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Everything posted by Journey

  1. My dad is a great golfer (still is at 85 years old, I kid you not) my mom was great back in the day too. They have belonged to country clubs forever and way before golf was popular. They made me play when I was younger and I hated it, could kick myself now. My dad tried to get my daughter involved when she was around your son's age (he even made her a set of left handed clubs) she played for a minute and then quit. Now she could kick herself too. It is a great sport and I would nurture your dad's love for it and encourage your boys to try it.
  2. Wow...there are some very strong, judgmental comments on this thread. For those of you who have chosen to stay home with your children, you should be on your knees thankful that you are able to do that. There are those of us that NEED to work, to support our families. Maybe some families out there need two jobs to support their extravagant lifestyles but is that your/our business? Let's not be so judgemental, it only makes us look really ugly.
  3. I am a HUGE fan of hers. There is so much to admire, in my opinion, about this girl. She is so very talented and is really a good role model...yes, she has had alot of boyfriends....but that is another teaching tool as a mom to two daughters (me). My daughters love her (23 & 16) and we listen to her cd's on an almost daily basis. Go Taylor!
  4. I would never, ever, ever let my daughter ride without stirrups or reins, on a lunge line when she was first starting out. What would happen if the horse spooked? Would she know what to do with herself? I don't think she would. A trainer that my daughter had once wanted to do that and we never went back (and I've been involved with horses for many years). I also don't think it's a good idea to start out learning Western and then maybe switching to English. They are very different styles and sometimes it's hard to switch from one to the other. Let your daughter research both and figure out what sytle she likes the best. My daughter rides English and wouldn't ever go Western! I know Western riders who would never go English. It is such a preference and one that should be figured out before you go spending alot of money.
  5. Aside from the horse, is this an expensive sport to be involved it?--this is a VERY expensive sport to be involved in, especially if your daughter is going to be taking a long term interest in it I want this to a long term activity for her is she wants, so I would like to know the long term financial commitment.--that is up to you of course. She can take one lesson a week and take ages to advance or she can take more than one, she can lease a horse, she can have her own horse...each of these things are expensive Is it good exercise for the child?--it is good exercise but there are better ways to get their excercise Is this a sport for kids with rich parents?--from my experience (my daughter rides English) there are many, many kids with rich parents, but there are others (like us but we are in the minority) that don't have alot of money LOL I know that sounds silly but I am curious about the "airs" that stereotypically exist when english riding is portrayed in the media.--in our area, the stereotypes that you hear about are very real, snotty girls, girls who are rude to their parents and rough on their horses....but that doesn't have to be the way it is in your case. My daughter knows that if she were ever to show any kind of anger toward her horse at the barn, in her lessons or at a show, she will be yanked off so fast and be punished in a big way. She has learned to respect her horse because of that rule. Any other tips or "must know" information you can pass on would be great. There is so much good to say about this sport. Even though it is incredibly expensive it is so worth it. I can't tell you what having to take care of a living creature has taught my daughter. I am so grateful that we are able (on my very limited income) to have what we have. The Lord has and continues to bless us in this sport. If your daughter has the desire, nuture her in it and do whatever you need to do to help her. There are so many things to take into consideration when looking for a lesson barn. Do your homework before you leave the house!
  6. I'm not sure why this is even a question. Of course you should do something about it. The "charges" can't so you need to. I am so sick and tired of people treating other people poorly. Besides, this is their job. They are the ones who applied for and got it so they need to be doing their job. I don't even think I would be clever or kind about asking who they work for. I know myself, as a parent of a special needs child, and just being the kind of upfront person I am, I would go up and ask them, with a tone in my voice (to let them know I plan to do something about it) and find out who they work for and who their supervisor is. Then I would get on my phone and CALL THEM. These handicapped people deserve to be treated kindly and with respect and dignity. I really do think you know the answer to your question and if you don't, I'm not sure why. Wouldn't you want someone to do that for your child? I would do that for your child.
  7. This is actually Journey's daughter, but I thought I'd reply cuz I spend so much time looking for boy's names, for my next horse; but I look at human names to find them. My first choice is Jude. I love it, and if I never name a horse that, I will probably name my future son that. Other ones that I love are Ryan, Gavin, Nolan, Kane, and Gideon. Oh and I also loveee Italian names so Niko, Marco, and Valentino are also favorites, but those probably aren't what you're looking for! Anyway, I love Colton too!
