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Library Momma

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Everything posted by Library Momma

  1. I live in a middle to upper-middle class town (we do not have school districts but rather each town or city is it's own district). In districts like mine you see over at least 90% of students graduating high school and heading to college. But, and it is a big but, by 8th grade most students on the lower educational track do not go to the public high school in town, but rather go to vocational, agricultural or magnet schools for high school. Most of these are state and/or regional schools (we do not have county governments) so their scores are not included with their town school district data. It has been that way since I was in school in the 80s. I also find the discussion many people have regarding tutors interesting. In my school system most students enter Kindergarten (some at age 4 1/2) knowing at least the alphabet. By 3rd grade (at least in my DS' class) the lowest reading group were students on grade level. Those lower wouldn't be in a leveled group but rather would be pulled out for services. That being said I know very few people who utilize tutors. The only ones seem to be students who are really struggling and in danger of failing or having to repeat a grade. There are tutors in the schools as well and the only difference between a rich and poor school would be using a school tutor versus and private one.
  2. Wow - This is not the case at all where I live. In my state PTO fundraisers do not have direct impact on education or school staff. The money is used for field trips and perhaps special assemblies. This is the same whether you are in a poor urban district or a wealthy suburban one. There is not one district in the state where parents pay for classes or books. In some of the poorer districts the fees for AP exams are covered but that is really about it. In contrast to what another poster mentioned, it is the poorer districts that get the corporate sponsorships for things like robotics competitions and History Day. But money in the schools is a factor but not the real issue. It is the poverty level at home combined with the parents understanding of how the education system works. There are many parents from disadvantaged backgrounds that never had the educational experiences to prepare them to help their children. I am not saying this applies to every person in this situation but there are many. It is not a matter of the parents education level but rather their school experiences. Unfortunately education can be a game with the child's future as the prize. The tiger moms of the world take the competition level too far in one direction, but the disadvantaged are left behind at the other end. There are many well meaning parents that don't take education seriously or don't really care. They think that once they have sent their child off to school they have done their part. They don't read to their kids, they don't have crayons in the house, they don't encourage homework, they don't show up to meet the teacher night or conferences. As the children get older they don't really understand that there are different educational paths and how to get there. I have an acquaintance in this situation that wanted her 8th grader to a music magnet school. She didn't realize that she would have had to have her apply to the school in February and wait for acceptance. She thought she could just send her. A smart, mature motivated student might be able to successfully navigate the school years and get themselves into college, but without parental assistance it is very difficult. I know this type of discussion angers people on this board, but the people on this board who have experienced poverty are here because they value education. They do take advantage of libraries and free services. There are many that do not and most likely will never do so. It is not that don't care about their children or want what's best for them but rather they don't really understand what opportunities are there for them and how to help.
  3. I was a cookie mom and no one ever has to sell cookies if they don't want to. When our girls were Daisies we felt they were too young to sell cookies so the entire troop didn't participate. As they got older certain girls didn't want to sell cookies and that was ok too. They just didn't get cookie credits or had to pay more for certain activities that the cookie money would cover. As for extra cookies, you just return them to the cookie cupboard. I don't understand the problem?
  4. Most schools have requirements for the teachers. In our school system grades have to be posted online within one week. In some towns it is 2 weeks. I would find out what is expected of the teacher and if she is not complying perhaps question her about it.
  5. Here in K -3 separate time for history and science is pretty sparse. It is mostly incorporated in reading and language arts, but there are some fun hands on projects like growing seeds, making butter, etc. Math would be relative to the students level and what math group they are in. In 4th grade science picks up and they learn general earth science and basic physical science. Social Studies is a mix of civics and geography. In 5th grade science they rotate through units including astronomy, anatomy, nutrition, the different systems in the body and a few others that I can't remember. 5th grade history begins with the explorers and makes its way through the French and Indian War. In 4th and 5th again math would relate to the group the student is in. In K-5 however science and social studies are always incorporated into the other subjects. Often its hard to separate. If a first grader is doing a book report on bats or Spain or Harriet Tubman it is no longer just language arts. In Library when students do a non-fiction book report or use an Atlas, it incorporates social studies. In computers if they use Google Earth or create a power point it is not just "computers." Even in art and music they learn about artists and art or music from other cultures or points in history. I don't think it is ever really easy to separate subjects and not have overlap, except perhaps with math and gym. OK maybe not gym when they learn about nutrition and keeping their body healthy.
