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Posts posted by gracesteacher

  1. My brother told the teacher our parents and the principal.  It only made things worse.  He went further in to depression and then to drugs and alcohol.  They were not stopped till sadly they were killed (one by gun shot during highschool and one via suspicious situation shortly after hs) The one had a brother who murder someone and the other who beat the crap out of mom and committed suicide.

    I figured out a way to deal with my bullies and hate school.

    I am trying to figure out a way to work on it with my daughter and her sport teams (same girls different sports) Coach is a great coach but a bit of if you dont belong to my circle you dont belong type of guy to the adults but treats all kids as equals (except his dd which he expects way more from). And their are girls on her team who love my dd and some bully her because she is the tiniest and the youngest and more of a dancer than a softball or soccer or baseball player and their parents are ok with them calling them out.  Other parents hear it and call their kid out for it then and there. Sadly the biggest bully on my dd teams their parents dont like anyone that is not like them and because that child is a late in life miracle they think child can do no wrong. Thankfully my dd has a high self esteem. But she is very much a people pleasure so she hates to disappoint to anyone including mean girl on the team and that kid knows its.


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