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Posts posted by PameliaSue

  1. My journey to being "done":

    I struggled with this for several years and it was definitely a process.


    When my second child was born a boy my husband and I had some thinking to do. Both of us come from a 2 child home and we had 2 dc. We both really wanted a little girl. I was also curious about what scripture said on the subject. Well then of course I came across all of the full quiver camps of belief. My husband and I discussed it and at the time decided to just leave it to God. Our birth control method was natural family planning. So it was an easy thing to let go further by just not practicing any method of birth control. Twenty months after #2 our little darling Olivia came.

    When #3 was around 1 1/2 I was ready to have another baby and wanted to actively try for one. My dh at that point in time said that he felt overwhelmed providing for a family of 5 and did not want another baby at the time. I was sad but respected his concern. The problem was that things were so uneven in the house. The 2 olders always arguing over whose turn it was to play with Olivia and my own concern that we were going to create a monster (lol) with the youngest the only girl and so doted upon. I explained my concern to my dh but he still wasn't ready for another baby. The month Olivia turned 2 my dh broke both his arms in a dirt bike accident and was home for 6 months. He got to see first hand how off balance the family chemistry was. So as soon as he went back to work we got pregnant with #4.

    My #4 pregnancy was a nightmare. I hurt my back, my #2 had some serious speech issues and life was just hard. I was really overwhelmed and revisiting my feelings on how many children I wanted. I wanted to be done but then would feel so sad and grieved I would question myself and even feel guilty like maybe I wasn't submitting to God's will for my life. Not to mention that my dh was D.O.N.E. and I had to be done too.

    A couple of months after #4 was born I was reading the Above Rubies Magazine, a support and encouragement ministry for allowing God to decide the number of children a family has, and one of the articles jumped out at me. It was by a woman that has 12 children and had entered menopause and was struggling with grief and depression because she was unlikely to have more children. It then struck me that this was NORMAL, no matter when I move beyond my fertility I am going to be sad and grieve. It is just one of the stages of life and the sadness and grief isn't an indicator of making the wrong decision regarding "being done".

    As my dh and I discussed my new found realization we also came to the bottom line that families like the Duggars have a specific calling and ministry that isn't any different than being a pastor or missionary. Everyone is not called to be a pastor or missionary or family of 21 and that is OK. It is natural for a woman to feel grief and experience a sense of loss when she moves beyond fertility. Once I had those bottom lines I had so much more peace with being done.

    My husband had a vasectomy a year ago and I was able to say, "I trust who I am now, my heart and motives now, to make this decision for the me I will be at 35 and 40." Will I be sad in 5 or 10 years? Probably, but I have peace. Not all of life's choices feel warm and fuzzy and just because they don't doesn't mean they aren't the right choice or are a "bad" or "wrong" choice.


    Blessings on you and your new baby!!

  2. PP we started somewhere in the middle of the book and read one page/day along with another book.



    This is what we did too. After 100EL we started working through Phonics Pathways (Timberdoodle suggests going from 100EL to phonics pathways), BOB books, Pathway Readers and the Natural Speller. We are behind in Grammar but just started the 1992 edition of Easy Grammar for 2nd and 3rd Grade and LOOOOVE it. It is so easy and gentle. I wish I had known about it sooner! Funny thing, I had it in a box all along.

  3. .......deeeep breath. Okay, so I need to chill.:lol: Thank you!!


    You know when you look back at a year and you just feel like what the bleeepity bleep happened? That's how I'm feeling.

    Plus I still feel like such a newbie to HSing even though I have been working with my ds9 since he was 7. And yes, I am a newbie on so many levels.

    When I decided on LLATL I felt like, okay this takes care of the reading/English/LA stuff. It is a gentle program that fits my philosophy. But I just couldn't make it happen with 2 kids in diff levels. I know that this is partly because the red and blue are so much more workbooky with cutting and pasting and what not. It just wasn't getting done.


