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Posts posted by kengjw

  1. Oooh, I'll have to put one of these on for my 5 year old. :) He's LOVING the Bob the Builder "On Site" movies right now (particularly the one on how they replace old railroad track with new railroad track. Even *I* like watching that one, because it's so amazing how it's done!) I'm sure he'll love these ones. :)


    My ds loved Bob The Builder too. As for Mighty Machines.....these are real machines...lots of them, from common ones to rare ones that you don't see often. The biggest plus is that Netflix has the series on instant play. :hurray:



  2. If you have a child who loves any type of machines, this is such a great find to our home lately. We have all enjoyed watching the series even my daughter and I who do not care for machines.


    There are many different machines, even ones that you don't see often like machines that work at the quarry, underground, farms, seas etc.


    We have all learnt a lot about machines and how things are get done by them. I thought maybe someone else might enjoy these series like we do.



  3. I think that is very kind of you. I know I am thankful that I am not the one out there in the heat.


    When we had our roof done, I allowed the workers to heat their food using my microwave...lol. It was winter at that time. My dh was a builder at that time and he knew the boss of the workers so I really wasn't afraid of them plus my dh was at home during those times. I offered them water as well.


    My dh said, it is definitely not a common ettiquette but it was sure a nice thing to do.




    I provided ice and drinks - just water and some punch. It was HOT and I thought this was common etiquette, but the guys just got done with our roof and they told me that no one does that here??


    They were sooo thankful that I felt embarrassed.


    What's up with that? Am I nuts?


  4. My 5 year old is like that too. At first it frustrates me but then I figured out that was his way of coping with stress, nervousness, discomfort etc. Yes, he has been misunderstood by other people as well but I have to be there to "stand" by his side. I know he doesn't mean to do it or can control it at this age so I can sympathize. I have explained it to my dd and she now understands that her brother is not being mean spirited or trying to laugh at her when she is in trouble.


    I try to remember we are all different and that helps me accept his grins/smiles :0)





  5. I did refuse the 3-hr test when I was pregnant with my 2nd child. The reason I did that was because I had gestational diabetes with my first child. I told them that I know I would fail so there is no need to do the test. I have successfully managed the GD on my first pregnancy so I know how to do it again with my second. I would send in my numbers every week or so and that was it.


    I know your reason is different but I agree with other people, you can certainly refuse the test and just monitor your blood sugar from time to time.





  6. I have been agonizing over curriculum choices for this coming term but I really believe that it won't matter much if they don't have the character to apply it and honestly, if they can't behave well enough to have a productive school day, it greatly diminishes the value of our choice to homeschool.


    Granted my kids are little (2, 4, 6, 8) so there will be distractions and misbehavior but my oldest in particular is really struggling with impulse control and he tends to take the whole train off the tracks.


    What are some creative (or simple!) ways you're developing character and discipline in your young students?


    My dd (10) is the impulsive one but in her case, as she matures her self-control also matures. I am pretty sure many people used to think that I didn't "train" her but she is just one of those people who needs a longer time to mature in the area of self-control. She is still impulsive at times (I do sometimes too) but she is starting to think of the consequences of her actions before she takes an action. She is also more aware of her surroundings and how her actions might affect other people.


    We spent a lot of time role-playing and lots of heart-to-heart talk and finally help her experience real life situations (small or big) that comes up daily. We analyze, talk, discuss whenever needed. It was a constant guidance and being able to spend time together most of the time is such a blessing for us.


    We all have "issues", some are more obvious than the other. It's all apart of who we are. Many times I have to remind myself to be patience and understanding as things that are easy for me are hard for my dd. Many times, all she needs is time...time to grow and mature. A lot of hand-holding in some weak areas and lots of encouragement. She may always be impulsive from time to time but hopefully she won't be discourage by it.


    This week, she is at a week long camp 2 hours away from me for the first time. Dh and I think she is ready for it eventhough at times, I feel like I am not...lol. I am proud of her...she has come a long way :0)


    I don't know what to tell you except to share my experience with you. Hopefully we can be an encouragement to each other :0)



  7. I have the beginning book. I only used a little bit of it, chose random pages from different parts of the book, as a preview for standardized testing for third grade. It did serve it's purpose but was too expensive for test prep, and certainly didn't teach anything as it was too simple for my student. I probably should have gone up a level.



    We had science and reading detective software. Never opened reading but science was horrid. Super poor graphics, terribly dull text, grey color, not engaging at all. So much for the fabulous return policy too- it was a pain to even attempt to get the money back. I sold both here. Maybe others like them but our comp here is fine and I was terribly disappointed. Won't ever buy that stuff again in software form.



    Thank you both for your feedback. Something to think about :0)



  8. I bought the CDrom from someone here for less than 20.00 ppd. You can see that it is much cheaper to buy it on Amazon as compared to the Critical Thinking website. 20is instead of 70ish. I'm not sure why. I'm wondering if the website is offering a school license?


    I need to install ours so I can't help beyond the price.


    The software is for sale for about $29.99 in few websites right now. I have definitely seen some people/websites selling them for $70+, pretty crazy. Thanks for your feedback.



  9. It took my then-3rd grader from zero reading comprehension to scoring over 90% on his 3rd grade standardized test. The same this year with my 8yo, who is technically a 2nd grader. Tested an 89% on a 3rd grade reading standardized test.


    That said, it wasn't their favorite subject.;) You can't just skim for answers.


