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Spy Car

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Everything posted by Spy Car

  1. I don't know anything about couture vs character, but I love the use of (≠).
  2. I liked them both, but neither of them liked me :tongue_smilie: If you know what I mean ;) Bill/Dude
  3. Funny, but when Mrs Spy Car was finishing up her American Literature degree at UCLA, I began to wonder why I (the good-guy) was suddenly (and uncharacteristically) on the "hot-seat". Then I read a couple of that semester's assigned novels, including The Awakening and The Yellow Wallpaper and it was, say no more :tongue_smilie: Bill
  4. Funny, I was thinking of either Atlas Shruggedd or The Virtue of Selfishness both by Ayn Rand. I actually enjoyed reading both of these, but I find her philosophy repugnant. It does remind me that I once (in a crowded parking structure at holiday time) had the occasion to "snake" a parking space from a guy with a "Who Is John Gault?" bumper-sticker on his car. That tickled my funny-bone :lol: Bill
  5. Are there maps? I'd just want great maps. Somehow I can't get the line from Dr Strangelove out of my head: "Gentleman, you can't fight here! This is the war room!" Bill
  6. Womyn beats "womb-an" :D My attempt at "humor" ;) Bill/Dude
  7. Had I been a kid in the White House, I'd have begged to be given regular (non-classified) briefings on international affairs by CIA and State Department officials. For me, this would have been the greatest thing ever! And the Map Room would have been well-haunted as well. Bill
  8. Splitting hairs it what is thread is all about :D:D:D You Soph the Vet get an A+!!! Well done :001_smile:
  9. Bingo! I went to Grover Cleveland High School...so that little error hit me like a two-by-four :D
  10. I'm seeing Hoover may have affirmed as well. Conflicting sources.
  11. You bested me here (assuming this is correct info :tongue_smilie:) I was looking for John Quincy Adams and his law books.
  12. Half correct. It was Franklin Pierce, but I believe he was Episcopalian. In any case he believed the scriptures forbid "swearing oaths" to he "affirmed". Very good!
  13. This is incorrect. But it does add a part C to our quiz. Only one President* was not given the oath using a Bible (or Bibles), who? I'm researching a possible "second" and finding conflicting information.
  14. So we are still looking for an answer to part B, what president did not "swear" the presidential oath, and why?
  15. Can't those of us who love broccolli have just one thread where....:lol:
  16. That's not my understanding...but I could be wrong. I'm looking for another answer to part B. And for you to "prove" me wrong :tongue_smilie: Bill
  17. I did not know about Charlie Gibson (spoil-sport :tongue_smilie:), I thought this would just be a "WTM thing". To add a twist to the quiz, in addition to the answer in part A of our quiz, one President was not "sworn-in". Who, and why?
  18. Today Barack Hussein Obama (II) was sworn-in as the fourth-fourth President of the United States of America. In his inaugural address he said: Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. Why was he incorrect? If you know the answer, you can either say: I know, I know! Or you an just blurt-out the answer :D Other-wise take a guess Bill
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