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Posts posted by HSMom2Boys

  1. Oh, I can so relate to all of the above.  It actually helps to know we are not alone in our struggles.  My DS (19) is diagnosed with ASD (Aspie), and it has definitely seemed to get exponentially harder as he has gotten older.  He needs A LOT of support from us to function at all.  Super smart academically, but completely lost socially/emotionally.  Simple things that we take for granted (like making a shopping list, or organizing time, making (even the simplest) decisions, or waking up to the alarm...), prove to be so challenging/debilitating for him.  We have struggled to find outside support for him as he has gotten older...lots of programs available for littles, but as he has aged up, fewer and fewer opportunities (at least that we've been able to find).  It doesn't help that he isn't terribly motivated to help himself (we fluctuate between 'it is your/his/her fault/problem' to 'I can't do anything right').

    If it is still an option, I would also love to join the private group.


    Thanks for being a listening ear!

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