  6. Wow, Where I am it is the opposite. Of all of the families I know in my community I am one of very few women that work. Most of my friends and the mothers of my children's friends are SAHMs. That is the case even though almost all have undergraduate degrees and most have post graduate degrees. Only two of the SAHMs are homeschoolers. The rest spend their days volunteering and driving their kids to a myriad of activities.
  7. I have a friend with an 11yo dd with Aspergers. What works well for her family are resorts like http://www.rockinghorseranch.com/ Her kids are free to participate in any of the activities, but if it become too much for the Aspie, her daughter can just sit by the pool or even sit in the cabin on her laptop. They are also limited in number of guests so it is never too crowded. It is the large crowds in places like Disney or even in cities that cause real problems for her daughter.
  8. I've always said this and people think I'm nuts!! You get me - You really get me!
  9. In our district which is CC aligned there are textbooks. The students are issued the bound hard copy books and they can also access them on-line.
  10. I had similar issues when I was in my early twenties. I had every test under the sun done over the course of about three years. What I finally discovered (on my own) was that I had developed an intolerance to artificial sweetener. As soon as I stopped drinking Diet Coke and eating sugar-free gum I was completely fine, and have remained so to this day. Perhaps you have developed an intolerance to something as well. A food diary might help you to determine what it is.
  11. I'm Reform as well. When preparing for my wedding the Rabbi asked us which explanation we'd like him to use during the ceremony. It is really up to personal preference and open to multiple interpretations.
  12. I had a passport photo taken at Walgreens.They do require information about both parents and both parents need to be present when the passport is being purchased. Because my husband could not go with us I had to bring an additional document that he had signed and notarized along with a copy of his driver's license. My divorced friend needed the same paperwork from her ex-husband when she obtained passports for her children. I don't know if they will accept "unknown" they will probably ask for additional paperwork verifying the father's status.
  13. I second the "crack" Saltine toffee. I've seen people actually fight over the last piece at Christmas parties.
  14. Things are the same here and I think I live on the opposite coast from you.
  15. I've never really seen posts like this either but it sounds to me like one of those social joke bandwagons that people jump on. Like mothers doing the happy dance when their kids to back to school or men complaining about the old "ball and chain." Most people don't actually feel this way, at least not to the extreme presented. If they are in the "club" though they feel that somehow they have to join in with the mockery. I don't think it deserves more than an eye roll.
  16. I know someone who named their baby Atom but people initially think the name is Adam.
  17. Yikes I read the thread title as Chemistry leotard! Off to get more coffee.
  18. Both of my kids have watches but I've only ever seen DS11 wear his, and it has been a handful of times. Most people I know use their phone to tell the time. This reminds me of a story. I was at the soccer field with a friend of mine and she asked me if I had my phone on me. I said no, that I had left it in the car. She said too bad, she wanted to know what time it was. I replied that I did have my watch on...
  19. I've never been to a wedding were the couple received gifts other than money. In my experience boxed gifts are for the shower and monetary gifts are for the actual wedding. Perhaps that is what she is referring to?
  20. On my dh's side of the family my kids are 2 of 13 cousins. Birthdays only seem to get acknowledged when there is a family party to remind everyone.
  21. DD13 and her friends are going as different holidays. My DD is the 4th of July. DS11 is going as Jason from Friday the 13th.
  22. Every shower I've ever been to at a restaurant was either a buffet or a pre-set meal, but I've never had to pay. I think it would be odd to be invited to a party and then it be expected that you have to pay. You wouldn't have people pay their way if it were in a hall or at your home.
  23. I'm pretty sure Glen is not dead either. He had been spotted filming scenes with characters that haven't been introduced yet. I don't think they are time jumps or flashbacks.
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