    BTW, we have the workbook. I took it apart and put each page in a sheet protector so they can use a wet erase with it. I can have all my kids use the same workbook. Worth the price this way.


    Thank you for sharing your experience. Sounds like the book is working very well for your kids. I am encourage :0)



  10. My daughter has used the software a couple of days a week the last two years. She really likes it and her reading comprehension scores are in the 90th percentile. My son used it for the first time this last year and he surprised me by liking it as well. He isn't usually as excited about software. His reading comprehension score was as high as my daughter's but he was also using EPS Reading Comprehension through Varied Subject Matter.


    If I could go back, I would have stretched out the 2 levels I've used with my daughter over at least 3 years because the next level is for 7th - 8th grade and then that's it.


    The software is expensive, but it has a pretty good resale value if you take care of it.




    I am thinking of getting the software mainly because I don't want to grade another subject plus my dd might find it more interested than a workbook. Hmm...I like the idea of stretching the levels out longer...that way, the cost doesn't seem so bad:0)





  11. As I looked at it ... challenging reading concepts such as drawing inferences, making conclusions, determining cause-and-effect, and using context clues to define vocabulary


    After I saw the price, I thought that I could buy a lot of workbooks or pdf downloads for the price. I immediately think of Currclick and CBD for these purchases.






    And, I want to add that Remedia publications has a ton of books for reading that you could use much cheaper.


    :) Something to take into consideration.


    But, I do think that the coverage of reading dectectives is excellent. I like the set and would find it convienent to be on the computer as well as to have it score and test. If you could, I would get it. :)



    Thank you for your thoughts and the links. I will have to do some more browsing to come to a conclusion...to buy or not to buy...lol.


    Thanks again.



  12. by the Critical Thinking Co....how do you and your kids like it? Did you use the workbook or the software? Why?


    I am trying to decide what to buy for my dd's reading comprehension. It seems that many like The Reading Detective and I am trying to justify if the higher cost is worth it compare to other reading comprehension workbooks in the market. I am not looking for a full reading curriculum, I just want something easy to dor with dd.


    Any feedbacks are appreciated!.





  13. I love AllYou magazine especially since I am a couponer. I also love the stories and the saving tips from everyday people like you and me.


    I have a cheap subscription for ALLYou for around $28 (a 40-month subscription) a year ago. There are 2 websites that I followed and they are always trying to find a good deal on AllYou subscription for their readers. So, if you can wait.....here are the websites :







  14. Yes, I use online coupons a lot especially from the following websites :





    Manufacturer's website

    Facebook...many company have FB account and they have high dollar value coupons on the FB when you "like" them.


    I use southernsavers.com for all my couponing purposes. She posts lots of good coupons daily and I trust her sources :0)



  15. I love bean thread and have used it in stir-fry with other veggies like nappa cabbage, carrots, onions, bell-pepper and garlic. I know that not all bean thread are created equal so some of them will turn soft very fast once it touch the heat while one of two, which I prefer will still maintain its texture even when it is in soups. If you have one that don't turn too soft, you can certainly use it like regular noodles and make a stir-fry noodles with meat and veggies. I also like to put it in soups :0)



  16. We have a Brother laser printer and love, love it!!! The first standard toner that came with it lasted 1 1/2 years. I then bought a refurbished high yield toner guaranteed by Amazon called Amazon Basics for about $25.00 (the price has since gone up) and it is suppose to last me twice as long.


    I also use my printer for couponing purposes and I can't say enough good things about it. My sister and few of my friends all have a Brother laser printers and they all love it as well. You can certainly check the prices and reviews on Amazon. From time to time, you can find deal on a Brother laser printer on sale at Staples/Office Depot/Office Max for about $50 shipped. You just have to wait for it :0)





  17. I have been where you are at... getting a good pencil sharpener is challenging. We have used a Staedtler two hole sharpener for a couple of years with good results.


    Using the small hole on the sharpener you get a very long tip and sharp point. Use the big hole and you get a really nice short tip that is great for kids that break sharp points.


    It requires no batteries, is kid safe, portable and you can even order replacement blades. Oh, and it only costs $6 on Amazon.




    Read the product reviews on Amazon for more confirmation of this little guy's goodness!




    We have been using this for almost a year now and it is still going strong. I am very happy with it, good quality and price.



  18. Jen,


    My dd has seasonal allergies and she was always stuffy and miserable until we tried this natural medicine a friend recommended. This is what I bought from amazon :




    The results were amazing. Her symptoms were virtually gone. I have never seen her feel so good before. We have tried the "grass" one and then when the tree pollens hit, we bought the "tree" one with great results as well. There are many kinds to choose from, grass, tree, mold/yeast/dust, outdoor, hayfever etc. My dd used to take Claritin but it wasn't relieving his symptoms enough as she was still stuffy on most days/nights.


    I hope this will work for your husband as it has worked for my dd.



  19. Sometimes I know how to solve a particular problem but just don't know how to explain it to make it more concrete for my bright 9 yo ds. I also need something that can be "open and go" and not teacher intensive but explains the concepts (hopefully in more than one way) to ds.




    I have a 10 year old dd and we are using CLE but will switch to Teaching Textbook this coming school year. The reason I am doing this is because I really like having someone else explain it to her since I am not good at math. The higher grade she goes, the harder it will be for me to help her. CLE Math is a good program but I really want a "teacher" so to speak especially when we get to higher grade. TT seems to explains well so hopefully we can use it for the long haul.



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