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Posts posted by rockala

  1. I have been a complete failure in the past for deadlines. This year with the two online classes she had to make those deadlines. Also, her online tests were timed so that helped me too. For me I think she will have to continue two online classes for high school so she gets used to it. It does make you make decisions on how you are using your time. This year she stayed home from some fun/social things that ds went to as she had due dates. For her it was not a big deal, you know the dates in advance so for the places she really wanted to go she doubled up other days in those areas so she could take a day off. She even found herself willing to work all day Saturday on schoolwork so she could do a social thing during the week.


    that said, maybe just doing that for 11-12 is more than fine. For me it takes my stress away now as I am a fearful hs high schooler LOL. ;)



  2. I must say that I could never read them, but have listened to two.


    I think an excellent start is The Cat of Bubastes as it is short! We heard it a few years ago and still talk about some of it. I have two friends who were very apprehensive about henty and they loved it too.


    We listened to Beric the Briton. First I must say it is one of my favorite books, but I never would a have made it reading it. Moreover, the first one third to half I really had trouble paying attention. I think my then 11 year old son who comprehends deeply had to keep updating me on what was going on.


    So why did I love it so much? Because Beric proved to be the most amazing man (far fetched as he might be) I have heard of. To this day if I see a trait simialr to his in my son I am proud. It is who you want your son to grow up to be. He was both a knight in shining armor and advocate for women. The last half of the book I could not stop listening to it, but I admit it was difficult getting there.


    And so I think that may be the problem with the Henty books, the first third to hald is a bit dull.



  3. with the convention looming a few days away, I am still unsure. I do appreciate all your posts though and wanted to let you know.


    I cannot seem to get a response from the 1 college that may offer Hebrew. I think at this point I may have her to Latin Prep 2 for first semester next year and then try some of the at home Hebrew stuff I have for second. I had a Potter School teacher be kind enough to tell me the texts they use for a full year.


    Perhaps after that dd may feel overwhlemed and succumb to Spanish at the local cc or something else. If it is meant to be the good Lord will provide a way for her to learn it otherwise.


    I suppose I have seen enough texts online that perhaps combining the 3rd edition Rosetta Stone with them may prove acceptable to most colleges.


    Thanks again,


  4. Thank you for the help- it does help. I had her rewatch with me the lesson which was giving her trouble.


    I found out that VT will be at our convention on Friday and will ask Tom Clark more about it. She did the problems she was unable to do the first time....this is on the module end test which is 65 problems long. If I give her credit for those she gets an 80. While this is not terrific maybe I can let her move on and try Module E.


    Thank you both again for your help. I am considering buying the VT geometry new. I had piece-mealed the algebra modules from various sources.



  5. My dd is struggling through Module D and we really want to get into Module E. I have heard that module D is the hardest and she just finished the end unit test and only got a 69. :001_huh:this is usually unacceptable to me and I would have her go through for understanding and take form B.


    My dd has had it and really feels like she will not do much better. they only provided one type of problem on the lesson and the test has 6 of them. She was unable to answer those, so along with the simple mistakes she should have gotten right, she had those 6 wrong. if I disinclude those she has an 84.


    I know she can get the phone help, but am considering letting her move onto module E anyway- she is not a math kid>A am I out of my mind?




  6. requested this information on the high school board and this caught my eye. We observe all the biblical feasts and holidays with Yeshua, so from a slightly messanic viewpoint, though we do not attend at all, just get togeher with a few families.


    Would you offer different reccomendations from that viewpoint? my daughter is in 9th, know the biblical alphabet well and has read thru one psalm for her bat, if that helps at all.


    We too are torn with to proceed with modern vs biblical from a high school transcript viewpiont.



  7. ... I never knew about all this talk on the european guideleines and the possibility of us wasting :)kidding.....I mean spending time on learning a language and then it not being accepted so they repeat at college again or they have to test out and probably will not do well unless we have invested considerable time and have tutors or someone who can speak it. I simply do not know what to do.


    I fear I am beginning to think we mine as well go light and let her fail and take it again in college. At least we can focus more on the other subjects and the SAT and Sat II subject tests. Would that really mess things up? Am I missing something? How do they do it all?


    My dd has wanted to do biblical Hebrew, just has always been her desire. I do not know any other languages. Last week after reading some other recent threads and from Esther (I know you did hebrew -what did you use?) that maybe she should really do modern Hebrew first (she was ok with that) so there will at least be a test for her to take or that it will be accepted.


