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Posts posted by rockala

  1. but I know others don't. She was not a science kid, but found out she does like biology. We have been extremely happy with Apologia.


    I could be wrong here, but from what I understand, I think regardless of college path career, you do need 2 science labs to graduate in most states, and for collge acceptance. You should check the web sites of the colleges she is thinking of before deciding not to do labs. I am not sure that art school would be different.


    The Apologia labs- many are "not required" There are only a total of four disections. An earthworm, a frog, a crayfish and a fish.


    Apologia sells a kit that comes with all the tools and animals for a very resonable price. All the other lab work aside form the 4 disections are just microscope work or very simple experiments...leave a piece of bread and fruit out for a few days, DNA extraction with vinegar, etc.


    We are in module 11 out of 16, so if you need more info let me know.

  2. overwhelmed. All of it is awesome and not at all a bore, thank you everyone for all the time you have taken. I realize though I am uneducated in all the various test that are available. I did not even know there were SAT II. DUHH


    That said, I did a quick look for the ACT and found it in our area pretty regularly. We always have done the IOWA at the end of the school year in June. I always had her complete the Spectrum test prep first and she always did well.


    I need to find out more about where and how the PSAT is taken. She did take the SSAT so maybe it is similarly offered.


    I almost need a list of which tests can hurt vs def won't hurt.


    For instance I can have her do the ACT and ITED and no will see results unless I want them too right?


    But for the PSAT and SAT and SAT II's that might not be/or is not the case?


    I do not know anything about the compass test so need to check into that one.


    The National Latin Exam is an option, however she is just finishing Latin Prep 1 from galore park this year and was going to do hebrew next year.


    I am so glad for all you responses, thank you again,


  3. proved most helpful/beneficial in the end? What to do at the beginning high school level.


    What I am trying to determine for my dd who is in 9th this year is what is best. She is planning for medical/dental/ortho or vet. No pressure here.


    Some of my concerns and questions are these. What did you all find was most helpful in the end? Was it certain courses your kids took? Outsource vs not. Where your diploma came from accredited vs non? Test scores or history of/ or specific tests that were viewed favorably?


    Did anything in the admissions process or interview made you say I am so glad we did that or boy I wish I had done that?


    Did you go Accredited (NARS) vs unaccredited. If unaccredited Homelife Academy vs homeade or something like Transcript Pro. What seemed to work best in the end if you know?


    What is the best course layout for best acceptance? Is there one or really depends on focus? here is what I am planning for dd possible medical major....


    4 years English/comp



    Algebra one and two-




    Should there be another??







    human anatomy/physiolgy








    Foreign lang


    Hebrew -2-3 years


    Electives include paino and art

    health includes horseback and swim team





  4. Hi everyone,


    I have a dd in 9th this year and we have taken the Iowa tests every year since 4th garde. I was about to order the annual spectrum test prep and do not see one for 9th.


    Should I move her to a different test this year, and if so, which one?? What should the next few years of testing look like? For those of you whose kids have gotten into college what tests, if any seemed most important. I know she will obviosuly need to do the SAT later, but what else and when and what prep books?


    She did take the PSAT in 7th grade as we were considering a private for 9th. It looks like we are staying home and dd is interested in medical, so I

    want to make sure we will be properly prepared.



  5. and I am not sure why it is not on the website yet. It was new for them this year, however I believe all the instructors are from the Potter School where they have taught the Apologia courses for years.


    My dd is taking biology with Steve Rosenoff and we are very pleased with it. He has his own website and it is highly organized. He really has the classes down pat complete with syllabus, all viewable from his red wagon website. It can look quite intimidating and initally scared me, but it is not at all once get into it. He makes it very clear and also gives tons of examples so you can be sure to get the format right.


    The Apologia Academy is $450 a year, and does not include textbooks and labs. they do offer discounts on those items for academy students. The classes are once a week for an hour and one half. They are recorded if you need to miss class. The papers and tests come back graded very promptly.


    Steve Rosenoff has a website called www.redwagontutorials.com

    where you can but prior years recorded classes for about $100, however you will not receive instructor grading.


    I do like the live classes as your child may be called on and needs to pay attention. I also like that it keeps us on schedule with our classes because there are due dates. This is good for the high school level.


    We will be continuing with Apologia Acedemy Chemistry next year with Rusty Hughes as teacher. It was our first year this year doing online classes and we did both one with The Potter School and one with Apologia Academy. We are very pleased with both and will continue with both for high school.


    As a side, I thought that after one year online we would start at the local college, but to be honest it is nice to listen in on class occassionally and help your child plan their time and take notes. It makes for a good transition point to eventual college classes if one wishes. My dd has grown from a I am not good at school thought to a staright A student with the instructor grades to back it up. It is not me doing it. this has sored her confidence and I did not see that coming at all.


