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Everything posted by applethyme

  1. I would not take ds or dd out in that weather. Neither would tolerate it well.
  2. I am Tania. I work full time as a hospice nurse on the weekends and during the week am full time mommy to dd5 and ds4. We are just starting homeschooling. Our school district is pretty crummy. Dd is a chatty bundle of questions and energy who loves to learn. I don't want her to loose that. Ds is a medical train wreck on paper but appears healthy outside. He is a very intelligent quirky learner who is probably on the spectrum. I want him to become the best he can be. We are choosing to homeschool for education reasons but also because I don't see the point in having children only to ship them off to be raised by someone else. I want the bad habits they learn to be mine and not ones they learn from just anyone off the street. :lol:
  3. I would call her supervisor and explain the situation. That was unacceptable.
  4. most salt substitutes have quite a bit of potassium.
  5. :grouphug: I send mine to their room for quiet time on days like that. They can sleep or not I don't care. I want peace and quiet for 1hr. If they leave their rooms then I restart the clock otherwise they spend all day fighting and arguing.
  6. :grouphug: I work as a hospice nurse. Your request isn't bad or even uncommon. Often our patients seem to wait until after they have seen all of their families before passing. I encourage my patients families to tell their dying loved ones when everyone will arrive to give their loved one the choice if they want to try to hold on just a little longer. It gives everyone some closure. Just as you asked her to hold on a little longer, afterward, you might want to thank her for giving you more time and tell her you are ready for her to go now and that you will be ok when she is gone. :grouphug:
  7. I don't think it is rude at all. Both my children were preemies. People become rude and hostile if you ask them to please not touch the baby even if it is to keep the baby healthy. I understand why some op would think we should keep the babies home but that isn't always possible. Life does not end just because you have a medically fragile baby. There are bills to pay, errands to run and shopping to do, plus after a while you begin to feel like a prisoner in your own home and need the mental health break of just being out.
  8. First I would be impressed that at 85 he is using a computer, then I would ignore the message. My great grandmother wrote me weekly about loosing weight. At first I was offended, later touched that she cared, and now sad she is no longer here to do so.
  9. :grouphug: I also have a sister that can only think of herself. It makes for delightful family times. My favorite is when she demands her favorite dinners on our birthdays. :confused:
  10. :grouphug: Humor her until you can disappear.
  11. My son is ftt due to severe prematurity. In addition to his feeding issues and low tone he developed sensory issues. We used his ssi money for sensory toys and items suggested by his pt, st and ot.
  12. :grouphug: I have the same problem when I meet people.
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