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Status Updates posted by Homeschooling6

  1. I have to get use to having the General Education Board. For some reason I just noticed it today (embarrassing). Off to read ;)

  2. I'm having fun schooling my nephew with Letter of the Week =)

  3. Just having fun figuring out the new WTM forum ;)

    1. SnowWhite


      Awesome, isn't it!?

  4. Hi, Amanda, I tried to leave a comment on your blog but lately BLogger hasn't liked me very much;).

    I was commenting on your curriculum for this fall. It looks great! And doesn't it feel good to have it all picked out? I have our stuff picked out but still need to purchase most of it. Can't wait to have it sitting on the shelf:D

  5. Hi, Dee, we are both up late ;)

  6. With regards to purchasing used, the safest way would to use non personal paypal.

  7. Hi, Just testing a message for you =)

  8. Hi, Becky, math programs like MUS, Singapore, Miquon and Math Mammoth really confused my oldest. His brain just doesn't think that way. I had him take an online profile and it confirmed that he works best with a more traditional type of schooling.

    We finished a week! How did yours go. Mine went well. I can't complain. We didn't fit everything I wanted to in: like McRuffy Phonics and Math for Lance but I may do more night school with him instead. I just can't seem to fit everyone in. I have five kids that I sit in on with Math, 4 with Phonics, 2 with spelling and all six when they need help or need to make corrections. I tell ya, I'm pooped =) wouldn't have it any other way though. My dh will hopefully be able to help once our apartments are all rented. Have an enjoyable weekend (and restful)

  9. I said a prayer for you today. Hope your day went well. Mine was okay. Not the greatest first day back but not the worst either ;)

  10. I know what you mean. Back in my working days there was this one lady who was so mean to me. I would be so frustrated at times and just cry my eyes out. If I saw here today I'd say, "Hi" still and converse. I have forgiven long ago (actually never hated her or anything) it just amazes me how people can be so rude to others. Still praying for you anyway ;)

  11. Lifting you up in prayer today my friend.

  12. Hi, Brenda, just wondering if you are still using WP if not what have you been up to =)

  13. I'm sorry, I couldn't tell if you ordered McRuffy math or not. If so what grade are you looking at?

  14. Did Brian from McRuffy ever respond to your email. I know he is busy trying to get the fourth grade material out.

  15. Your welcome! They are fun and colorful.

  16. Thank you for your kind words about my blog :)

  17. Just in case you don't get back to the spelling thread I thought I would post a link here for a placement test for Sequential Spelling.




  18. Yes, do let me know. So far we, I mean I ;) am loving McRuffy Color Math. This is the first time I'm enjoying teaching math. The children like it too but it's still math, so they are not jumping for joy but no complaining either. I'm using the Phonics & Reading K for Lance and a bit with Ethan. Feels weird though because it's so different from OG method but we are having fun with it.

  19. Julie, do you have a link to your two other blogs?

  20. Carmen you're so sweet. Thanks :)

  21. Thanks Tina, I really appreciate it. I felt so bad when the church heard how tired I was and they sent meals over. Here I am with two good arms and legs and they were so kind. I was thankful though I really needed some help.

    I'll pray for you too. The Lord is so good. I'm thankful for my online friends. You all have blessed me so much.

  22. Tina, doing okay but had a rough couple of weeks. My body was just so tired that it was hard to function. We have been busy moving from the back house to the front house while trying to stay on top of things.



  23. Are those baby curls still there? It was hard for us to cut Lance's curls, never to be seen again :(

  24. Stopping by to say I love your avatar. It cracks me when I see it. Is that a guinea pig?

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