    So at this point we feel she will be better served doing these classes online for at least 10th next year. Keep the confidence up and we will see after that.


    Hope this helps,


  6. I am not sure about Abeka, but last year my dd in eight did Apologia General and we jumped up to Apologia Biology this year with no ill effects. We did decide to have her do it online through Apologia Academy, which ironically propelled her from a scince is ok kid to her favorite subject.


    We had seen jay Wilie at our hs conference and explained she was considering vet/medical field and we didn't want her to be behind in preparing for that. He said since she was doing fine in general to jump ahead. She will cover Apolgia Physical when she does Physics. I had explained we did a few years of BJU science. he agreed that to some extent, she has covered some things in Physical science.


    My ds in 7th grade is doing the Physical this year and like it. the beginning is a lot of weather, but is now into some math/physics.


    Hope this helps,


  7. has anyone used this? We are using videotext algebra with failry good results. My dd in ninth grade went through 4 different algebra programs and we are about to start module E so hopefully we finally finish.


    I am thinking then of buying the VT Geometry, since th eprogram seems to work well, but have not known anyone who has used it.


    Pros/Cons, what can you all tell me??



  8. I purchased the first 3 of these and then got a deal on module D for $15. It is the old style VHS. Dd is just starting it and I notice the copyright is 1998- does anyone what the difference is or if there is one??


    I am thinking maybe they just converted it to DVD at that point. She is doing so well with it I want to keep her on the same edition.


    I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere.




  9. using Videotext algebra. At convention Tom, the program creator, had us assign half the problems, odd or evn however you want to. If those are 100 right, you are done for the day. My ds knows if he misses just one he has to do the rest. this has worked well.


    For us if it is a conceptual problem he comes to me for help long before trying to do half of them, so that is not a concern. As you all have mentioned mostly it is the going to quickly that causes errors at this level. You need to go slowly enough to also remember postive/negative changes as well.



  10. by Ken Ham along with the Institute for Creation research many other products. I was shocked by how much they offer. My kids have learned a ton after my ds, a science buff understood how many holes there are in such an extremely weak theory. He used to argue God used evolution but now understands better and more important scientifically why this is simply not possible. I credit three resources, one being the free Acts and facts publication that ICR offers. The second started with Apologia General (we love Apologia for this reason) and third we bought the Jonathan Park CDs and these are stories that have mainstream science and the holes in it, woven into adventure stories. I thought my dh was nuts when he bought the whole set on special at convention and they are a little corny sometimes, but I and the kids have learned a ton from them.








  11. Hello,

    I would love advice on use of this program and if you think the program is a worthwhile investment of time. It looks really good online but I do not have the books, I think reading the documents could be a really good idea for getting things to stick if it is done right.


    We were using SL as a book list but I can see now I need more than that for history high school level and although we have liked SL books, some we do not care for. We have done quite a bit of history through the middle ages in depth so I am thinking Exploring America and then the goverment course if we use it all for the rest of this year, next and 1st semester 11th for Notgrass gov and see where to go from there?


    Notgrass document book- has this been a good helpful thing- or is it cumbersome to get through.


    I think the layout of the books look really good- I may use it for English for my 8th grader, but my ninth is in Potter School English. I hear the whole thing is 3 hours per day, that is why I am thinking just history for ninth grade dd and just one book since we are late in the year and I do not have the book yet. I think we could give it 45 to an hour a day for high school.


    I may consider bible as we have not found one we really like- anyone know how long that portion takes.


    Any advice appreciated,


  12. I see this for sale here and even the company has it for sale. I cannot find many good reviews to know if that is worth my time though. I do not want even an inexpensive item that i will only have to resell- lot of that already here :tongue_smilie:.


    Can anyone tell me if it was worth listening to this one and if your hs student listened as well?


    Any other favorites from TTC??


    Thanks for your time,


  13. we are reconsidering English 2. My dd wanted the Narnia class badly but was rejected on the exam without explanation other than her writing was immature. I was bit put out about it and ended up getting my money refunded. Now I am wondering if we should have stayed at her recommendation for English 2.


    I do not know why we seemed threatening to them to ask for an explanation, but after receiving the rejection letter we resubbed and aksed for a second look. It was a Saturday and I was surprised she had reviewed the exam at all. Then that evening we got two e-mails saying we were pulled and removed from her class. It was strange- like she was afraid we would harass her or something.


    I thought that certainly the following Monday I might hear from them more personally, but nothing came so I requested the money refunded. Two days went by and no response came from my request. I faxed over a letter and did receive a refund promptly.


    I have heard great things about them, but also that perhaps they are a little I am not sure how to put it, maybe heady? The English 2 class actually sounds good but am unsure of how the teaching style is-- is it very cold, will she be treated well etc??.