    But now I am thinking of calling admissions at the local community college or even state if they will take her.....and maybe she should just do foreign language next year. That would eliminate the whole dilemma right? Are the college courses beginner though? Then I would probably make her do Spanish and learn biblical hebrew on her own. She already know the alphabet and has recited a Psalm in Herbrew at her messanic bat. And she has just about finished Galore park Latin Prep I.


    Has anyone tried your childs first college course as one of a for lang? Am I missing a better road. I hate to say easier but it does seem that we are just not as focused as others on this one and are trying to meet criteria. I know that is not right, but I am trying my best.:tongue_smilie:



  8. and they do try so hard to intimidate don't they. Do not worry, I would not even tell them why your homeschooling, I never did. If you want you can PM me I will send you a copy of what I send, if it helps.


    First page....letter of intent (no why) just that I am intending to. I see absolutely no reason to get into why, it it your right and you have presently decided to excersice it. Period. Again, they aim to intimidate, just ignore it. We have charles on our side. I have no degree and neither does my husband and we have hs in MA since the beginning. Dd is in 9th this year.


    Page two.....subjects and curricula. I do not know if you are doing regualr subjects or not. We do so I just list them out with what books I am using. I just never included bible. Not there business what I choose that way and we have always had enough credits without so I leave it out. I find it to be my personal business not theres.


    Page three....each year they try to tell me I need to submit quarterly progress reports. You don't. So my page three is a "yearly progress report" in which I tell them all about what she excelled in, what we plan to delve deeper into next year, plug extra currcicula activities in EX....dd went to swim competetion, blah, blah, blah.


    I really don't think you will have a problem and you certianly can state it is for religiuos reasons, but I never did. I don't think they really read it anyway. Once they see you know the ropes they know they can't bully you and just send you the approval letter.




  9. Thank you Lori for sending that info along. I will keep that handy to refer to. Thanks to all for helping me out on this. I think I have it figured out and then I start panicking again. I am beginning to stress out my dd. :tongue_smilie:

    I was wondering about fitting in all those electives, but I guess it can play out that something that is core to me can end up listed as a social science or elective. I had not written it all out, but maybe like this; is this riight -enough? Depending on what is needed fine arts could possibly be listed as an elective.


    Grade 9

    math; Alg 1

    Science; biology

    English; English 2

    Social Science; Amer History

    Elective; latin

    Fine Arts

    total= 6 credits


    Grade 10


    Math; Alg 11

    Science; Chemistry

    English; Jouney thru narnia

    Social Science; Govmnt/Economics

    Elective; Piano

    Forgn lang. Hebrew

    Total= 6 credits


    Grade 11


    math; Geometry

    Science; Anatomy and Physiology

    English; ADV Comp

    Social Science; World History

    For Lang; Hebrew

    Elective- Health

    total= 6 credits


    Grade 12


    Math; Precalc/trig

    Science; Physics

    English; Open Lit Survey maybe

    Social Science; World history II

    For Lang; Hebrew

    Elective; Open for her interest then


    total 6 credits


    So this is a total of 24 credits. Is that enough for most colleges? I know it is enough for most high schools. Some of these items could be listed as electives as well.


    Additonally dd is a competitive swimmer, active in 4h as well as equine eventing and possible a youth interact (rotary club next year). that would cover outside extra curricualr activities.


    I am so glad I finally took the time to grab a sheet of paper and write it all out. A good thing to do. It is overwhelming when you just have it all floating in your head.


    I think some though graduate with 28 credits- but I am thinking that is not required by most colleges but of course looks good.


  10. I finally checked online for MA and found out I need three credits of Social Science. I am not sure what would quialfy for this. can someone help me out? Possibly goverment and civics?


    And get this only three science and three math are required. Now we plan to do 4 years each of English, Science and Math. No wonder why american schools do so poorly.


    My dd is ninth I better figure this out!



  11. I was thinking of having my dd take Apologia Anatomy and Physiolgy next year right after this year of her doing Biology. I consulted with two different teachers and they both said take chemistry first and then advanced bio. This was for Apologia though. So we have decided to take chem next year and the A& P her juinor year so she can do the SAT II test summer before her senior year.



  12. I agree most of what I have seen is Biology for 9th, chemistry in 10th and then physics.


    Many colleges like to see a fourth year for eithier Adv Biology, Adv Chem or Adv Physics or Marine Biology or Anatomy and Physiology, especially for those thinking anything medical.


    We are doing Apologia and have decided (my current thinking subject to change):001_smile: to do Biology (we did this year for ninth and dd LOVES IT) chmistry next and then going onto Anatomy and Phisology so she can take the SAT II test for Biology after her juinor year. We will then do Physics for 12th grade.




