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Posts posted by Sahmqui

  1. http://www.fsi-language-courses.com/


    ...It sounds like you have the accent covered, though!...


    That's just it! I don't have the accent. For some reason I can't get the aspirated letters to sound right. It all comes out the same. The family her in america get mad and tells me to just be quiet :confused: I need :bigear: the difference in the sound of the aspirated letters like ppali wa which just comes out pa lee wah for me. KWIM

  2. Yes, I expected this to happen eventually. Gravity - What goes up must come down and better pray that on their way up that they didn't step on others to get there because they will encounter these folks again.


    As I stated on another post (x-post):"Six years ago I predicted this, it was because DH want to by a big overpriced home in a secluded pricey neighborhood for DS to grow up in basis on what he could make in the future and what the house would be worth down the road...I told DH, I quote "have you lost your mind, if it sounds to good to be true it is". Why would you buy a home that you knew under old traditional lending they would never lend to you because you couldn't afford it. Think a 15 year fixed mortgage with 20% down and the payment with taxes and insurance was less than 25% of your proven income." Also, this country has become reliable on credit (cards, auto loan, student loan, personal loan, etc.)


    The stock market is a gamble and was not treated as such for many investors. As with any gambling - you win some or you lose some, and it's nice if you break even.


    I think we were prepared because we don't have debt other than the house and we are a pretty frugal energy saving family. However, we never imagined that it would be this bad where the bad decisions of other has domino to affect us all; Business are failing left and right, State/city cutbacks has reduced services and with unemployment so high, crime will increase with little policing.


    We need to work together to come up with a preventative plan because right now the only solution I see is the government throwing money(that we don't have-I might add) at this crisis.

  3. ... "who are these houses for exactly?" Doesn't matter. The fact is, they are there. We can get angry (and should), but if all we do is punish the people responsible, we will inadvertently punish ourselves.





    I said the exact same thing with builder constantly building homes start at $500,000 and more with job rates and salaries the same. I ask DH "Where do these people come from and work that are buying these homes. Look around now and the build has ceased. There are tons of unfinished neighborhood, houses, and new builder homes that are bank owned.


    I don't agree with releasing money so that we can get back to business because again we will get no where. The question remains "Who are these homes for", not for these people how signed there name on these crazy mortgages(no money down, no proof of income, etc). Yes, release money so they can get another un-traditional mortgage and buy up the surplus - NOT. However this crisis will not stop if there are not measures put in place to prevent people with the "I want it all and I want it now" on credit mentality, to get back to buying these homes they can not afford.


    And I agree that we are punishing ourselves by doing nothing. BTW-I do not include people who lost a job, became disable, medical expenses, etc. I do believe these people need us to act fast to help them, but I am against helping the greedy get back to their "status" that they were living (because it was under false pretenses).

  4. No, I am not to blame. My husband and I do not fall anywhere in your categories of who's to blame. We have taught our 18 year old financial principles.


    Yes, we have tried to talk sense into some people we know, and they would hear nothing of it. No one wants you criticizing the way they handle their money.


    Even in our church, people will teach on and on about being quiverfull, how to train children, and such, but no one wants to hear an honest to goodness message about money and its management.

    I mean this in a general sense because stats show that 85% (wow) of parents in 2005 did not discuss money management with their children.


    Also, I stated we as taxpayers need to speak up to our legislation about things that are wrong, immoral and unjust to make things right. The government is only as good as the people.


    In this country, people (in general) lazily sit back and do nothing when somethings wrong, unjust, or immoral is happening under their nose. It is so easy to talk and not act and that is what millions of American do. TALK - with no action. I know this first hand because I have been "annoying"(per a congressman I didn't elect personally) the representatives of my state to make a law that force food companies to label the foods accurately with all ingredients because of my kids serve allegries to eggs, wheat, milk, etc (not an intolerance but a true hospitalization allergy). People talk but don't act. Just another two cents that I am adding to the pot :)

  5. he kids like the colorful pages of Singapore math but I don't think they really get it until I use the blocks, cubes, or marbles to help them get it. I was wondering would I be better off switching to Math U See Alpha because it seems more hands on while Singapore is more story problem based.


    Which program MUS or Singapore works better for you and why? Are you using manipulatives with singapore math?


