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Posts posted by oliveview

  1. This has been a great thread. Thank you all for your wisdom. I have been feeling this generalized angst about much of the future direction of our studies, even though our children are young. For months I have been trying to identify the source of the angst. Well, you ladies identified it for me. I have had this muddy vision of the integration of a GB study, literature, history, and even religion. I think partly from a lack of understanding of the concept of the Great Conversation and how it relates to the GB. Then, part of it coming from the nagging feeling of how much I need to prepare my mind and heart for the upcoming challenge of such a curriculum. I don't have anything to add to what has been said, but I do want to share that I was able to have a very good talk with my dh tonight about the direction of our school and it was a direct result of this thread. I feel like I have a starting place now. I am going to get N&N a possibly a few other titles mentioned. Thanks so much to you all.


    Now I have to go to bed so I can get up early for my DQ reading! :lol:

  2. (continued) After attending TWTM conference in May I was renewed and challenged to pick DQ back up again. Even though it took me until July to start back, I am so glad that I did. After getting through those first few chapters, I have found delight in the journeys of the two men. I have laughed at the ridiculous and cried at the tragic and beautiful, all while I ignored the recommendation to write summaries. After reading this thread and the one going on in the general board (SWB's MP article: Let's Talk about one aspect), I have decided to write summaries. I decided not to go back but to pick up where I was reading. I was intimidated by this, yet it is something that I am striving to have my children do with ease. I was struck by my own ridiculousness, much as I have been struck by DQ's. In the end, the summaries have been not that difficult and have been thought provoking.


    So, thank you to all in pushing me in my journey.

  3. I've been inspired by you all and I would like to say thank you.


    I began reading DQ last July and it was so sad and tragic that I just couldn't be there for his pain. I work every evening in a lock-down crisis mental health emergency facility. It just felt like I was right there, seeing there faces and hearing their stories. This journey into the great books was to be a break from my two jobs (one at home and one away). Now here I was back again in the middle of one of my two jobs and feeling/connecting so intensely with his pain that I just couldn't do it. I was on angst overload. That is why I stopped reading. (continued)




    Also, there is a yahoo group named "canning2". They are a high volume post group and can be very chatty, but there is a collected wisdom there that is beyond belief. They are to canning what I believe TWTM boards are to home schooling. Their basement files have tons of recipes. The members are good about answering questions and most are quick to give you the latest on the official recommendations. I learned a lot there.


    Of course, you could always call me and I'd be happy to help! :lol:

  5. I'm just underlining and making notes in the margins. I know that she says to take notes in a book, but that additional step proved to much for me when I started the book the first time. I let that go and now just keep a pencil in my hand. If you're on chapter 23 please consider picking it back up and reading along with us!:D

  6. As long as the toe is doesn't look displaced and he has good circulation, I would give him the correct dose of Motrin for his weight/age, elevate, and buddy tape. Broken toes are painful but the buddy taping really makes a difference. With mine or other toes in my house, I get some thin Coban type tape to use. Just be careful not to get it too tight.


    How to Buddy tape



    This is what Coban looks lie but any drug store should have it


  7. I should have said my edition or translation, not version. Yes, I have been through that part already. I loved her speech as well and it has been my favorite part so far. I don't know if any of the others have gotten to that part yet or not. I have just finished the story about the corpse and the priest.

  8. I love field trips and I agree with all the places that have been said above. I also like to go to places like the grocery store, newspaper, police station, fire station, the bank, and all other sorts of local service type places when they are younger. I have found all of them to be interested in giving tours. It helps if you can get at least one other family to go with you so it's more of a home school "group". If not, you can ask if any other home school groups are coming and if you can be folded into their tour. As they get older think about things like power plants, federal reserve banks, and every historical site that is close enough to travel in a day. I look frequently on our state parks website and they have all types of demonstrations and seasonal offerings. We stopped recently at our state's welcome center to take a restroom break and there were all types of handouts and fliers. My middle son picked up a little book that had tons of ideas of places to go that I had never thought of, and I have lived in this state my whole life. Also, contact any universities in your area. This spring we were able to go to a wildlife center that was great. They had biology majors leading the tour.

  9. How is everyone? Where is everyone at in the book? I am in Chapter XX of the first book (about 165 pages in on my edition). I have a rather dark sense of humor and I am enjoying the adventures. I think I am further ahead than everyone, so I am afraid to start talking about them and spoil some of the fun surprises. :D

  10. I LOVE his show but it isn't carried here locally anymore.


    My sweet dh took the kids out today so I could take a nap. I was sound asleep when the phone rang. It was the show and our town was the town of the week. They wanted to know if I would be the person for the interview!! Seriously?? He tells me I have about 10 seconds and I can now hear the live feed of the show. I was still half asleep and here I am on the radio! I still can't believe that they called me! I bet there aren't a dozen people in my town that have ever heard of the show. Of course in my half asleep state, I sounded like a goof, but it was fun. Oh, and as my gift for participating, they are sending us a box of cheese! How funny is that!!:lol:


    My dh says that's just one more thing off the bucket list!

  11. I have decided to switch to the standard edition. I know to order the textbook, workbook, and home educators guide. In the past, using the US edition, we also used the Intensive Practice book and CWP. I know about the ordering situation with the CWP. Is there a book that replaces the IP book or do I still use that? Is there anything else I need to order?



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