  8. you saw the way my 16 year old daughter who goes to public school dresses? I ask this because I've read many threads about moms who don't want their daughters to wear low cut shirts or tight pants. My daughter doesn't wear low cut t shirts but she does wear tight jeans. She wears figure hugging t shirts too but her boobs (she doesn't have much) aren't hanging out. She straightens her hair and wears make up. She wears uggs in the winter and flips in the summer. She wears her t shirts tucked in with a big rhinestone belt buckle sometimes too. I don't tell her what to wear and I don't tell her what not to wear. She makes her own choices and she buys many of her clothes herself. She dresses like most of the teenaged girls her age. That is what is noticed on the outside. What isn't noticed is that she is on honor roll with distinction, she is a grand champion equestrian, she has had a part time job since the day she turned 16, she just got nominated by one of her teachers for the young Entreprenuers (I know I spelled that one wrong) program...a student can't enter this scholarship program without being nominated...she was nominated twice recently to enter a state wide modeling competition (which she isn't going to do, her choice) and I am told very often how mannerly and polite this child is. So....I'm saying this and asking if you would judge me or my daughter just by outward appearances. Why? Because I get the impression by people on here and by people I know in my private life, who do judge us because of what she wears. I can honestly say that I am so proud of my daughter and even more thankful to the Lord for the kind of person He has made her. Again, I'm just wondering.
  9. what would you do? We have a horse on trial....long story but he's going back and the owners have agreed (reluctantly) to repay the money my daughter has paid toward him. They made the first half of the payment and the rest of it is due on or before 6/1. They are going to be coming to get the horse....but who knows when. Their trucker is busy transporting race horses back to the track so he is very busy. We offered to trailer him but we will charge...our truck gets about 3 miles to the gallon and their farm is about 25 miles away. I need the stall space and I don't think (and this is part of my question) that I should be continuing to pay for this horse. I want to give them a date to have him out of there and if they can't do that, then I want to start charging them board as of that date....they agreed to pay for him over a week ago, so I've waited for the check and she said she mailed it....so now am I expected to pay for his upkeep until they can get him out of there? I don't think I am but I'm not sure. I mean, I want to be nice and fair but I don't have the money to be supporting two horses especially when one isn't mine anymore. Anyone have any ideas?
  10. I have a question that I think is sort of simple.
  11. can anyone tell me about this program? I'm thinking of it for my 23 year old daughter who has some learning disabilities and devleopmental delays. Is it hard to follow? Is the food regular food? It seems kind of pricey, $40 a month and I just wonder what you get for that money?
  12. Yes, my mom has dementia. It is both "fun" and very, very, very sad at the same time. Sad because I know my mom is in her final years and that scares me more than I can even say. I can't even imagine what it will be like with her not here. Fun because she is actually fun! She is like a little kid now really. She doesn't remember anything short term, like what she had for dinner 5 minutes ago but she can remember very much from years previous. My dad (84) mom is 85 is doing very, very well and is incredibly healthy, praise the Lord. My 23 year old daughter has moved in with them to help my dad with my mom. I know they see way more than I do but I feel like my mom is doing very well. I am so happy that she is able to be in her own home. She goes to adult daycare 3 days a week and loves it. That same daughter volunteers there too. For about 3 years before my mom starting losing her memory was awful to be around. She was so mean and I think it was because she knew she was getting older and losing her memory and that must have been very scary for her. Now she is never in a bad mood, jokes like crazy and really does act like a little kid. I'm glad for her. My dad keeps saying that she has Alzheimers (that is what her doctor says she has) but I don't believe it, not one bit. She is old and her memory is going, but she isn't doing any of the Alzheimer things that I've heard people to do.
  13. My daughter has ADHD and she's really cool. Her name is Karis!
  14. We need something over 16.1. My daughter is almost 5'10" and thin so she looks better on the bigger horses! Anglo Arabs have great feet which is huge but the ones I've seen are teeny!
  15. I'm not sure I would say anything right now. I would just stop having her watch my kids and when she asks why just say tell her then. By then you won't be as upset and you will be able to handle it much better. I'm not saying you are going to haul off and smack her if you did it now but I think it would be better to wait.