    PS we did Physical science in eigth which for Apologia has a some Physics in it.

  13. I have a friend whose son took it this year and finally dropped it. her and I went different ways as we took the Apologia Academy online biology course and she went with scholars.


    She was shocked to learn recently that my daughter actually sees pictures and hears the teacher speaking, not just sitting there reading black and white text, the teacher he is presenting visual material. I guess they sell big on this but I know I would not do well in such an environment. Sitting there for ten minutes between posts yikes!


    I was shocked to hear about the grading. We have always gotten papers and test back within days - a week was the most.


    I don't know how the child can evalute how they are doing without knowing for months if they passed a test. I felt bad for her and having to drop the class. But yes, it seems that from what others have said here, it is true.



  14. and I find Robin Sampsons website helpful. We have found great peace in celebrating the holidays and they are pure without all the consumerism attachements that our pagan rooted holidays have. Please do not take offense I still celebrate Easter, Christmas etc with my family, but even my two teens enjoy the richness and tradition of the biblical feasts.


    We start Unleavened bread later this week and I find it such a spiritual and physical cleansing and how amazing for me it was to finally really "get" how unleavened bread, passover and firstfruits are all about the messiah. It was news to me!


    I recently read "Holy Cow Does God Care What We Eat" and I found it to be an excellent book.




  15. hmmm. I will ask her which one then, I must be confused, sorry. the classroom is live, but with a chat box, no sound.


    the ones we take you are always looking at different things the instructer puts up and you can hear them speaking as well. There is still a chatbox, but the primary mode of teaching is verbal and visual vs. reading text with no visuals, i just want to be clear on the differences.


    Also, the students mike can be turned on for a prestentation as well. It is a whole different experience. She thought the chat box was better and was sold on it, but it turned out to be not so good a fit for her son.



  16. we did Potter School this year and took English 2 (highly recc, their english class always get rave reviews) and Apologia Academy online as well. DD greatly ejoys both.


    A friend did 3 Scholars Online from Veritas and was very disappointed. They do not use a virtual classroom and they sell it well, but her ds has waited months for grades and they have dropped one of the classes.


    Potter and Apologia have used the GP4 classroom (easy downloadable and free), we are pleased with that format.


    Right now Potter School has forums that you can get reviews on teachers and such, which can be a help. I was originally turned off as it seemed too rigid, but it turned out not to be that way a at all.




  17. Okay, I am still feeling overwhelmed at all we should accomplish to fair well when college times come. I think I figured out the testing and we will take the Act this spring, the practice PSAT this fall (sophmore) and then the real PSAT the following OCT (junior) followed by the real SAT, spring.


    It is having an SAT II and/or getting an AP done by junior year that seems cumbersome. So I thought maybe we should just do dual enrollment which will look good to and eliminate the other complications.


    But now this .5 credit things messes that up and I am lost again. See, I was thinking maybe I should put dd in a foreign lang at a cc this fall as I know some colleges she is looking at want 3 years foreign lanquage. But, from what I've read she may only get .5 credit for a semester college class!


    that means she would have to take 6 semesters to have 3 years FL, that does not sound like a good idea. Am I missing something or how are all your kids completing all this work with AP and SAT II. My dd and I feel overwhelmed and we really do love Apologia and I do not want to lose that. math is ok, but not her strongest.


    My dd loves the online Honors Apologia Biology and her grades are tops, but I hear we would have to take Fearfully and Wonderfully made to pass an Ap/SAt II, which we would do 12th grade-to late to put down for college applications when she finishes. And are both tests equally difficult- looked at the same?


    I guess maybe I just need to accept we need to lower our college standards as we are overwhelmed -if not and I am missing something, please show me.



  18. My dd, in 9th this year has really struggled with Algebra. We tried MUS, Key To and LOF in 7th and 8th, eventually chucking them all. Then we tried VT Algebra at the start of this year and things went much better. We were hoping to complete all 6 modules this year and be done with Algebra forever.


    She is finished with module D and having a little difficulty with the end of module test. She really wanted to have this summer without Algebra on her plate as it has been the last few. I am not sure what to do and in the night I thought maybe we should slow down. has anyone finished VT easily in one year? Will she really be behind if we wait?


    What if she had on her transcript Algebra 1 for 9th, we take next year and do VT geometry for 10th, and then go back and finish Module E and F for 11th. I think then we would go back and do the VT Pre-Calc and Trigonemtry section of Geometry for 12th. is this to light? What are the four math courses supposed to look like?


    I can perhaps push her through over the summer, but her grades will probably not be as good. I am so tired of Algebra woes as it is not something I am good at.



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