    I think that putting together something from the library is an excellent idea. I will have to look into it and see what I can find.



    Thank's all for the advice!!

  4. I need advice. I am not sure where I should go from here. I need an English/LA curriculum.


    My dh has been laid off 6 of the last 8 months and life has been stressful and difficult. Last year in regard to HSing we had nearly a zero year.


    As it is we are a little more laid back and have followed the Raymond Moore school of thought in regard to educating boys. With that being said I have taken it slow and easy with lots of play and adventures.


    My oldest is 9 and he has completed 100EL, 3/4 Phonics Pathways (orally), BOB books, Pathway Readers 1st grade, First 1/4 of LLATL RED. I would say he is reading somewhere between 2-3 grade.


    I have not done any LA with him except for the first 3 months this last school year we were working through LLATL Red. It just wasn't working once my dh was laid off. I needed something that I could use with my 1st son, 2nd son and daughter simultaneously and so I switched to FIAR. It was too much with 3 children all in diff. MUS plus all 3 at diff reading/phonics levels. I was trying to do LLATL Blue with one, Red with another and 100EL with my daughter! And that is just LA.


    As I look at this next school year I think I am going to go with HOD's Bigger Hearts for His Glory. I can use it with all 3 children and it is meatier than FIAR.

    I am feeling anxious about my ds9 LAs. I need a program that is to the point and complete, I need it to hold my hand and have no holes that require me to figure out and supplement for. I need it to be cheaper. It doesn't have to include penmanship but everything else. I also want to try and catch up with him. He is 9.5 and I am uncomfortable with how far behind his peers he is at this point.

    HOD suggests using R&S 2 with the Bigger Hearts curriculum. I was thinking about purchasing the workbooks for the Pathway Readers 1st grade set and pick through them and have him do the lessons he doesn't know and then move on to R&S 2.


    BUT is R&S complete? IS there something else that comes to mind for my specific situation that will work better? Maybe a different LA program... maybe a different unit type study curriculum that allows me to piggyback more than one age group at a time?


    I eagerly await your words of wisdom......

  5. Here is a good link concerning handmade products and the laws affect on them:



    This link says they go to the land fill: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-thrift2-2009jan02,0,2083247.story



    More links on the issue:




  6. My 18mo ds loves his little push car. My neighbor has a dd that is 4 days younger and that is her favorite toy right now too.


    Here is the one my son has: http://www.amazon.com/Disney-Winnie-Pooh-Ride-Ride/dp/B0002HRWES/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1227433075&sr=1-4 It was $30 at Walmart.



    Here is a girly one: http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Brilliant-Basics-Musical-Roll-Along/dp/B0015KONU2/ref=pd_bxgy_t_img_c This one is at Walmart for close to $30. There is a basket on front for that special baby doll.

  7. I LOVE shopping on black Friday!


    On Thanksgiving we get the paper and pour over all of the ads. Then we split up the stores between my mom, 3 of my good girlfriends and myself. Then we give our list for a specific store to the lady going to THAT one. I ALWAYS get the deals because we do it this way. My teenage sister is so fast we send her after the BIG ones... dropping her off at the door while we find a place to park.


    I can't wait!!!

  8. Hi Breann,

    My dh was just in Vegas last weekend for a UBC (Union Carpenters) conference. I had the same misgivings and my dh's trip wasn't even leisurely. I just read your post to DH and we both agree the answer is NO! My husband says, "Vegas is ALL ABOUT SEX. PERIOD." You can't even walk the strip to see the sights. There are men up and down the entire strip handing out flyers with naked women on them advertising strip clubs. The newspaper stands are ALL pornography. There are BILLBOARDS advertising "you star" porno movies. It is LEGAL to consume alcohol on the strip so it's like the casinos work to get you wasted and then all your inhibitions are gone. The casinos all work to have attractions but "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".... this is what the CITY sells!!!!