  14. I just listened to a series on Life, Dominion and Honor. It was totally NOT to what others have been referring but was about what the bible teaches on it.


    We are to care for this earth and the what's in it. It does not mean to kill and have free reign and "dominate" over people. The dominion mandate in Genesis "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."


    We tend to avoid the work dominion because it is close to domination. The difference is domination is forcing someone to due soemthing at persoanl cost to them to submit to you, for your benefit. It is a win/lose relationship.


    Dominion is life-giving. It forces someone else to submit for their benefit. We parents due this all the time with our children. Do not touch the hot stove, eat your vegetables. No you will not run out in the middle of trafiic you will submit and hold my hand as we walk the busy street. Do you see the difference? These things will benefit them in the long run, be life giving.


    Anyway, I grew up catholic, convereted to evagelical and now I am closer to messianic jewish, but not to an extreme. I learned a lot in this journey though and can pull the best out of each. I find the non-competitive nature of returning to our Hebrew roots and the biblical holidays very freeing and enjoyable. We still enjoy x-mas and easter with our families, rituals are good. But Christmas was illegal in this country when our constituion was written and it does have bad roots, biblically speaking.


    But our kids LOVE the celebration of the biblical holidays as that is where there has been no stress involved in the holiday (we are not legalistic) and they get to know the Father heart of God most deeply, as it was meant to be throughout history. A wonderful book on this is A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays, by homeschooler Robin Sampson.


    I know this is long but speaking of history, honestly there are way too many stones that can be thrown here. I mean just look at the catholic church and the translation of the bible---and the crusades and modern day evangelicasl are obnoxious- this BJU stuff is tough to take. If we think about though....I hope we can all agree catholics, evangelicals, jews, muslims etc etc could ALL be lambasted here.


    So then what shall we say then. I won't drive a volkswagon because of the atrocities the Germans once commiteed??? It is a free country thank the Lord, we can all use what currcic we want. But the stones that could be thrown throughout history would kill us all.



  15. Ohh I feel so lost today. My dd really wanted to do the Narnia class from Potter school. After spending several hours on the test- which was supposed to take several, they said she is not ready. I am not sure I agree now with why they are saying and lost with how to go from here. I agree she proabably should not take the class though its their attitude that concerns me most. has anyone had similar expereince?


    She wanted narnia because some of the other english writing online courses I had looked into, involved books that she does not care for. I agreed and we love Narnia so we pursued this. From all the posts I have read, potter school is very good but there is an attitude of superiority sometimes from the teachers. I have heard this from the science ones as well. We have never done an online course and it is expensive.


    They had this requirement about not using "be" verbs. While I agree it is good to not do this too much -I now wonder if they go to far. My dd had to write an essay using bible verses to support her view. She could not use more than 2 "be" verbs per paragraph and only 4 total in the 400 word essay. She had to eliminate verses and rearrange and not use any be verbs on her own writing to allow the bible verses to have some. When the bible has be verbs you have to wonder about things not being allowed to have them.


    FYI "be"verbs = be, being, been, is, was, were, am, are. We learned quickly that the bible is full of be verbs. Basically in order to wite the essay she had to not use many verses as there would be too many be verbs. We consider the bible to be good literature, so I am beginnning to wonder how far some of these things make sense. Again, standards are good and be verbs can be oversued, but can it maybe become legalistic?


    I do not know what to do. my dd is devastated to be told her writing is immature. the course was going to take 10+ hours a week, so maybe for 9th grade it is a blessing in disquise. But now what to do. Do all these online classes have an attitude of superiority? Does it go too far? Is their help for writing that is not sooo involoved. Bravewriter?? Or is the discipline of an online class a good thing and worth putting up with how difficult they make it? Mh dd tests every year (and IOWA results come back she is way above grade level-granted it is not writing though) and even sat for the SSAT and did well, and for this she had to do a 5-paragraph essay. Yet they want her to take an 8th garde course instead of 9th.


    Am I missing something??:confused:



  16. the story is very good and funny but the story problems require thinking strategies that if you do not have the basics really down can be confusing. He really strecthes your thinking and this is good, if you can help them along. We did call once but still could not understand it. My math skills are clearly not great so I do not blame him.


    My daughter who is the most dyslexic did well with MUS, while she cried through Horizons. Now heading into 9th she may go onto to Videotext. My son who is more dsygraphic does very well with Horizons as it is just good solid formulas and repeat practice.


    My son did do the first two LOF books (about half way) and did okay with it, just often frustarted with the lack of explanations. Many people have done very well with it, it just was not a good fit here. :)


    I think there are so many good choices out there and each child is different-the difficulty is just finding what works for them.:tongue_smilie:



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