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The girl next door

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Posts posted by The girl next door

  1. "In terms of the linked article, I had multiple issues with it. (Not the least of which would be the over-arching theme that a classroom is superior to the home for learning or education. I tend to disagree with that "school" of thought! ;) ) "


    I didn't get that feeling - I don't believe that a classroom is superior for the home for learning or education. I would see a kid who was not introduced to learning in a home environment at "school age" as redshirted as well. (For me, the debate between a b&M school, private or relgious school, homeschooling, unschooling etc. is a totally different choice).

  2. We're heading on a road trip before we return to school and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for carschooling? Things that work or don't work? What to focus on or what to avoid?


    I'm primarily thinking of my 5 year old (first grader) who should be doing as much reading and writing as possible.... but I'm not sure how that will work in the car! Thanks!

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