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Martha in VA

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  1. My 13 year old daughter's handwriting is AWFUL. She usually chooses to write in manuscript instead of cursive because her cursive is so bad. I'd like to switch her an italic program but don't know which is best and which level I should start her in. she'd probably need to start at a lower level since this would be completely new to her. I appreciate any suggests/advice. Thanks, Martha
  2. I was ready to upload dd's transcript to the Common App when I realized maybe it should include my signature. That would mean I'd need to print, scan, and then figure out how to make it a PDF again. Is this necessary? Thanks so much!
  3. Thank you, Sue! Would anyone else be willing to share?
  4. "Do you complete applicants' academic ratings on the Common Application School Report?" and "Please indicate number of official transcript you can provide for the applicant." I don't understand what they want to know. Thanks in advance for any help!!
  5. Would anyone be willing to share their counselor letter they submitted on the Common App...or even just link me to some samples? I'm doubting myself and wondering if I'm on the right track and including all I need to include. I just need some reassurance. Thank you so much.
  6. I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong forum. I tried to search before posting but didn't find anything. My eldest is a senior this year and is working on college applications. Since they've done away with the homeschool supplement, I'm not really sure where I fit into the process. Am I her "high school counselor"?? Do I need to create an account at commonapp.org? If so, would I be a "recommender"? Sorry for all the questions but this is our first time through this process and I'm totally intimidated and confused. Thanks so much in advance for any help!! blessings, Martha
  7. My daughter will be a senior next year and is very STEM oriented. For that reason, the bulk of her highschool studies have been maths and sciences. She has all her core classes covered except for Foreign Language which we planned for her to pick up next year at the local community college. Recently, we had a chance to meet with an advisor of one of our state colleges. She suggested, in order for my daughter to be more competitive in the applicant pool for this university, that she begin her foreign language this summer. So here it is, mid-June, and I'm trying to figure out a way to get her started on french this summer while trying not to freak out about this. Any suggestions would be welcome! Thank you!
  8. Kareni, Thank you SO much for your offer!! I'm curious. Did you upload your to the hs2coll Yahoo group? If so, I've seen it. :001_smile:
  9. Love this idea and will keep it in mind for the future. Unfortunately, I'm currently doing the Profile for our oldest so no impressive lists for us yet. :laugh:
  10. We have an appointment scheduled for our 11th grader with an alumni admissions rep at my alma mater next month. We're asked to bring a "High School Profile" along to the appointment. I'm having trouble figuring out what that is exactly. Has anyone encountered this?
  11. We're placing an order soon and free shipping sure would be nice. :001_smile:
  12. Has anyone developed a schedule of TC courses that follow WTM chronology of history? If so, would you be willing to share? Thanks so much!
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