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Martha in VA

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Posts posted by Martha in VA

  1. My 13 year old daughter's handwriting is AWFUL.  She usually chooses to write in manuscript instead of cursive because her cursive is so bad.  I'd like to switch her an italic program but don't know which is best and which level I should start her in.  she'd probably need to start at a lower level since this would be completely new to her.  I appreciate any suggests/advice.




  2. Please hop over to the College Board (sub-board of high school) and see the threads we have going on the Common App.

    You are the counselor, and your student must first set up his common app and then invite you as his counselor. You will then get an email with a link that allows you to create a recommender account linked to your student's application.


    Thank you!  I'll try to go find it now!

  3. I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum.  I tried to search before posting but didn't find anything.


    My eldest is a senior this year and is working on college applications.  Since they've done away with the homeschool supplement, I'm not really sure where I fit into the process.  Am I her "high school counselor"??  Do I need to create an account at commonapp.org?  If so, would I be a "recommender"?  


    Sorry for all the questions but this is our first time through this process and I'm totally intimidated and confused.  Thanks so much in advance for any help!!





  4. My daughter will be a senior next year and is very STEM oriented. For that reason, the bulk of her highschool studies have been maths and sciences. She has all her core classes covered except for Foreign Language which we planned for her to pick up next year at the local community college.


    Recently, we had a chance to meet with an advisor of one of our state colleges. She suggested, in order for my daughter to be more competitive in the applicant pool for this university, that she begin her foreign language this summer. So here it is, mid-June, and I'm trying to figure out a way to get her started on french this summer while trying not to freak out about this. Any suggestions would be welcome!


    Thank you!

  5. The homeschool profile I composed when my daughter was applying to college had the following sections:



    Educational Partners:


    Graduation Requirements and Testing:

    Transportation and Activities:


    If you'd like to see a copy, simply send me a personal message with your email address.








    Thank you SO much for your offer!! I'm curious. Did you upload your to the hs2coll Yahoo group? If so, I've seen it. :001_smile:

  6. Something else I added was the list of colleges/universities to which our students have been accepted. It makes for impressive reading. :laugh:


    Love this idea and will keep it in mind for the future. Unfortunately, I'm currently doing the Profile for our oldest so no impressive lists for us yet. :laugh:

  7. We are considering giving some of our kids iPod Touches for Christmas. Here's my question. If we all have iPod Touches (or iPhones), is it possible for just our family to play games together online? Or, by playing online, do we open ourselves up to playing with strangers (could we block strangers)? I hope my question makes sense.


    For example, I know there's Uno for the iPhone. Could the 6 of us play a round of Uno online without strangers entering our game?

  8. I'll not go into details about my daughters issues but she is EXTREMELY resistant to reading and writing. When she was younger I brushed it off but she's in 6th grade now. Even so, If I can get her to read anything for 20 minutes a day I consider it a victory.


    I'm trying Rod & Staff for grammar this year and am wondering if the writing contained in that is enough. Or do I need something additional? Susan used to have a review somewhere on the WTM site about R&S for writing but I can't find it.


    If it's not enough, could anyone recommend a very gentle program for a very reluctant writer??


    Thanks so much.



  9. My daughter is a strong math student. She is also an auditory learner. We did Saxon for second grade and it was a drag for both of us. I can't stand the "scriptedness" of it and she didn't care for it either. I'd like something easy to implement and that may lend itself to working independently eventually. Colorful pages are nice but not necessary. I've heard great things about these two programs and am really struggling to decide. Could some of you who have used them help me figure out the pros and cons of each? Thank you so VERY much!

  10. What a terrific question! I'd also recommend getting your hands on SWB's talk about creating a High School transcript. I don't see it listed at the PHP Store or I'd link it. I know they carry it though because I bought it at HEAV. Maybe give them a call and see if they will sell it to you. It is loaded with invaluable information. (Now, that said, it's very probable that lots of the same information is in TWTM. I just learn better by listening than I do by reading.)

  11. Sorry, I didn't phrase that very well. I meant you don't see many parents whose kids have successfully completed Foerster's or Dolciani saying they wished they'd used MUS instead. The fact that many people choose MUS precisely because it is less rigorous than most other algebra programs was actually my point. I have no doubt that MUS is "perfectly adequate" for many students, but if you compare it side-by-side with many other programs, it is definitely on the "lite" side. If that's what parents are looking for, and that's what works for their kids, great. But if someone asks "What about MUS for HS?," then knowing where it falls on the continuum of math programs may be useful information for them.




    Jackie, this is very useful information for me. Thank you very much for posting. I'm glad to know where it fits on the continuum since I've got kids all over the continuum as well! :D

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