    Thanks in advance



    I need assistance with my Korean Language study for the kids and myself. I have to step it up and fast because we are heading to Korean to visit family in June and we will be there for 2 months. DH is already there and so the constant Korean dialect in the home is gone. I don't want to write a long post on why I need outside and can't turn to his family - I'll leave that for another time:)


    So is there anyone that knows Korean???? We know sentence structure and alphabet, numbers but having issues. I have the Rosetta Stone for me and the kids but I am not happy with the results. Can someone help or know where I can go to get help on pronouncing aspirated letters?




    EDITED TO: ask for any penpal sites or suggestion on finding someone to practice speaking with??(see post #6)

  7. Homeownership is a privilege. At this point, we need to have a solution because this crisis affects everyone, it puts us all in the red one way or another.


    We came blog, email, post and blame, but the truth of the matter is everyone is to blame for this mess (IMO):

    Government: for allow the banks to do this with no real regulation

    Banks: for these mortgages that was to trap the buyer and make them richer

    Consumers(of the un-traditional mortgages): for not having COMMON SENSE (never bite off more than you can chew) mortgaging million dollar homes when they could only afford a 300,000 dollar home

    Parents/family/friends of these consumers: for not talking sense into these people and teaching them how to budget and do finances.

    Adults: for not speaking up to end these credit and mortgage traps years ago(feeling that since you didn't apply for this then it doesn't affect me - will guess what- now it does)

    The list goes on (we can post all day)....what we need to talk about is the best way to GET OUT OF THIS RUT and how we can PREVENT this from happening again.


    Personally, I told DH six years ago that this was going to happen eventually because houses where overpriced IMO and loans (credit) was incredibly easy to obtain(rather you had bad credit or low income). Remember when you went shopping and the cashier constantly asked you to open a pre-approved account to get an instant 10-20% off...LMAO that day is gone.


    Six years ago we I predicted this, it was because DH want to by a big overpriced home in a secluded pricey neigborhood for DS to grow up in basis on what he could make in the future and what the house would be worth down the road. He said a lender told him he could buy it now with a balloon payment at the end and a cheap payment for the first 5 years and he didn't have to prove his income and no money down. I told DH, I quote "have you lost your mind, if it sounds to good to be true it is". Why would you buy a home that you knew under old traditional lending they would never lend to you because you couldn't afford it. Think a 15 year fixed mortgage with 20% down and the payment with taxes and insurance was less than 25% of your income.


    With the old traditional lend more than 65% of homeowners WOULD NOT be owners at all. It was hard saving up the down payment only to find that the house that you could afford (under the old traditional rules) was a fruit cup while your peers was living in "MTV Cribs". So I understand how some of these consumers got caught in the snares of the enemy (creditor) - parents didn't teach them better or talk about money with them at all. Maybe they had the American Virsus - the "I want it all and I want it NOW"


    WE NEED TO RESOLVE THIS and have preventive method in play as well! The bottomline everyone knew in the eyes of the LAW - you signed your name to prove you knew. COMMON SENSE RULE - don't sign anything you don't understand - and they taught you that in school. Just my two cents!

  8. What is it exactly that's frustrating him about printable worksheets and the reusable workbooks?


    He said it's too hard. He tries to write the letters EXACTLY like the worksheet own his own and it does not look the same. He puts his head down and puffs this is to hard, I will never write like that. I try telling him its a tool to help you letter the form of the letters and you will have your own way of writing like a fingerprint. I show him how mom and dad write different but it's still readable to all. I have showed him how dad cannot write like mom and vice versa.


    dawn of ns-

    He has penmanship journals from starfall.com that was gifted to him. That lets him draw a picture and then write on the double lines below. I do write in his journal and then let him copy what I wrote but he gets upset that the word do not look the same

  9. Hi, still a newbie to this forum. :001_smile:

    My DS wants to learn to print like mom (I never use cursive). I told him it took years and lots of practice. We have used various trace and dot-to-dot worksheets to learn basics handwriting skills but no formal program. He can write all his letters but just not the way he wants. DS can write his full name with no formation problems.


    I am homeschooling currently on a very tight budget and everything needed for Handwriting w/o Tears was out of the budget because it was spent on math, reading, and science curriculum.


    I did not realize the importance of formal handwriting skills for DS since he could write his name. I thought that was all that he needed to do at this age. :confused: He is very interesting in writing better so that he can write the answers to the math problems without my help. He also wants to write "nicer" in his journal so he can label his paintings himself. Also, he stated recently that the worksheets and reusable handwriting workbooks are frustrating and too hard.


    HELP US PLEASE...any suggestions????

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