain capability of a snail). We don't have any cable now, but there have been times before when we'll come across a show that looks questionable. I'll have him watch a bit of it and then we discuss what he might have seen that he thought might have been inappropriate. Even shows that we allow him to watch but that are borderline inappropriate, we let him know what might be wrong with it and that it better not affect his behavior.
  3. I know my mom tried to breastfeed (this was '79) but she never produced enough milk (per what she says anyway - and back then they wouldn't have encouraged her). So I believe I was put on formula within a few months. She also mentioned putting baby cereal in the bottle to fill me up and get me to sleep through the night. I don't know at what point I started solids, but I'm sure I was pretty little.
  4. Thanks! I've never heard of Bookmooch! But I'm joining it now!
  5. Your friend needs to handle it. If he wants to keep the account, he needs to contact his email provider (hotmail) and get them to deal with the hacked account. If he's keeping it, just keep ignoring the emails. If he's trashing the email completely, just start sending them to your spam email. I've never heard of any reporting to be done when you are on the receiving end. Their biggest crime is against your friend.
  6. I chose '86-'90. My earliest news memory was when the Gulf War started. I was in middle school. I *should* be able to remember earlier than that - but I can't.
  7. I shared with my brother until I was 11 and he was 9. I'd say about puberty. I could see a teen girl sharing with a much younger (toddler/preK) brother. She might not like it, but I wouldn't think it was a big deal. I'm not sure the opposite (teen boy/little sister) would work quite the same way. Boys are just.... different as teens. :001_huh:
  8. All of the above, depending on my mood, the time of the month, etc. Usually it's baked goods - cinnamon rolls, muffins, donuts, etc. :drool: But there are times when it's fat - butter usually. I've been known to eat multiple pieces of bread slathered with butter. At times it is salt. Most of the time this goes along with the fat. But I've noticed if I liberally salt my cooking (with good Real Salt) I don't crave it as much.
  9. My DS is almost 8. He is a very avid reader. He reads all kinds of stuff to himself. We also read aloud every night before bed and at various times throughout the day. But he doesn't want me to read picture books to him anymore! I can't get him interested in the picture book section of the library AT ALL. He'll occasionally read one to himself, but I have to practically force him to sit with me and read a picture book. But if I pull out the chapter book we are doing as a read aloud - he's right there ready to read. Has he just hit that age already? There are so many older kids picture books that I'd love to explore with him. Should I just pick them out from the library myself and hope he wants to read them at home? He's even got some on his bookshelf that I've never read to him. Maybe I should just give up? When did your kids stop wanting to read picture books?
  10. :lol::lol::lol: I voted down as well, but I see that it's gotta rhyme with chin. Is it odd that I don't really like the story of the 3 little pigs?
  11. :iagree: This is me exactly. I'm in Oregon with lots of Wisconsin family influencing my speech patterns. ETA: After reading through all the posts, I realize that when I'm reading it I will enunciate it a little better. Maybe because I'm seeing all those letters?
  12. I'm super jealous of some of you guy's raw, local milk prices! We pay $3.79/gal for whole milk from a local dairy. It's conventionally processed, but the cows are raised pretty well and I like that I'm supporting a very local company. It's always cool when you drive by the cows who give you your milk. (We also buy our 1/2 & 1/2 from them and try to get most of our ice cream from them!) From what I can tell, this is a pretty average price for other conventional milk. Organic ranges up to about $6/gal. (Raw from the farm is $10-$12/gal!) Butter I usually pay about $2.50/lb. This is on sale or from Costco. Regular non-sale prices are around $4/lb. My dream is to have a cow. But first I need to have a house. And some land.