  16. Mejane, it's okay you really can love him! I do! I think JB is adorable. I think he has the cutest smile! I am laughing so hard reading these posts....I think I almost spit whatever was in my mouth when I read that someone here likes Aly and AJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! Do anyone other than you and me even know who they are????:w00t:
  17. this is a big step for me, but I feel I must. Okay, here it is....I love KID ROCK! Okay, I said it. :D
  18. Simka, I keep telling myself that I'm in the driver's seat and that makes me feel better. I just want the horse to go back to them and for us to have our money. There really isn't any reason for us to keep him. We had our trainer out yesterday and he said that the horse has alot going for him but the things that are an issue are really an issue for the show ring. Besides, he would make a better dressage or eventing prospect, not a hunter and that's what my daughter is looking for. One would think that horse hunting would be easy but it really is not.
  19. I am so stressed and upset and annoyed and a bunch of other feelings right about now. We had gotten (making payments on) a new horse for my 16 year old daughter. I will admit right up front that I went about this the wrong way in that I didn't get something signed from the very beginning. I guess the fact that we had finally found a suitable horse and the fact that I am very believing of everybody (I'm learning not to be anymore) that I didn'tgive it much thought at the very beginning. I have been texting, e-maling, written a letter from about a week after we got him asking them to sit down with me to write up a contract. Every one of my communications has been ignored. They write back but never to set up a time. Well now the woman has taken off with her two kids and left the guy. I want out of this arrangement yesterday. Praise the Lord that the guy said he would repay my daughther her money but he doesn't have it right now. I've given him 30 days to come up with it and I will keep the horse and free lease it until he does. As far as I know, he doesn't even know where the horse is. he thinks we just don't want the horse anymore (we are/were on the fence about that because he is not suitable for a hunter and that's what my daughter rides) but that wasn't the main reason we wanted out...we want out because of their not wanting to write a contract. He keeps texting me now saying how he is fighting for his kids and she has left him and while I really feel sorry for him that isn't my concern and I don't want to be invovled with any of them anymore. So, until I have the money in my hand, he will not get this horse. I will continue to take excellent care of him but I said in both text and e-mail to all of them that if something isn't signed within 24 hours then I will not be held responsible for this horse anymore. I have no freaking idea if that is even something I can say (to hold up in a small claims court if it gets to that point) but I feel like I have to say something. My nerves are shot. Thanks for listening and please pray if you feel led. We could really use it.
  20. You guys are the best! Thank you Random for your nice comment and Mrs. Mungo, that quiche is exactly the way I make it...so for this person that I'm making the meals for, it wouldn't work!
  21. Mrs. Mungo, quiche isn't healthy!!!!!!!!!!
  22. we need to make some meals for a friend. I would really like to make some that can be frozen so I can make a few of them at a time. I'm already going to make chili, chicken parmesan, chicken soup (without potatoes so it can go in the freezer) but I would like some other ideas. I need for the meals to be healthy too! Thanks
  23. I just gotta say that I am so not normal on this board! Lots of people were saying that they get rid of cell phones, computers, television, don't let their kids eat in the car...well.... I don't know what I would do without my cell phone...it keeps me connected to everyone, my computer gets me through my sometimes boring (yes boring) days at work and my television? I daydream about getting home from my busy day and getting into my bed to watch television. My kids and I eat in my car pretty much every single day and while it's not spic and span spotless, it's still clean. And with all of our "shouldn't haves" I have to say that my daughters and I have very loving, normal, fun, healthy, strong relationships with each other. People have often commented on how well we all get along and how well rounded and balanced my girls are and they spend (we spend) lots and lots of time on our cell phone, computer, television and eating...heck if we could talk on our cell phones while playing on the computer and watch television while eating in the car, our days would be complete!
  24. My heart breaks for you and your family. I cannot even begin to imagine how that must feel. Poor Sam. Truly I hope that dog is put down. I will pray.
  25. We live about an hour and a half from Buffalo and I really like NY for the amenities....not so much for the taxes. The area will live in is both rural and residential. Go one mile from our house and you have Target, Walmart, huge grocery store, banks, resturants....everything....go one mile the other way and there are farm fields. For us this area is wonderful. Would I live here if I had a choice? Probably not, but I don't have a choice so we make the best of it.
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