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Posts posted by LizzyBee

  1. If I ever go off coffee, I will need to be in rehab or at least a hotel by myself.  I am just flat out mean if I don't have my morning coffee. I don't drink coffee all day long or anything, but it would be very difficult for me to give up my morning coffee.


    But I did give up sweet tea, which I used to think was unimaginable.


    I hope it's getting easier for you.

  2. A friend suggested that you always leave a 'necessary' item in the back seat with your baby - like your wallet or phone, so that you will always have to turn around and look in the back seat. I think it's a great idea. The thought of unknowingly leaving a child in a car is terrifying to me.


    I don't think I'd walk away from the car without my purse, but I could easily see my dh walking away without his wallet. He actually does sometimes leave home without it. Both of us could forget our cellphones because we're just not that attached to them.  Another suggestion I've read is to always put the diaper bag on the front seat as a reminder that you have the baby with you.

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  3. Does his area have a head start program?  I think some of these are half day and some are all day programs.


    If the kids are developmentally behind because of their upbringing, perhaps they would qualify for preschool through the public school. If so, that would eliminate the need for daycare except before and after school.


    ETA: Oops, just saw that the kids are only 1 and 2, so this is not helpful now. Maybe later.

  4. It has to be diagnosed by an audiologist who has the training to test for APD, because part of the testing is done in a sound proof booth. Whether a diagnosis is helpful depends on which types of APD you might have.  My youngest daughter had all four subtypes when she was 7, but by age 10, two of them were remediated. Her audiologist said the remaining two will most likely persist into adulthood, although they may become milder.  A good audiologist will give you a report that includes suggestions for remediation and/or accomodation. You may qualify for accomodations at college if you need them.


    ETA: Google your city + audiologist + auditory processing disorder.  That's how I found our audiologist.


    ETA2: There is software that can help with filtering. One level is for younger kids and the other is for older kids and adults.  Earobics - it's inexpensive.  There's also Fast For Word, but it has to be administered by an SLP and it's expensive.  You could try the Earobics to see if it helps and forego the testing for now.


    FWIW, skinny is not necessarily a bad thing.  Calvin has fallen off the bottom of the charts again - he's at the 0 percentile for BMI.  He's healthy but that's just his body type.  You might want to get some tests run on your child just to set your mind at rest and remove some of the stress.




    There is definitely a downside to being skinny - finding clothes that fit! LOL. My youngest is over 5'4" and weighs almost 80 lbs. She's size 7 in the waist and 16 in length. 

  6. The latest studies are showing that a hearty breakfast like eggs and bacon is healthy.  As others mentioned, I would be concerned about a daily dose of nitrates, so uncured would be better if you can find it. As for too much meat being unhealthy, this is not a concern if he is eating lots of vegetables. It's the combination of too much meat + too little vegetables that leads to colon cancer, etc. Someone mentioned iron absorption. Eating dairy + meat inhibits iron absorption, and eating tomatoes + meat enhances iron absorption, so I've stopped eating cheese on my burgers and that sort of thing. I don't like milk, but if your kid does, have him drink it separately from iron rich meals.


    ETA: I read the posts about nitrates. Aren't the nitrates used for preservatives synthetic, not derived from plants? I did some research on diet after my leukemia diagnosis and tried to use reliable sources, and supposedly there's a pretty clear link between nitrates and certain types of cancer.

  7. My oldest was an early reader at age 4.

    My middle one is mildly dyslexic and learned to read at about 6, but didn't read chapter books until she was 8.

    My youngest is severely dyslexic and at age 9, I despaired that she would ever read beyond a rudimentary level. She may have still been 9 or maybe 10 when she finally caught on and started reading the Boxcar Children books.  She now reads at or slightly above grade level.


    All three of them love reading and take books everywhere we go. They read in the bathroom, in restaurants while waiting for food, in the car, etc.


    I need to update my signature. My kids are 20, 18, and almost 13.

  8. My daughter just turned 14. She watches her 6 yo brother all the time. I don't pay her. We always ask and she always had the option to say no. I can only think of one time she said "I'd rather not". I never ask her to give up something she wants to do. If I did I'd offer to pay her.


    One of her friends will not watch her siblings unless she is paid.


    I guess I'm wondering what is the norm. I know my daughter is very unique in that she loves her brother like a mother and loves spending time with him. She realizes she only has a few more years to be home with him and is taking advantage of the time.


    We used to pay our oldest dd the "family rate" of $2/hour. She was happy with that since it gave her a bit of spending money. All my kids are old enough to take care of themselves now, so we don't pay any more.