  13. Thanks for all the feedback. I am using a really good recipe, not just opening up a can of baked beans. I like the idea of trying to keep them warm, but I agree with the people on here that luke warm is going to be worse than cold. And I can definitely keep it cold. It's a 2 hour drive plus a couple more hours at the campground before we eat. So I'm afraid they'll end up luke warm before we get a chance to eat. The white bean dip looks yummy, but I don't have any chips or anything. And we are really broke at the moment so I didn't want to buy anything else. I could do celery & carrot sticks, but that sounds boring. I always feel like there is so much pressure on me when I have to cook for a potluck. I always get 'out done'. I guess if no one eats it, I'll just bring it to our family BBQ the next day. We always have a TON of food, so we could probably go without any food. But that makes me feel really guilty. Thanks again for the feedback!
  14. We are going to a potluck at a campground this weekend. About 1/2 the people will have been camping, the other half are coming in just for the day. We are part of that group coming in just for the day. I was trying to figure out what I could bring without having to buy something, and I came up with Baked Beans. Then I started wondering, if I bring them cold or luke warm, will people eat them? Or should I bring a big pot and see if I could use someone's gas stove or fire to heat them up? I would like to not have to reheat them, but if too many people think cold baked beans is gross, I won't do it that way. I'm also willing to take any other ideas to make using white beans or black beans. It's pretty much the only thing I have that can make something for a potluck.
  15. Hummus made with white beans would be good. Do you use mayo? (Maybe make your own or buy high quality soy-free stuff - I love Trader Joe's) I actually like my carrots just with TJ's mayo, sounds weird, I realize. But it's got good flavor. Also, I like to add seasoning to the mayo and use as a dip. You could add curry seasoning, steak seasoning, etc. What ever flavor you feel like. (These all make amazing fry sauces too!)
  16. :iagree: I would not have problem with the idea of using it, but I'm not sure I'd want to because of all the kids. Although I've found that summer time with kids camps at a park can be worse than the public school kids! Ugh. I hate it when I see those camp buses roll up!
  17. I only correct my son's page when requests it. He usually wants a grade written at the top. When I do this, I use what ever is handy, usually a blue or black pen. Sometimes a marker. I don't think we have any red pens. {this is all for math} I suppose when he starts writing more, I'll probably want something for correcting papers he's written. Colors are good because they stand out. I don't have a thing against red (or any other color).
  18. We do a loop schedule, so it changes every day! We do (try) to start out with Bible every day, but some days..... If you search for loop schedule, you can find lots of threads about it. But the idea is that you create a list of the subjects and you just do as much as you can in the time you have for school. And then where ever you leave off is what you start with the next day. I like it because I don't feel like I have to leave something off because we didn't get to it (we were constantly skipping science in our pre-loop days!) Some people will do things like math or language separate from the loop because they want to make sure they get to it every day - but I find that we do just fine with it in the loop.
  19. I just want to agree with the PPs that said to have her help you out while she's there. With my mom, I wouldn't hesitate to say "Hey the 1 yr old needs a diaper change and then you can play with him while I finish up working on math." or "Wanna take the 6 and 3 yr olds on a walk while I put the littlest one down for a nap and then get caught up on paper work?" Make a list of the things she could do that would actually help you. (Not necessarily written out, just things you could suggest when she comes over.) If you know she's probably going to stop over, wait on folding the clothes until she's there and then fold and talk. Although I think trying out the pre-planned times first might be the best option. Good luck!
  20. :iagree: My filler paper has never been the same size as printer paper. I'm pretty sure the spiral notebooks and stuff were the same way.
  21. I was always taught to wipe it down with a paper towel that has been dampened with vinegar for an extra good clean. Just that little bit of extra vinegar will help clean it well but dries quickly and helps create a really good seal.
  22. My first thought when reading this thread? "When did we become our mothers??" I remember being SO embarrassed by my mom when she did stuff like dancing and singing to songs in public. :blushing: And yes, now I do it!? :blink:
  23. Pasta, Canned Chicken (or Tuna, but DH is allergic and I don't like it!), frozen peas (throw them in still frozen, they'll thaw!), chopped celery. GOOD mayo, salt, garlic powder (or what ever seasoning sounds good). You can also throw in diced cheese, but I'm not a big fan of it like that. I've been known to make a HUGE bowl of this and we eat on it all week.
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