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Posts posted by Jpoy85

  1. I just looked at the law.  It says mutually agreed upon by the parent and the superintendent.  So that's who you write to.


    However, it also has the option of a person duly authorized by the author of the test.  Different tests have different requirements.  The Iowa requires a bachelor's degree.  If you have one, you are duly authorized.  Check the BJU testing website for more details.


    I know who it goes to but not what to ask specifically. Im not doing testing. ive been doing narratives by teachers in past years but they dont even look at their work. I pay them to sign a piece of paper. 

  2. What state?


    Here in Ny, I just wrote the superintendent a letter and asked if I could do the testing myself.  I think I wrote my credentials, but I'm not sure if that made a differnce (BA, ten year of public/private school teaching).


    Before that, when I wanted to write the narratives, I just stated in my third quarterly that I was planning to write the narrative and let them write back and complain.


    Other states, I don't know.  I would guess it is whomever you report to.


    What did you write in your letter asking? " Can i please be my own assessor?" 

  3. HOW can i ask and be approved to be my own assessor? The law gives me the option " person mutually agreed upon....". 


    If you have asked and been approved in the past, HOW did you ask? 


    I cant find anything online about how to ask, what to say, etc. Everything is about the narrative or testing. I KNOW there are others that are out there!  :confused1:  :confused1:

  4. For N, our agreement says holidays are alternated by year. EX: One year I have him for Christmas and the next he does. Same with Easter, Thanksgiving. Birthdays arent really included. As for vacation, the only thing it says is that we can have up to a week but have to give at least 1 month notice. Transportation is not discussed. (which is annoying because I do ALL the driving every other weekend).

    However this is from 2006 and is still the same so it could be outdated as far as if OP situation is new.


    I will tell you this year its just been sort of a whatever year. We didnt even talk about Thanksgiving, but if they had asked I would of told them to keep him. Same with Christmas since we dont celebrate it.

  5. We have 4 dogs and 2 cats.


    The cats have their bowls in the bathroom (with a babygate so they can actually have food!)

    1 dog gets fed in the kitchen, 1 in his cage, and 2 in the living room.

    ~ We do it this way because the kitchen dog is a slow eater, the cage dog will have his food taken if he eats in the living room and the 2 living room dogs eat so quick its gone before it hits the bowl. lol.

  6. C is in Girl Scouts and all the parents are at all the meetings. We are encouraged to stay and help.


    Now when she was a daisy, i found it strange none of the parents stayed, even though we could. :confused:


    ETA: - these were different groups on opposite sides of the city.

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