    My dh says that MAYBE if you went with him or if he was with like minded individuals MAYBE.... but with a single man looking for trouble, NO! Several men at the conference commented on how Vegas and it's lifestyle just sucked you in and at times it can be very overbearing.... I imagine this was from men who ended up doing things they had no intention of doing before they went. At the end of 4 days everyone wanted to just go home.

    Being from Nevada we already knew what was in store for him and we had things in place to just be accountable. My dh was in conference until 5:00pm. When he did go out he called me several times while he was out and then he had a self imposed curfew of 10:30PM. It was still hard and I just wanted him home.

    Yes, I trusted my husband and yes if he is going to do something like that he is going to do it anywhere. But from my Christian stand point it isn't a good thing to expose yourself to that kind of spiritual bondage and distortion that Vegas is built on and makes its profits from.

    Everyone is tempted but going to Vegas is SEEKING that temptation out.


    Blessings and Wisdom on your decision,


  9. I forgot to add that she consistently measures 2 to 3 weeks further along than she actually is. She starts measuring 40 weeks at like 37 and then the doctors start freaking. It took her until #3 to figure this out with the help of my sister. She just carries her babies high and that coupled with the near impossibility to accurately guess size near term.... plus she does have larger babies. With each baby she has had to FIGHT not to be induced because all the OB's thought that she was going over due... even WITH the documented medical records showing she always measures big. Her last OB listened to her more closely on the measuring thing but still ended up freaking out in the end and the baby was ONLY 9lbs 2oz.


    Only a small percentage of us have TEXT BOOK cycles and bodies.

  10. My neighbor and very close friend has a similar story. Her FIRST dc was 10+ lbs and his clavicle was broken during labor. With her #2 dc the OB was freaking out telling her how big this baby was too. She responded to that fear and allowed them to induce her at 39 weeks. First they broke her water, then she had to have PIT and finally it all ended in a C-Section with a 6lb baby!!!! She was not even close to 39 weeks they decided once the baby was out.

    She has since had 2 more dc vaginally. Each pregnancy she has dealt with the same fear no matter what doctor... she has had 3 OBs in all now. Each time they have told her that the babies were HUGE. Her #3 was close to the same size as #1 but a few ounces smaller and her #4 was only 9lbs 2oz.

    Bottom line: it is very difficult to be accurate even with the newest most advanced technology available... which she had with #3 & #4. When she finally went into labor on her own she pushed those babies out on her hands and knees #3 and squatting #4.... My sister who is a licensed midwife was her doula:001_smile:. I do know that is was helpful for her to keep the fear at bay by surrounding herself with positive stories and lots of PRAYER.

  11. I am curious though, if God was NOT once a man, then where did He come from? Also, I do like the analogy that just as kittens become cats and babies become adults, won't the children of the Father become like him as well? Didn't he say that he created us in His own image? I don't think that means only in his own physical image but perhaps also in the image of who He once was. Furthermore, if God has a physical image, he must have a body. LDS people do believe that God has a body of flesh and bone (not flesh and blood). We don't believe God to be a nebulous spirit.


    I understand the meaning of being made in God's image to be a reflection of Him. Not the original. I would describe it in this way: A portrait can not become the model.

  12. Yeah, that looks about right, Mekanamom. There's some stuff we have that isn't exactly 'official doctrine,' but which falls into a sort of grey area that we believe but that isn't discussed much. Official doctrine is what you get in the scriptures--just because someone said it at some point doesn't mean that it makes the list. We take this particular idea quite seriously, but it's just not the sort of thing you're going to hear every Sunday, which is more like:


    teachings of Christ

    being kind to others




    that sort of thing, which is more immediate and crucial. Church is about worship, studying the scriptures, and learning how to get through life. We have plenty of time the rest of the week to read the King Follett Sermon, though. :001_smile:


    The idea that God was once a man like you and I is far removed from any historical Christian understanding of Scripture that I am aware of...

    I think of all the differences this is paramount.