  9. I am glad the family was able to be reunited.


    But Fox News bias strikes again...... "Justice for Justine". it makes it sound like the hospital is being ruled against here. It's not.  DCF ruled that the family, which has been going through counseling, has met their requirements to make reunification appropriate.  They have lifted the contempt order against her father as well.


    The family is free to sue the hospital- and I suspect they will. But nothing about this current court case indicates fault on the part of the hospital or child services.


    I sure do hope that's coming in the form of a civil lawsuit!


  10. The first time we took my oldest, dh and I both went, along with dd's boyfriend. We made arrangements for the other girls to stay with friends. Since then, sometimes I go, sometimes dh goes, and sometimes the other girls go. But for the beginning and end of semester, dh always goes because he's the only one of us who is big enough to carry her fridge and heavier boxes.


    Our second daughter will start college in August, and dh and I will both definitely go. Oldest goes back to school first, so she won't go, and youngest will probably not go because she will have school that day.  (We're wrapping up homeschooling and youngest will start school for the first time in July.)

  11. A couple of years ago I bought Neutragena and it did not work at all. I sat for 45 minutes at my dd's soccer games and came home very sunburned every week.  Last summer we bought Banana Boat and it worked fine.

  12. I recently read a book on autoimmune conditions. In a chapter on rheumatoid arthritis, the author highlighted the experiences of the actress Kathleen Turner. She has rheumatoid arthritis and from what I remember it was the condition and perhaps not even in the meds to treat it that caused her to appear drunk. She also became very swollen. She made the point of saying that in show business she thought it would be better for her career to allow people to think she had a drinking problem rather than a disease. Reading her story made me remorseful because I remember seeing an interview with her at the time and thinking, "I can't believe she's actually doing this interview drunk! She's slurring! She's so fat!" etc., etc. Meanwhile, she was suffering terribly.


    I'm glad you posted this. My dh and I saw her on a night show years ago and thought she was high on cocaine because her behavior seemed so bizarre. I'm sorry that I misjudged her all these years.


  13. I don't know, but she was so out of it at home that her house nearly burned down around her, with her kids in it.  This was relayed to be my another parent who got it straight from the kid.  That seems pretty dangerous to me.


    Those of you who say "no," do you think it is okay for a parent to be stoned in front of her kids?  I am not comfortable giving out more details of her behavior, so for the sake of this question, assume she is on drugs.  If I described her behavior in more detail, y'all would probably be more inclined to believe me.  Also, frankly, if it had been something along the lines of exhaustion or a side effect of medication, her parents and husband would have been more solicitous of her.  As it was, they barely acknowledged her presence.  The husband, however, I suspect was also impaired in some way (but differently; he was weirdly hyped up).


    How certain are you that illegal drugs are the cause of the behavior?  I know you're asking us to assume, but are you assuming or are you certain?  I have chronic leukemia and there have been times my husband tried to wake me and couldn't.  I would be heartbroken if people assumed I was using illegal drugs just because I could hardly get out of bed some days.  My kids and husband might not seem concerned or sympathetic in public because it's just part of our lives now.

  14. So I bumped into a friend of mine who has tutored with Barton, and has her kids in this tutoring program... so I was able to really pick her brain, she was of the mindset that a tutor will make a HUGE difference... oh please tell me I can do this on my own.   She was very encouraging and is a HUGE believer in using Barton, and in the end did say that I could totally teach her myself, but she was really for tutoring.   :001_unsure:



    You can totally do this yourself. Don't let anyone scare you. Barton is designed to be accessible for parents and volunteers in addition to professionals.


  15. Disclaimer: I tried AAS with my dyslexic daughter before AAR was available, so I haven't seen AAR.


    We got absolutely nowhere with AAS. We ended up doing LiPS to gets dd's phonemic awareness to a point that she could start Barton, then switched to Barton. It's wonderful. Effective and easy to use.  It is hard work, though. Any reading program is going to be hard for a dyslexic student, but hey, if you're going to have tears, you at least want something that works!  DD loves reading now and she's reading a little above grade level.  She's almost 13.

  16. I am happy he didn't go to the outtake appointment, although he didn't believe me at first when I told him his IQ score was high. The psychiatrist mentioned it today, and he seemed to believe her, so I think he just needed some time to think about things. :)


    At one point, one of my kids was so frustrated that she would pull her hair while calling herself stupid. It was just heartbreaking, esp because I pulled her out of public school to avoid that kind of frustration.  After her testing, I told her that we now have proof that she's smart so she had to stop saying she's stupid.

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