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  1. As vegans, we eat a lot of nooch (nutritional yeast). It's definately different from brewer's yeast, in taste and in nutritional benefits. Nutritional yeast (some brands are KAL, Red Star, and Now) has B12 in it and is used in a lot of vegan cheese recipes. One easy way to use it is to toss some chickpeas (garbanzos) with olive oil, nutritional yeast, and whatever other seasonings you want (salt, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, etc.) and roast them in the oven until crunchy. My kids love them. Lewis Labs in brewer's yeast, not nooch. Brewer's yeast is what is leftover from making beer, nutritional yeast is not. HTH
  2. I'm finishing up my second year of homeschooling my 7 year old who has Asperger's. I, too, worried about the social skills issues related to his Asperger's. We've tried a bunch of different things, but what seems to work best have been small daytime homeschool classes, small playdates with other homeschooled kids, and working on social things at home. I've actually seen his social skills improve tremendously. I've also found other homeschooling moms that have been really supportive. One friend of ours has books that my son likes laying out when we come over so that he can take a break from being in a social situation when he needs to. He seems to be a lot more comfortable in social situations now. We still have plenty of times where he struggles, but he has much more success than ever before now.
  3. We do Lollipop Logic too, but I think he would do the book in a couple of days if I had let him. He also loves logic games, as someone else previously mentioned. His favorites are Camelot Jr. and Prince and Dragon Go Getter.
  4. I also think it depends on the person's issues. My son has Asperger's and has taken formal IQ tests twice. Neither, in my opinion, were accurate at all. He scored gifted both times , but scores between the two showed twenty point differences. Supposedly that's not supposed to happen. :glare:
  5. Hey there. I'm just a lurker, but all three of my kids have had growth problems and were diagnosed with IUGR. My first was born at 41 weeks weighing 61/2 lbs, my second at 37 1/2 weeks at 5 lbs 14 oz, and my third at 38 weeks at 4 lbs, 14 oz. My oldest has Asperger's, but I don't think that is related to the IUGR at all. He's a tall and skinny 6 year old now. My middle child is on the small side. My youngest is also tall and skinny. All are really, really smart. I read the horror stories too, but I think that maybe the positive outcomes just aren't written about as much. I went to both an ob and a perinatologist (and practically lived there) for my last pregnancy. It turns out I had blood disorders, thyroid problems, and placentas that just don't work well! I think the most important thing for us was a ton of monitoring in the last trimester. Good luck!
  6. Hi. I mostly just lurk here and read a bunch, but I wanted to comment because we did K12 and my son has a severe peanut allergy. I tried talking to a bunch of different people (both at K12 and at the VA), but we still received used materials - even when I called and requested new materials after getting used materials the first time. My son is technically in K, but they advanced him to 1st in math (tested through) and 3rd in everything else. Although pp's have said that you can test through, in our experience, you cannot break up the Language Arts portion. For example, although my ds was doing 3rd grade LA, he was not up to 3rd grade in writing, but far beyond 3rd in reading, vocab, spelling, etc. However, the higher ups wouldn't let him advance in certain LA subjects - he had to advance in the whole thing. Also, the math was horrible. He would just get frustrated everyday. I also felt there was way too much assessing and testing - I almost felt like I was "teaching to the test." I did like it at first though, and I know others that are really pleased with it.
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