    It clearly highlights the identity of who LDS believe GOD and man is compared to who Christians' believe they are. The KJV Bible does not support this idea. Nor do the other two religions descened from Abraham. AFAIK this belief is entirely LDS.

  13. This one has a long answer. You see, all of us are, in some measure, uncreated and eternal; our innermost part, which we call 'intelligence,' and which has the capacity to make choices, has always existed. Our Heavenly Father is intelligent too, only obviously much, much more so. He gave all of us spirits, so He is literally the Father of our spirits. Jesus was the first and has always been the Father's Son. The rest of us came later. We needed a way to learn and grow, which required physical bodies and life on earth. Jesus created the earth for us and volunteered himself as a sacrifice so that we may all return to God if we choose to. He is a member of the Godhead: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, working together in unity. Christ fully represents all three.



    What is your scriptural reference for this: That part of us is uncreated?

  14. I agree with sharing being a positive thing for bonding, character stretching and what not. Our home has 3 bedrooms so sharing is not an option for us. I have 8 ds, 6 ds, and 4 dd in one room. The boys are in a bunk and my dd has a twin bed. My 1yr ds is by himself for now. This was necessary for breastfeeding during the night purposes. Since everyone is happy and sleeping well it will stay this way for another year or two I'd say.

    I think that being aware and cautious is just a good rule of thumb whether children share bedrooms or not. There are often clues to watch out for. Like curious questions and watchfulness. When these pop up it is a great opportunity to lay down personal space boundaries and privacy expectations.

    Our rules are:

    One person in the bathroom at a time.

    Clothes changed in the bathroom once the child is older and no longer needs help.

    Bedroom doors stays open during play and sleeping (except while the baby is sleeping).

    Only the doctor and mommy & daddy can see you naked (by that we specifically mean see but especially any kind of inspection type seeing too...they are CLEAR on this). On this issue, children seem to grow into a personal need for modesty around age 5 or 6 and that is when we really focus them on general modesty in our home.


    Also having a family culture of openness about our physical bodies seems to have totally curbed any curiosity. I am pretty open when BFing and the kids have all taken showers with dh or I until like 4 yr old or so, this is mainly just for convenience but does double to open up any discussion if the child is curious. My opinion is that if curiosity is sated than there is less to tempt them. Couple that with clear cut personal and physical boundaries.


    My own personal history includes being molested and so my whole paradigm on this issue is not one of ignorance or oblivion.

    Kids will be curious and intercepting and directing it, most of the time takes care of it. If a child has been abused than often times they act out the abuse on other children. In most cases you need to be more aware of the children outside your family that interact with your kids.

  15. This was the first debate I watched from beginning to end. I usually get so frustrated at the non-talking talk that they do.

    I think McCain did well and kept Obama on the defensive most of the night. I like the freeze on spending then the scalpel plan. I don't like either of their health care plans. I HATE Obama's education plan. I agree with the idea of not throwing money at every problem.


    Now I'm on to the Governors Debate.

  16. You need Butt Mudd! Mix equal parts of Maalox (or Mylanta), Desitin (regular) and Lotrimin (generic works well). Apply with a cotton ball at every diaper change. Also, get rid of wipes! Use baby washcloths and water instead.


    DS had a rash that RX stuff wouldn't touch. Butt Mudd made a difference immediately!


    This thread is so timely for me. I was literally getting on the board to post and flockofsillies beat me to it. My ds has had loose BM for going on 3 weeks now and his poor bottom is just getting raw. I have tried Desitin, Cortisone, left over Nystatin from a previous yeast diaper rash and NOTHING is helping. He is having 3-5 BM's a day and I just can't get him relief. I figure his BM must be acidic to be causing this much skin irritation. I am going to go out right now and get what I need to whip this stuff up.


    Now I just need to figure out what is causing the frequent, loose stool. *sigh*


    We have been blessed with stomachs of steel so if he has some sort of sensitivity that will be a whole new adventure for this family. I think I am going to start with wheat and milk products. I have already started him on probiotics.

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