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  1. found another one - but doesnt look to be as aggressive as the one i posted earlier...could be good to use the two together? http://sciencespot.net/Pages/classforsci.html#supplies
  2. http://bsapp.com/forensics_illustrated/index.html i came across this site in my research for forensics. my DD hates apologia biology, and she also wants to go into the CSI field. i am going to read more on the site i linked - but from what i can see, it looks to be a pretty good course, that could be supplemented somehow? just thought i would share what i saw :)
  3. i just got teaching textbook alg 1 for my DD. she is very excited about the program and i am too since i am not math minded :)
  4. maybe some sort of project? a diagram - a poster board/presentation of what was learned? i would probably use a mix of projects and then make my own test - using vocab learned in the lesson with some multiple choice or T/F questions?
  5. i purchased a used set of the biology course (first edition). does anyone know of a lesson plan that is still available for the 1st edition? i see lots of plans for the 2nd edition.
  6. my DD is entering 9th grade (first year to hs) and we are going with Apologia Biology. She actually begged me for biology over general / physical science.
  7. i dont know of programs, as i am very new to hsing, but my son (who is now 11) has struggled hard with dyslexia. for spelling, his teacher took a specialized course in dyslexia) and had my son write the spelling words with his finger on each forearm. this forced him to use both sides of the brain and really helped him. dont know what it was - but i noticed things started clicking for him. also, handwriting was more difficult, so we used the computer more for him.
  8. so glad you posted this. this will be our first year of hsing, and this info is going to help a lot! my daughter will be starting the 9th grade, so i am absorbing as much info from here that i can.
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