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laughing lioness

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Everything posted by laughing lioness

  1. http://goldengrasses.blogspot.com/2008/12/14-days-of-homeschool.html Enjoy:001_smile:
  2. Sequential Spelling was what finally got my very bright but spelling disabled ds 14 to finally gain mastery in spelling. Two thumbs way up.
  3. My ds is 8 but this past summer he had to read for an hour before he could go and play. I gave him books to read at his age level. We started with Beverly Cleary's Mouse and the Motorcycle- which he loved and read a couple of those. Then branched out. He had to tell me what the story was about after reading. During school he has to read the relevant history sentence or VP card parellel in Kingfishers and frequently I have to pry him away from the book to do the next thing. Usborne is also a big hit here.
  4. Last year we were part of a CC community. This year we continue to use the CC guide and are participating in a classical co-op. All of the families invovled use the Foundations program and are committed to classical but we don't follow the CC class day format. CC is a memory program. It is systematic and does a great job of training parents how to teach memory work (if they work the program). It's strength is not content and even within some of the categories that are memorized they are not systematic in how they teach. We use it as a loose framework. In order to get the Power Point and the memory CD's you need to purchase them ($50- this month free shipping). History sentences are set to song, etc. There is a LOT of good info on there.
  5. Mine is up: Wild America. Did anyone else see the conjunction from your place?
  6. Gotta agree with Dirty Ethel on the counseling bit. Bad therapists abound but the good ones can truly be agents of change. The kids that bullied my son didn't need counseling, they needed spanked. Too bad the parents defended their behavior. I'm mad thinking about it!
  7. Have you heard of Reasons to Believe? Hugh Ross has some interesting ideas about how the world was populated, among other things :001_smile:www.reasons.org R2B is a Science Apologetics Ministry- they strive to show how science and religion are compatible.
  8. We have a long phone call with out dd once a week. We email, fb, blog more frequently. She said that most of the kid on her floor (18 yo fresh) talk with their moms several times a day. Wow. I just don't have the time for that (seriously, I still have 4 kids at home, housework, etc).
  9. Have you seen "Carmenda" by Logos- it looks like a great overview!
  10. Seconding what's been said. Layer. Hats- a must. Socks, cotton with warmer pair over, mittens, long underwear. If you're cold, it won't be fun.
  11. I'd go to a professional, Christian counselor. My dh (a psychologist) has worked with teens who are on the verge of suicide because of the bullying. Sounds like you ds has some trauma and talking him out of his deep anger and hurt over being disrespected, debased and demoralized isn't going to get to the root of it. My ds was bullyied in a co-op last year. We dealt with it then, but it still comes up. He felt so small, taken from, humiliated, impotent. And he's 8, and it wasn't that bad. I disagree (respectfully :)) with Kim- Your son can forgive the bullies, even if they aren't repentant. Forgiveness is an act that he does, that benefits him. Restoration is a seperate thing, as is repentence. He does need to go through steps of forgiveness, his pain and humiliation need validated, and his sense of mastery, potence and self need restored. My dh has taught and counseled extensively on forgiveness and restoration. If you'd like to know more about how he walks people through the steps of forgiveness, feel free to pm me.
  12. It could also indicate a thyroid condition. Do you have other symptoms? Might be time for a thyroid check.
  13. Date a black boy. We lived in a very racially mixed neighborhood and I had many friends that were black. My parents had a couple of good friends that had adopted interracially and they saw so much prejudice against thier children. They also had a good friend who had married an Indian and their kids were treated very poorly, too. My dh is about as white as you can get. My oldest dd, however, is head over heels over a Hungarian (dark skin, awesome accent -ethnically Asiatic).
  14. My dh and I see more and more technological intelligence and less and less relational intelligence. I do believe that much of it stems from a post-modern pov: I'll hear what I want, redefine what I don't and in the end get mine. I committed to homeschooling despite it having been a lonely road for us. Joanne's post touches the tip or the iceberg regarding the unnatural and plastic environment that government schools create. I am sorry you are struggling and I can relate.:grouphug: You are not alone!
  15. Phonics is important becasue it puts tools in your child's toolbox, empowering them to learn and grow intellectually on their own. We have always used a combo of Alphaphonics and ETC for phonics. I don't always finish the ETC series but I always finish AlphaPhonics. Once complete, the new reader reads daily to me -my choice and it could be anything- in order to ascertain that the new reader can read with ease and understanding. Imho it is one of the most important and foundational skills needed for true, independent learning. Having complete mastery allows the student to focus on the content of the material.
  16. Have everyone bring a baby picture, post on a large board and everyone guesses who is who. Have them write down interesting info about their lives that others might not know and have eveyone try to figure out who it is. I'd focus on community building games- creating an environment where they get to know each other better. One year for our homeschooling mom's retreat we had a questionaire of 30-40 items and everyone had to go around and ask people to sign something that pertained to them (i.e. "I have lived in Alaska" or "I have all boys"- etc). This was a great discussion starter and got everyone talking to each other. Lasagna sounds like a great meal- just add salad, bread, desert. Sams has a large pan for $10 (almost cheaper than making it!).
  17. What are yours? Last year we showered our living room with blown-up white balloons.The kids loved it. Looking for more simple, fun things to do. Ideas?
  18. Separation with strict stipulations about what it means to be together, at least. Abusive son should be told to leave. Now. All of that being said- it's up to her. I second the advice to not get sucked into the drama. There is a dance here and the victim is often a partner. Regardless, your friend needs to get into counseling herself, whether or not her dh or son will.
  19. We cut and put up our tree today. This year we put the large, live tree in the living room and put up our fake tree in the dining room. Lots of twinkle lights, Christmas music, tinsel, swags and ornaments that we've collected and made, as well as the fun of what we can give to each other. We celebrate Advent each year, as well as go to a Candlelight Christmas Eve service. Our oldest dd's birthday is Christmas Eve so it's her birthday, too! Lots of fun traditions to enjoy and memories to savor!
  20. I want to 2nd IEW- we have used it for years and are still learning and improving! For grammar I have used Our Mother Tongue. I have recently learned to diagram using the book- it is easy..and fun! Imagine that! I also think that it is very useful to memorize grammar terms. I'm using a Grammar lapbook in a co-op setting from HOAC (Grammar Detective) that is very thorough. All the best! You can do it:001_smile: (though I agree that your writing seems just fine).
  21. I am teaching the "Grammar of Poetry" in co-op this year and just love it. You would be surprised at what is and isn't involved. Flowery language need not apply but you will learn all about tropes (figures of speech) such as metaphor, simile, personification, etc....all the good stuff your kids will need to know for advanced writing. We have loved it- and I highly recommend the Logos program!
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